Tito also wearing same outfit after MJ's death on show.

Started by msteetee34, January 28, 2010, 01:02:20 AM

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msteetee34Topic starter

I pointed out before that Marlon was wearing the same outfit on the Jackson family dynasty show in footage shot before and after MJ passed right.  Well I also noticed that on the first episode before MJ passed and the brothers went to the dance rehearsal with the female choreographer Tito was wearing a black hat, red shirt, and black pants.  Well in the next episode which is after MJ passes Tito goes to the studio to meet up with his 3 sons.  Guess what he's wearing the red shirt, black hat, and black pants.  So what's up with that?  Both brothers wearing exactly the same outfits before and after MJ passed.  It's kinda seem like everything was actually filmed on the same day or are they mixing up the footage on the show?  This is the same episode too where Tito son talking about they thought MJ's death was a hoax at first.  I was like why would he even feel the need to say that?

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