NEW!! TMZ.. Murray Lawyer previous experience in Propofol

Started by DancingTheDream, January 08, 2010, 04:50:29 PM

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DancingTheDreamTopic starter

Dr. Conrad Murray's new lawyer claims he's the best of the best when it comes to cases involving Propofol and death -- and dude has the track record to prove it.

TMZ spoke to J. Michael Flanagan who told us, "I'm probably the only attorney in town that has successfully tried a Propofol case involving death."

Back in 2004, Flanagan defended a nurse who was accused of wrongly administering the stuff to a patient who later died. The nurse was charged with involuntary manslaughter -- the same crime we're told the D.A. is likely to charge Murray with. But with Flanagan by her side, the nurse was acquitted.

As for Murray's role in the Michael Jackson case, Flanagan told us, "I am totally unaware of any facts that would give rise to an involuntary manslaughter charge."

As TMZ first reported, the LAPD is expected to hand over their case to the L.A. District Attorney in a matter of weeks. We're told the D.A will almost certainly criminally charge Murray in MJ's death.

TMZ are going crazy today with these stories..   whats going on and why imply that Murray is going to get off before a court case has even begun?



~A serious face is not yet an indication of intellect. All stupid things in the world are done with that exact expression. Smile, gentlemen, smile!~  


Ha! Murray will never see the darkness of a dungeon jail cell..i knew it! The hoax train is moving along. :lol:


Has any other news source besides TMZ reported anything on this? I am not seeing anything so far.

I close my eyes just to try and see you smile one more time
Its been so long now all I do is cry
Cant we find some love to take this away
Cause the pain gets stronger every day
Cant you see I dont wanna walk away


I just really, really, really hope we are right and this is a hoax... coz if it's not and Murray gets off... MJ gets no justice.


even if michael is dead, he is not going to jail. the case is really weak. anesthesia intoxication happens all the time and no one goes to jail because of it.

DancingTheDreamTopic starter

Quote from: "larab"

even if michael is dead, he is not going to jail. the case is really weak. anesthesia intoxication happens all the time and no one goes to jail because of it.

It happens all the time?  Where?  It definitely doesnt happen all the time in the UK!!


The only punishment that makes me believe that Michael really is dead, is a torture to death punishment.

But as I've said, Conrad Murray isn't a real name, a false name can't be judged, a false name can't be confirmed guilty/(death in Michael Joe Jackson's case)

Michael's actor will walk innoncent out from the court, and this thing doesn't start before some weeks..
-Within then Michael might be back!


Quote from: "DancingTheDream"

Quote from: "larab"

even if michael is dead, he is not going to jail. the case is really weak. anesthesia intoxication happens all the time and no one goes to jail because of it.

It happens all the time?  Where?  It definitely doesnt happen all the time in the UK!!
And not outside of a hospital ..........
Everyday creates your HIStory.........
Everypath you take your leaving your legacy.......

DancingTheDreamTopic starter

Quote from: "Leah-Kim"

Quote from: "DancingTheDream"

Quote from: "larab"

even if michael is dead, he is not going to jail. the case is really weak. anesthesia intoxication happens all the time and no one goes to jail because of it.

It happens all the time?  Where?  It definitely doesnt happen all the time in the UK!!
And not outside of a hospital ..........
This would be the perfect opportunity for the police and the courts to make an example out of these "feel good" doctors who use and abuse their patients trust by pumping them full of drugs that do more harm than good.
They have no conscience and care more about their wallets than the Hippocratic oath.

Think how many people have died in 2009 alone due to prescription drug abuse and how many celebs have come foul of it.

This would be a great time for the courts to crack down on this idiotic practice and throw the book at Murray and make him an example to the rest of the worlds doctors.. send out a message that this will not be tolerated.

Just because "its happened before and no-one has gone to jail".. isnt good enough. So we all supposed to sigh, sit back and let this one go?

If Michael JAckson really is dead, then Dr Murray has robbed the Worlds of a great talent and thrown a spotlight onto the shady practices of these doctors.

JUSTICE.  Keep fighting...   shame on anyone that throws in the towel and doesnt fight for a change.


Quote from: "larab"

even if michael is dead, he is not going to jail. the case is really weak. anesthesia intoxication happens all the time and no one goes to jail because of it.

This doctor showed gross negligence.  I can't agree that this case is weak.  It is quite different from any other I have ever heard about.  If Michael is indeed dead from this asshole who was on the premises at the time and not monitoring Michael and beating him to death breaking his damn ribs trying to perform cpr for crying out loud, and neglecting to  dial 911 in a timely manner..he is a straight up murderer.
"Don't stop this child, He's the father of man
Don't cross his way, He's part of the plan
I am that child, but so are you
You've just forgotten, Just lost the clue."

MJ "Magical Child"
Still Rocking my World...
   and leaving me Speechless!

"True goodbyes are the ones never said


Quote from: "hesouttamylife"

Quote from: "larab"

even if michael is dead, he is not going to jail. the case is really weak. anesthesia intoxication happens all the time and no one goes to jail because of it.

This doctor showed gross negligence.  I can't agree that this case is weak.  It is quite different from any other I have ever heard about.  If Michael is indeed dead from this asshole who was on the premises at the time and not monitoring Michael and beating him to death breaking his damn ribs trying to perform cpr for crying out loud, and neglecting to  dial 911 in a timely manner..he is a straight up murderer.

Kinda funny.. But it's damn sad. Michael didn't deserve this. Therefore I think he was smarter than employe an idiot.. I would rather call Bear Grylls or Survivorman, than having an uproffsional "dr" that didn't know how to do CPR!! :lol: If this is true, which I so badly don't think.. I think Murray is the most stupid person ever.. Can't do CPR when you are doctor.. Jesus christ. I learned that in 4th grade.

I think seriously MJ, and his team would check the doctor they had in their house.
-Like doing CPR, and stop bleedings etc.. Important things to rescue a person that was about to die.


Nobody is neither dead nor asleep from PROP OF FOOL.

P-R-O-P-O-F-O-L = FOOL+ PROP = The prop used to fool the industry into thinking that he had been sleep induced for eternity. Who is the fool now? ... lue-0-0-3/

Annie's findings on Propofol:
[Propofol provides loss of awareness ] ... .htm#10263

Create your day. Create the most astounding year of your life. Be the change you want to see in the world! L.O.V.E.
"I am tired, I am really tired of manipulation." Michael Jackson, Harlem, New York, NY, July 6, 2002
******* Let's tear the walls in the brains of this world down.*******

Time to BE.


this is about the lawyer he going to they have already got the getting off the hook sorted, this should be good. ... -propofol/




Quote from: "DancingTheDream"

Quote from: "larab"

even if michael is dead, he is not going to jail. the case is really weak. anesthesia intoxication happens all the time and no one goes to jail because of it.

It happens all the time?  Where?  It definitely doesnt happen all the time in the UK!!
Neither in Canada :shock:

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