Official back & Front thread

Started by looking4truth, February 08, 2010, 08:08:44 PM

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BACK is a member of the MJJC message board which is one of the largest Michael Jackson fan club message boards.  In 2005 and 2006, he posted some interesting posts that refer to this adventure we are on right now. I just want to pick out some of the posts that stand out. However, you can check out all of them HERE: ... light=back.  A HUGE thanks goes to Pammy for taking the time to posting all of these. Please look at the dates and times of these posts.

One of his most popular posts was of the New 7 Day Theory, which was posted by BACK on June 25, 2006 in response to a thread about 2Pac and his seven day theory. The comparison between 2Pac and Michael was recently mentioned on TMZ ( ... other-day/). These posts may be hard to comprehend at first. However, it is one of the most convincing pieces I've read from an "informer". Please look at the date and time and also note the mention of Mystery777, another member on that same board that folks thought to be MJ. Here is a post from that member:

Here is the theory:
Here is another screenshot that's in reference to his 7 Day theory:

After June 25th, BACK posted a conclusion of sorts about his theory, which makes references to Jesus, Archangel Michael, Evan Chandler and also this being 20 years in the making: ... 937-25.htm (screenshots are towards the middle of the page. If you wish to just read the text only, you can go to the first page of the thread)

The conclusion may make some people a little uncomfortable and indifference towards BACK but please continue to read. You may disagree with him on some things but other things cannot be denied. For instance, this post about This is It:  and this post about one day of simmering: ... 252610.jpg. Haven't we heard MJ say the word "simmering" quite a bit in the movie, This is it? I have also written a post about how the TII post could be connected with the three sevens MJ wore in the movie HERE: viewtopic.php?f=17&t=3635.

Are these posts just mere coincidences?  It's up to you but I think we all know how we feel about coincidences.

Here are a few other interesting posts from BACK:
Not a comeback but a TAKEOVER: ... ver161.jpg
Check your future history books:
The King is BACK:
Media Failed: (Even mentions Harvey Levin, that lawyer that runs TMZ...hmmm...)

Some members believed/believe that he is MJ himself. I am not too sure of that but I do believe that he is "in the know".

And do you notice a certain catch phrase in his posts? Keep Watchin? Listen closely @ 00:18 of the official preview of TII: (Thanks to members at the old board for finding that). And remember what TMZ folks said to some of us hoax believers when confronted about the R.I.P. list? Keep watching! (viewtopic.php?f=48&t=4896)

So sometimes my dear believers that are losing faith after today, we have to look BACK to move FORWARD. :)

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June 15, 2011, 05:41:12 PM #1245 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

curls, I stopped researching all this a long time ago and have deleted all my notes so some of this is hazy. The interpretation of the NEW 7 Day Theory came with BACK's cryptic reference to Tupac's album The Don Killuminati, The 7 Day Theory.

Here is a wiki blurb to explain -
While incarcerated in Clinton Correctional Facility, Shakur read and studied Niccolò Machiavelli and other published works, which inspired his pseudonym "Makaveli" under which he released the record album The Don Killuminati: The 7 Day Theory. The album presents a stark contrast to previous works. Throughout the album, Shakur continues to focus on the themes of pain and aggression, making this album one of the emotionally darker works of his career. Shakur wrote and recorded all the lyrics in only three days and the production took another four days, combining for a total of seven days to complete the album (hence the name).[/b][/color]

The rumours about Tupac faking his death to fool his enemies are well documented urban legend. But what was even more interesting was the link to Machievelli, who was ALSO rumoured to have faked his death at one time during his life because in his most famous work titled The Prince he advocated deception "in order to fool one's enemies". But of course this is not proven, it's just a lot of speculation.

So with some of BACK's more cryptic posts about future history books, not a comeback but a takeover, the world will tremble and so on, coupled with the relapse to 6/25/2006 post - the interpretation of the NEW 7 day theory was that MJ faked his death too. We saw what happened - the world did tremble and Google had a meltdown on 25th June 2009. The media went into overdrive for weeks afterwards - Larry King Live featured MJ every night without a break for nearly FIVE weeks! I doubt there is another living person who could hold the media's attention for that long after their death. We're still waiting on what the "future history books" are going to say because it's not over yet. Will the earth rock one more time and the internet crash and the media go haywire?  Only time will tell.

After reading BACK's posts that he made following the release of the court documents, it's clear the NEW 7 Day Theory was NOT about an album. Far from it. However ALL of it, every single cryptic post is open to interpretation based on what you want to believe, especially the last one about the N7DT, where BACK posted he was wrong and that MJ really died.


June 15, 2011, 09:03:37 PM #1246 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

SERIOUSLY! if suspicions were entirely absent, there would DEFINITELY be something mentally askew with that picture. A circumspect approach will harvest the most profitable rewards, to those who use said approach, when the seeds that are "planted" come to fruition.

That said, I guess some people didn't sense the humor & sarcasm in my previous post. Perhaps it hasn't "simmered" long enough yet. 60-day old chili, anyone? ;)

Remember these numbers---if you don't, your understanding of the 7DT will be irretrievable and you will be perpetually "BAM"-boozled as you try to comprehend events and the why's, when's, how's, etc. etc. etc.

tuck them away in a dark, safe place in the BACK of your memory banks. Jun 11 2011 post + 60 days (+1 day of Simmering), resurrect them----> to the FRONT. My presence here may be scarce from now until then.

uhmmm...I VAGUELY recall seeing some posts touching on the subject of how it's "possible" that meticulously planned events/dates, such as the Pure Genius that we are dealing with here in the wake of 6-25-09, "MIGHT" not have been in the planning stages for an extensive period of time. Please allow me to state my opinion on that..........





p.s.  lolol/


June 15, 2011, 09:16:31 PM #1247 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "Front"

SERIOUSLY! if suspicions were entirely absent, there would DEFINITELY be something mentally askew with that picture. A circumspect approach will harvest the most profitable rewards, to those who use said approach, when the seeds that are "planted" come to fruition.

That said, I guess some people didn't sense the humor & sarcasm in my previous post. Perhaps it hasn't "simmered" long enough yet. 60-day old chili, anyone? ;)

Remember these numbers---if you don't, your understanding of the 7DT will be irretrievable and you will be perpetually "BAM"-boozled as you try to comprehend events and the why's, when's, how's, etc. etc. etc.

tuck them away in a dark, safe place in the BACK of your memory banks. Jun 11 2011 post + 60 days (+1 day of Simmering), resurrect them----> to the FRONT. My presence here may be scarce from now until then.

uhmmm...I VAGUELY recall seeing some posts touching on the subject of how it's "possible" that meticulously planned events/dates, such as the Pure Genius that we are dealing with here in the wake of 6-25-09, "MIGHT" not have been in the planning stages for an extensive period of time. Please allow me to state my opinion on that..........





p.s.  lolol/

Re: For those of you losing faith, take a look "BACK" shall

Postby Front » Sat Jun 11, 2011 6:21 pm
The sun will rise again, bigger and brighter, emblazoned in a beacon whose physical existence was provisionally "extinguished"...but never forgotten. Those "flames" are the heart of the passionate inferno of resurgence that awaits. Some things are not meant to be ascertained but to be envisaged through delicate whispers. Just as the Earth is sure to rotate on its axis, the resurrection of a true King will indeed proclaim Hi(s)Story...and the truth shall be heard in ALL corners of the Earth. Momentarily, the world will quake, for there will be a cosmic shift in "dogma". Time is of the essence, but patience is a viture in [r]evolutionary milestones. Until then, from beyond the gates of that KINGdom----> whispers shall be heard................

relapse back to Aug 25's post, Jun 11 2011

21---> 7+7+7
13+8=21---> 7+7+7

and so the Theory of 7 continues.................

So more information will be given August 10th or August 11th?
I'm proud to be a child of God and a member of MJ's Army of L.O.V.E.
"Press coverage of my life is like [watching] a fictitious watching science fiction. It's not true." ~Michael Jackson (2005)

"You should not believe everything you read. You are missing the most important revelations". Craig Harvey 3-15-2012


June 15, 2011, 09:19:35 PM #1248 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "Front"

SERIOUSLY! if suspicions were entirely absent, there would DEFINITELY be something mentally askew with that picture. A circumspect approach will harvest the most profitable rewards, to those who use said approach, when the seeds that are "planted" come to fruition.

That said, I guess some people didn't sense the humor & sarcasm in my previous post. Perhaps it hasn't "simmered" long enough yet. 60-day old chili, anyone? ;)

Remember these numbers---if you don't, your understanding of the 7DT will be irretrievable and you will be perpetually "BAM"-boozled as you try to comprehend events and the why's, when's, how's, etc. etc. etc.

tuck them away in a dark, safe place in the BACK of your memory banks. Jun 11 2011 post + 60 days (+1 day of Simmering), resurrect them----> to the FRONT. My presence here may be scarce from now until then.

uhmmm...I VAGUELY recall seeing some posts touching on the subject of how it's "possible" that meticulously planned events/dates, such as the Pure Genius that we are dealing with here in the wake of 6-25-09, "MIGHT" not have been in the planning stages for an extensive period of time. Please allow me to state my opinion on that..........





p.s.  lolol/
I can't see a thing in those numbers. Maybe you could be so kind to at least give us a chance to understand them?

And yes, I do see the humor and sarcasm, but others don't.


June 15, 2011, 09:25:39 PM #1249 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "GINAFELICIA"

TS_comments didn't log in since he posted the last TIAI, so it seems.
TS didn't log in since april.
But this is not relevant. He can be here under another username.

Or as a guest most probably.


June 15, 2011, 09:34:18 PM #1250 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "~Souza~"

I can't see a thing in those numbers. Maybe you could be so kind to at least give us a chance to understand them?



Maybe it's a phone number? This is starting to look more and more like those "escape the room" games with all the codes, can someone post a walkthrough?


June 15, 2011, 09:55:01 PM #1251 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest


It's so sad to hear you will be making yourself scarce here until
August. If I calculate correctly that should be the time of the trial, should it take place that is!!!!

Looking forward to hearing more from you.

Quote from: "Front"

SERIOUSLY! if suspicions were entirely absent, there would DEFINITELY be something mentally askew with that picture. A circumspect approach will harvest the most profitable rewards, to those who use said approach, when the seeds that are "planted" come to fruition.

That said, I guess some people didn't sense the humor & sarcasm in my previous post. Perhaps it hasn't "simmered" long enough yet. 60-day old chili, anyone? ;)

Remember these numbers---if you don't, your understanding of the 7DT will be irretrievable and you will be perpetually "BAM"-boozled as you try to comprehend events and the why's, when's, how's, etc. etc. etc.

tuck them away in a dark, safe place in the BACK of your memory banks. Jun 11 2011 post + 60 days (+1 day of Simmering), resurrect them----> to the FRONT. My presence here may be scarce from now until then.

uhmmm...I VAGUELY recall seeing some posts touching on the subject of how it's "possible" that meticulously planned events/dates, such as the Pure Genius that we are dealing with here in the wake of 6-25-09, "MIGHT" not have been in the planning stages for an extensive period of time. Please allow me to state my opinion on that..........





p.s.  lolol/
Michael Supporter
Be the change you wish to see in the world.
~Mahatma Gandhi


June 15, 2011, 09:56:14 PM #1252 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "Front"

SERIOUSLY! if suspicions were entirely absent, there would DEFINITELY be something mentally askew with that picture. A circumspect approach will harvest the most profitable rewards, to those who use said approach, when the seeds that are "planted" come to fruition.

That said, I guess some people didn't sense the humor & sarcasm in my previous post. Perhaps it hasn't "simmered" long enough yet. 60-day old chili, anyone? ;)

Remember these numbers---if you don't, your understanding of the 7DT will be irretrievable and you will be perpetually "BAM"-boozled as you try to comprehend events and the why's, when's, how's, etc. etc. etc.

tuck them away in a dark, safe place in the BACK of your memory banks. Jun 11 2011 post + 60 days (+1 day of Simmering), resurrect them----> to the FRONT. My presence here may be scarce from now until then.

uhmmm...I VAGUELY recall seeing some posts touching on the subject of how it's "possible" that meticulously planned events/dates, such as the Pure Genius that we are dealing with here in the wake of 6-25-09, "MIGHT" not have been in the planning stages for an extensive period of time. Please allow me to state my opinion on that..........





p.s.  lolol/
Bingo! That's more like it. Thanks BACK, I mean.... FRONT.  bow/ I can relax now. Your work is done. beerchug
I'm off to make whoopie, it helps clear the head. Hmmm I can see there's no appropriate smiley for that, shame. Souza you really should consider that, I've often thought it would benefit people in this forum if they er, "got out" more.  :lol:  ;)  :o  8-)


June 15, 2011, 10:02:19 PM #1253 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "michaelsupporter"


It's so sad to hear you will be making yourself scarce here until
August. If I calculate correctly that should be the time of the trial, should it take place that is!!!!

Opening statements are set for September 20 (unless it was delayed again and I missed it). 9+20+2011=2040


June 15, 2011, 11:15:00 PM #1254 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "Sarah31"

Quote from: "michaelsupporter"


It's so sad to hear you will be making yourself scarce here until
August. If I calculate correctly that should be the time of the trial, should it take place that is!!!!

Opening statements are set for September 20 (unless it was delayed again and I missed it). 9+20+2011=2040
Thanks Sarah31 for refreshing my memory!!!
Michael Supporter
Be the change you wish to see in the world.
~Mahatma Gandhi


June 15, 2011, 11:18:41 PM #1255 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "Front"

SERIOUSLY! if suspicions were entirely absent, there would DEFINITELY be something mentally askew with that picture. A circumspect approach will harvest the most profitable rewards, to those who use said approach, when the seeds that are "planted" come to fruition.

That said, I guess some people didn't sense the humor & sarcasm in my previous post. Perhaps it hasn't "simmered" long enough yet. 60-day old chili, anyone? ;)

Remember these numbers---if you don't, your understanding of the 7DT will be irretrievable and you will be perpetually "BAM"-boozled as you try to comprehend events and the why's, when's, how's, etc. etc. etc.

tuck them away in a dark, safe place in the BACK of your memory banks. Jun 11 2011 post + 60 days (+1 day of Simmering), resurrect them----> to the FRONT. My presence here may be scarce from now until then.

uhmmm...I VAGUELY recall seeing some posts touching on the subject of how it's "possible" that meticulously planned events/dates, such as the Pure Genius that we are dealing with here in the wake of 6-25-09, "MIGHT" not have been in the planning stages for an extensive period of time. Please allow me to state my opinion on that..........





p.s.  lolol/

third number should be 80...NOT 60. I hit the wrong damn key. It's been corrected in my original post---see above.

I shall not jest...the numbers will make sense on the 777th day from "Lights Out".


June 15, 2011, 11:28:31 PM #1256 Last Edit: June 15, 2011, 11:36:26 PM by michaelsupporter

August 12
Is that when your next movie comes out, Michael????

Michael Supporter
Be the change you wish to see in the world.
~Mahatma Gandhi


June 15, 2011, 11:35:01 PM #1257 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

Well that's sort of a crucial correction isn't it.

Remember what I said about regular math being predictable and all equations the same forwards and backwards? Yeah. Front, your math requires us to keep watching and thus waiting... til August. We can't decipher it alone, but then you knew that. Sigh.

Are you entertained?


June 15, 2011, 11:37:33 PM #1258 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "michaelsupporter"

Thanks Sarah31 for refreshing my memory!!!

You are welcome!

28 = August 11?


June 15, 2011, 11:39:33 PM #1259 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

And no it's 8/11/11=777 days + 1 day of simmering.

Are you entertained?

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