something im having trouble with

Started by weirdperson, January 26, 2010, 02:36:30 PM

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weirdpersonTopic starter

I know that michael jackson is indeed alive but there are so many others questions that come unanswered. i recently went on youtube and type leaked pics of paris jackson  what shock me was that there was so many. Now somthing of those were posers but moslty the others were real.
1.Why is there so many leaked pictures of paris jackson?
2. It is moslty paris hanging out with the MALNIKS. For those who dont know Al and Nancy malnik used to be michaels friend and they have an eleven year old daughter named spencer malnik. Those pictures are being leaked .But whos doing it. i heard that Michael didnt stay friends with AL and Nancy because they leaked pictures of prince and paris when they were younger.
3.If michael is alive then where could he be hidden?
4. Why did the jackson brothers even do the show if they knew they werent going to actually perform and do a concert?
I really want some of these questions answered. :oops:

Alem (Thetruth)


I am not fond of them being exposed on Youtube like this, someone leaked those photos and it is not  a good friend.

All he wanted was the mountain high
Beyond these boundaries,he wanted to fly
In nature\'s scheme,never to die
– MJ



grace's email was heaked and nancy malnik sent her those pics that uve seen on the internet.
the pics from ireland with the kids were also send



Michael wants the children to have a normal childhood and it angers me when people leak private photos of the children. They are just kids, they shouldn't be dragged through the mud. It's not their fault that their father happens to be the biggest entertainer of all time.

"No one should judge what I\'ve done with my life. Not unless they\'ve been in my shoes every horrible day and every sleepless night." ~ Michael J. (1995)