TMZ interviews with Dr Kline (not sure how old these are)

Started by Ijustcantstoplovingu, January 28, 2010, 01:20:36 PM

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IjustcantstoplovinguTopic starter

I cam across this interview with Harvey and Dr Kline, not sure how old these are couldnt find a date but after the Memorial.  His views on all things MJ, the family and Dr Murray are revealing.  There are 1 -  10 sections of this interview.  Im half way through its very interesting to hear his perspective, I have not seen these before.  Sorry if these have been posted in the past, but its maybe a good idea to review all things. ... eb5cacd53f

At one point during the interview Dr Kline talks about Dr Murray giving MJ sodium bicarbonate by injection which apparently is contra indicated for a person with heart failure see following link ... csobic.pdf



Quote from: "Ijustcantstoplovingu"

I cam across this interview with Harvey and Dr Kline, not sure how old these are couldnt find a date but after the Memorial.  His views on all things MJ, the family and Dr Murray are revealing.  There are 1 -  10 sections of this interview.  Im half way through its very interesting to hear his perspective, I have not seen these before.  Sorry if these have been posted in the past, but its maybe a good idea to review all things. ... eb5cacd53f

At one point during the interview Dr Kline talks about Dr Murray giving MJ sodium bicarbonate by injection which apparently is contra indicated for a person with heart failure see following link ... csobic.pdf


In which part does he talk about the baking soda.  The first thing that comes to mind is how would Dr. Klein know that if he never heard of Dr. Murray before Michael's death.  I guess I'll have to watch them but really don't want to - So again, do you know which part this is mentioned - A big thanks............

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