There wasn't a rediffusion of yesterday episode...that's so bad because I wanted to record it to show it...This morning I recorded the last one,but as I'm one unlucky and clumsy as hell...There wasn't sound recorded,I'm so angry :evil:
And I sent them 3 messages already to ask them to upload it somewhere and they don't reply.
I think that some are right,maybe Michael don't want that to be broadcasted on TV,that's a possibility,but if he hoaxed his death and left us with so many clues as we're thinking,then he must doubt that we would be thousand to begin researching and that many would create forum,videos to spread it and convince people surounding them...That to be expected,he has to know about this.
Fans always fought to make the world,the people around them to know the truth about him,so of course about his death,it's expected that many of his fans would fight to get the truth to be heard.That always has been this way.
By the way,as an apology that I couldn't record the sound for the show from earlier Morning(making it impossible to sub it in english,because I don't hear anythin),I have included in the video a little summary of what being said,globally in it,I made it right away to not forget.
I know it won't be cool at all and won't be the way it should have been but if you're interested :
Sorry again,for not being able to put here the show with correct subs.
And I wanted to ask,kel70 ,does your friend remember the title of this hoax show that you talked about ? Maybe we can find this one ! It would be victory for us again :D