Sorry if this has been put together before.
I have just read this at M J H D - a r c h i v e :
The Hoax Death Answer right in front of our Eyes all Along.
Here we can read briefly that the answer is in front of our eyes all along, because Murray states that he found him still having faint pulse, warm body, not breathing and, even having pulse, Murray proceeded to administer CPR.
" Jackson still had a faint pulse and a warm body when Murray found him in bed and not breathing Thursday afternoon, Chernoff said in the AP interview.
Chernoff said Murray was at the pop icon's rented mansion when he discovered Jackson in bed and not breathing. The doctor immediately began administering CPR, Chernoff said. "
In this point, I´d like to know if any qualified person have commented something here, has someone told us if this is a normal procedure?
Because if it´s not, and here is what I´ve found, the 911 call receiver proceeded also wrong.
The person who called 911 says that they have a man not breathing, not conscious. Nothing more. And then the receiver says to put him on the floor for CPR...
So if this is not a normal procedure, both Murray statement and 911 call were an answer right in front of our eyes all along...