People Worshipping Michael?? Check this new site out!

Started by i_need YoU, January 06, 2010, 12:23:14 AM

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Ok so this site is a little creepy and hopefully untrue..check out this link and read the press release...seems like they are trying to make a new religion of some sort through "The Great Michael Jackson"..please say this is a bogus site!!

Opinions needed please
One more says they are making a book...kinda like the bible but in Michaels ways??



January 06, 2010, 04:53:22 PM #45 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "i_need YoU"

Ok so this site is a little creepy and hopefully untrue..check out this link and read the press release...seems like they are trying to make a new religion of some sort through "The Great Michael Jackson"..please say this is a bogus site!!

Opinions needed please
One more says they are making a book...kinda like the bible but in Michaels ways??

OMG, this is the weirdest thing ever  :lol:
Some people need a mental check up

Let\'s not forget...


January 06, 2010, 04:57:21 PM #46 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "Ninanina"

Quote from: "Sarahli"

Quote from: "larab"

jesus has been chosen? lol

created if you prefer but we've all been created by God so I don't see where's your point ?

If you believe in God, how do YOU know, who's been chosen and who's not?
Because the Holy Book says so (wich is the word of God)

I absoluty love Michael, he such a wonderfull person but he is not a religious person nor a prophet.
The only one I worship is God. And I believe in his messengers and the angels. And I know Michael isnt a part of that.

@ Sarahli, I totally agree with you  :D

Let\'s not forget...


January 06, 2010, 05:10:17 PM #47 Last Edit: January 06, 2010, 05:32:52 PM by Lizziebee

Thank you, love. You're right. <3
Michael did say that he does NOT consider himself to be Jesus or God. But that he tries to be like Jesus. ^_^ He's also said that his faith gives him strength. Yes, Michael deserves all the respect and love we have to give.

Quote from: "looking4truth"

Quote from: "Ninanina"

Jesus was a human being. And religion is man-made.
Jesus - as a human being - wasn't perfect either.
But the idea of Jesus / his message was perfect.

I'll never understand, why it is a problem to compare recent human beings with past human beings, who were sainted after death by human beings. Never.

Very interesting point. I was going to say that one can make the argument that we, in general, do "worship" celebrities for we do put them on a pedestal, subconsciously or consciously. People use the word idol, a musical God, or think of some celebrities as a saint (i.e. Michael Jackson) so is it really that far off to have a religion after him? We also are all here because we believe that he is alive and some of us think he has a very important message for us. Doesn't that sound familiar? Also, in Christianity, members worship Jesus Christ, who was a human being in the Bible (as Ninanina pointed out).  There are other examples in other religions but I'll just leave it there.
You guys make good points but....
Yes, Jesus was human. But the bible says he was without sin. He was pure, a precious lamb. That is why he was sent to earth. To take OUR punishment and die for OUR sins. He died for Michael, me, and all of you. His message was LOVE as well. Laying down your life for a friend/brother is the ultimate gift. Even with all that he endured and while hanging on the cross, he asked God to forgive them for crucifying him. I don't know about you but it's hard to imagine myself asking God to forgive the people who beat me and hung me on a cross. But that's why Jesus is so amazing. We had a jail sentence and he took our place. He was completely innocent.

So, it is different. Sorry. Don't wanna offend anyone. But this is what I believe. Please don't feel as if I'm forcing my beliefs on you. That's something I'd never do. God gave us all free will. Again, Michael said he tried to live like Jesus. <3

And @ninanina...You are right. Religion is man-made. I've learned not to go by religion but more so my beliefs. I have faith and my beliefs but I think people focus too much on what is the "right" religion. It divides us as people. I mean, people have been killed for following a religion that was not accepted in their family/town/country. It's crazy. I consider myself very spiritual but not very 'religious.' I hope I'm making sense here.  ;)

I know what you are referring to. A lot of people consider sports their higher power. Like running for example. ^_^

Quote from: "Sarahli"

I still cannot understand why people have to precise that Michael is a human being, as if it was not obvious, of course he is, and what a human being, a great soul !

God Bless You.

p.s: Jesus is also a human being but he's been chosen by God to spread the message, he's been able thanks to God to perform great miracles that's why he is so unique amongst all Prophets.

I agree. Well said. And I think people (or I do at least) have to keep reminding others that Michael is human because so many people try to make him God-like only to knock him down. It's like the whole world was just waiting for Michael to fall. That's no way to live. They were all watching to see that halo fall from his if he was perfect.?? That's why I emphasize the 'human' thing. Especially around some of my family members. It's just like, "So you really expected him to live his whole life flawless??!?!?"
Come on now, family. Lol.

Thanks for the kinda sorta secret message. Lolz. L.O.V.E. <3

Quote from: "Ninanina"

I'm not disrespecting anyone. I just think, that L.O.V.E./God is much bigger than man-made Christianity and far beyond envy, power play and exclusiveness.

I agree. God is LOVE. And Love is HUGE! Lol. <3

~ Lizzie

"When I feel that something is not right, I have to speak up. I know most people don\'t think of me as tough or strong-willed, but that\'s just because they don\'t know me."
~ Michael Jackson - Moonwalk

I\'ve enlisted in the army of L.O.V.E.
We\'re here for you, Michael. No matter what.


January 06, 2010, 05:12:06 PM #48 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

I am a Jedi


January 06, 2010, 05:22:49 PM #49 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "neverlandprincess"

Lizziebee your so sweet I just love you! Yes there are many "church istes" and "shrine sites" dedicated to stars...this isnt the first. I have seen posts by fans on fansites that basically state Michael as a saviour. I honestly dont believe Michael would want this...I know he is used to adulation and adoration by millions...but this is over the line and scary. Michael is a he says  "I cut ,I bleed"

Aww....neverlandprincess....I just love you too...EVEN MORE! Haha! Really, I do. <3
And I agree. Lol. Just wrote this LOOONNG post about it. *Points up* Hehe. L.O.V.E.  :D
Quote from: "Dancing_Machine"

Because the Holy Book says so (wich is the word of God)

I absoluty love Michael, he such a wonderfull person but he is not a religious person nor a prophet.
The only one I worship is God. And I believe in his messengers and the angels. And I know Michael isnt a part of that.

Amen to that, sister. Lol. Love you. <3
"When I feel that something is not right, I have to speak up. I know most people don\'t think of me as tough or strong-willed, but that\'s just because they don\'t know me."
~ Michael Jackson - Moonwalk

I\'ve enlisted in the army of L.O.V.E.
We\'re here for you, Michael. No matter what.


January 06, 2010, 05:27:13 PM #50 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "Ninanina"

Quote from: "Sarahli"

Quote from: "larab"

jesus has been chosen? lol

created if you prefer but we've all been created by God so I don't see where's your point ?

If you believe in God, how do YOU know, who's been chosen and who's not?
I am NOT religious, so I can speak freely... ;-)

To me "God" is just another word for L.O.V.E.

If God wants you to have no other idol next to him, how will he manage to get people with other beliefs to his side?
Right: try it again and "send" someone, who's able to be more successful than Jesus was. Send someone, who unites people from all colors and beliefs.

Christianity was also founded by Jesus' "fans".
And I can't see, how we could forget God/L.O.V.E. and his message, when it's about Michael.

I'm not disrespecting anyone. I just think, that L.O.V.E./God is much bigger than man-made Christianity and far beyond envy, power play and exclusiveness.

Oh well, I'm not making friends here... ;-)

How do I know ? I'm not making stories myself I just read the books revealed to us and if you don't believe it's your right and I respect that. Jesus has been sent to us with a message, believe it or not. I also can speak freely even if I'm religious.

Yes Christianity is man-made as long as almost all Christians worship Jesus, a man and not God, the Bible has been twisted by man and here we are with people who don't believe in God and prefer to worship their passion, "mother nature" or whatever they have chosen to worship.

When God sends a messenger it's up to you to decide to believe or not that's why we will be judged for our beliefs and our actions on Earth. This is free-will. As you are not a believer I know that it all sounds unreal for you.

When these people worship Michael of course they either forget God or worship a human beign besides God.

God is bigger than everything and cannot be comprehended by human reason. To me it's more than Love. Love is a feeling, God is above everything, He's the Creator of everything, even feelings.
Yes some men have been chosen to spread the message but it doesn't mean that the common man is not special. Even if it seems we always need a leader to gather together everyone of us has a role to play for God's cause.
We all agree when we say that Michael is special comparing to other people. There are not many persons like him. I think (and it's my personal opinion) he also have been chosen by God but in a different manner. I'd say in a way corresponding to our time. I'm maybe wrong, it's just a feeling.

I'm just here to search for the Truth and give my point of view.

God Bless You

We are here for you Michael and will always love you whatever happens.
'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'
"You shall not accept any information, unless you verify it for yourself. I have given you the hearing, the eyesight, and the brain, and you are responsible for using them."


January 06, 2010, 05:41:50 PM #51 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "Sarahli"

Yes some men have been chosen to spread the message but it doesn't mean that the common man is not special. Even if it seems we always need a leader to gather together everyone of us has a role to play for God's cause.
We all agree when we say that Michael is special comparing to other people. There are not many persons like him. I think (and it's my personal opinion) he also have been chosen by God but in a different manner. I'd say in a way corresponding to our time. I'm maybe wrong, it's just a feeling.

I'm just here to search for the Truth and give my point of view.

God Bless You

Yes, we are all special and chosen. I mean, we were all created for something. Even if many of us are unsure of what that something is. I agree that God places leaders in our path. People like Michael were just born to stand out in the crowd. There's NO denying it. He has shared his message of peace and love from the get-go. Obviously Michael and us were chosen to be a part of this great big plan that God has. We were placed on this earth at this point in time on the time line of history. It's kinda cool when ya think about it.  :D
"When I feel that something is not right, I have to speak up. I know most people don\'t think of me as tough or strong-willed, but that\'s just because they don\'t know me."
~ Michael Jackson - Moonwalk

I\'ve enlisted in the army of L.O.V.E.
We\'re here for you, Michael. No matter what.


January 06, 2010, 07:14:55 PM #52 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest I am only allowing this to go on because I think its healthy and no one is killing each other.
Michael is not God. Yes many people in HIStory have been raised to god like status or sainthood after death. However we here ARE thinking that Michael is alive so I dont understand that argument. Yes Michael was god-like (in deeds and thoughts) but as everyone states was not god. Michael was accused of trying to be the messiah in some actions he took and he vehemently refuted those assaults. BECAUSE he believed in God.
I do believe that Michael Jackson has a heart like David. I believe he wanted to please God in what he did,he said this or elluded to it many times.
I am a Christian and believe in one God and His son Jesus. Jesus had disciples and said that HE was the Son of God,this is what got him in trouble with religious people. Jesus said He would return and He will at the end of the age for those who still follow and know Him. I am a Bible College gradutate and know about other religions ,so I understand where some of you are coming from,and though I respect you point of view...lets remember that Michael did not claim to be God.
I personally think that he(like David) had the very hand of God protecting him and is still protecting him. Guys this site is not hoax related and I do hope that you stay respectful and dont start considering Michael as a godhead.

Love you more...forever


January 06, 2010, 07:35:24 PM #53 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

Wow.... must everything turn into a heated debate, where people snap at each other?.... :(


January 06, 2010, 07:47:23 PM #54 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "mjgirl86"

Wow.... must everything turn into a heated debate, where people snap at each other?.... :(

Its alright nobody has snapped yet. Religion and politics are always a sensitive issue...I just find it funny that it is on this thread because this is not really a religion even.

Love you more...forever


January 07, 2010, 01:35:02 AM #55 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "iMJacksonfaN"

Quote from: "SEHF"

Quote from: "iMJacksonfaN"

I am a christian.. But honestly..

I believe in Michael even more than Jesus..

I've seen what Michael have done, and I know he atleast did amazing stuff.
I would convert to Michael Jackson religion.

Jesus did never come back, Michael will hopefully. Everything is BeLIEve, but this is something I'm so sure about.

:lol:  the stuff some ppl say no longer amazes me on here..

I know what Michael is, I'm not sure what Jesus done.. Michael and Jesus can be compared, but I am 15.. The proves I got around Michael, and what he did.. You know.. And like not many are religius, or they might be, but you don't really talk about it..

I am confirmated, but I would convert like people change their religions, if this was a honest religion, with all things he did.. Michael was christian, so it couldn't be religion based on "Michael Christian Jackson" based on Christian religion.

Religions isn't what matter to me, it's just good to have something to believe in, and I use to pray, and most of my prays use to happen.. So there is something outthere, I am not sure. We BeLIEve in a religion, cause we think it's safe.

I don't judge other religions.. We have our own thoughts.

First off, just wanna say very nicely said, NeverlandPrincess. I agree with you on many things you said. :D

I just think that Michael never claimed to be Jesus so why worship Michael as if he were? This is just my opinion. Of course everyone else is free to do what they want.

and iMJacksonfan, I understand how you feel.

I'm a Christian and I was raised in the Christian religion as a child and now as an adult I willingly (not forcibly) follow it today. I believe in God and that Jesus was The Son of God Who came down in human form.

I understand how you feel that you seem to be able to maybe relate more to Michael than Jesus. Because I realize that we are, or actually, were able to see Michael. It seems to feel easier to relate and feel closer to Michael because he was a human with qualities or fears or faults that we can relate to. We saw him and heard him in person.

Jesus, we can't exactly see. But doesn't mean He's not there. I do believe Jesus listens when we pray and like you said yourself, your prayers have been answered. I do believe Jesus will come again. We just don't know when. Just because he hasnt come already doesn't mean He won't. I believe He is being patient with us and giving us time to make our lives right with Him. He knows and sees all and loves us for which is why He came to die for us.

So I, myself, know that Jesus is The One who died for me. Though I love Michael, I know I must remain closer to Jesus because my salvation lies in Him.

Michael I love because he was a beautiful person. I indentify with many of his pains and feelings. I feel sorry for what he went through and I admire the great talents that he possessed. He just seemed like an extraordinary person.

Again I'm not forcing you (or anyone) to believe anything you don't want to, iMJacksonfan. Please don't feel like I'm telling you what to do. I just wanted to tell you that I understand what you're saying. :)

with L.O.V.E. ALWAYS :D


January 07, 2010, 04:52:31 AM #56 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

@Crescendo and neverlandprincess

:D Well said. Bravo you guys!

I'd like to share some quotes from our love, Michael. <3

"I will never stop helping and loving people the way Jesus said to."
~ Michael Jackson

"And there are so many children in the city who haven't seen the mountains, who haven't been on a carousel, who haven't pet a horse or a llama, never seen them, so if I can open my gates and see that bliss, an explosion of screaming laughter from the children and they run on the rides, I say 'Thank you, God.' I feel I've won God's smile of approval, because I'm doing something that brings joy and happiness to other people."
~ Michael Jackson

"The truth always prevails. And I believe in that. I believe in God."
~ Michael Jackson

Interview with Geraldo (2005) Michael talks about his faith.  :) Aww...3:43

"Caring...and reading the bible. Learning about God, Jesus, love. Jesus said, bring on the children, imitate children. You know, be like little children. An uh, to take care of others. To take care of old people. And we were raised with those values.Those are very important values. And my family and I, we were raised with those values and they continue strong in us today."

"I feel I should do something. Um, that's what God gave us talent for. To give and to help people and to give back." 6:47

Aww...look at the end of the vid. "Um, I'm like this all the time. I'm just being myself. God bless you. Thank you."

Love what he says about great music...3:07

4:40...beautiful values. <3

6:08...what his father instilled in him. Michael is a WARRIOR. Woohoo!

"How I see myself? I try to be kind and generous to people. And do what I think God wants me to do. Sometime I pray and I say, 'Where do you want me to go next God? What do I do from here?' Uh, so I'm very spiritual in that way. I always have been though. It's nothing new." You are beautiful, Michael. <3

2:52...Lol at the policeman/disguise thing. ^_^

Man, my eyes are a little watery. All I can say is that Michael makes me proud to love be a fan/admirer/whatever you wanna call it. Love just shines right through him. My thoughts/views/feelings on him will NEVER change.  :cry:  :)

Forever, Michael. <3

"I'm very strong. I have rhinosaurus skin. But at the same time I'm human. You know so, anything can hurt like that, you know. But I'm very strong."
~ Michael Jackson :)

"When I feel that something is not right, I have to speak up. I know most people don\'t think of me as tough or strong-willed, but that\'s just because they don\'t know me."
~ Michael Jackson - Moonwalk

I\'ve enlisted in the army of L.O.V.E.
We\'re here for you, Michael. No matter what.

i_need YoUTopic starter

January 07, 2010, 04:57:25 AM #57 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "Lizziebee"

@Crescendo and neverlandprincess

:D Well said. Bravo you guys!

I'd like to share some quotes from our love, Michael. <3

"I will never stop helping and loving people the way Jesus said to."
~ Michael Jackson

"And there are so many children in the city who haven't seen the mountains, who haven't been on a carousel, who haven't pet a horse or a llama, never seen them, so if I can open my gates and see that bliss, an explosion of screaming laughter from the children and they run on the rides, I say 'Thank you, God.' I feel I've won God's smile of approval, because I'm doing something that brings joy and happiness to other people."
~ Michael Jackson

"The truth always prevails. And I believe in that. I believe in God."
~ Michael Jackson

Interview with Geraldo (2005) Michael talks about his faith.  :) Aww...3:43

"Caring...and reading the bible. Learning about God, Jesus, love. Jesus said, bring on the children, imitate children. You know, be like little children. An uh, to take care of others. To take care of old people. And we were raised with those values.Those are very important values. And my family and I, we were raised with those values and they continue strong in us today."

"I feel I should do something. Um, that's what God gave us talent for. To give and to help people and to give back." 6:47

Aww...look at the end of the vid. "Um, I'm like this all the time. I'm just being myself. God bless you. Thank you."

Love what he says about great music...3:07

4:40...beautiful values. <3

6:08...what his father instilled in him. Michael is a WARRIOR. Woohoo!

"How I see myself? I try to be kind and generous to people. And do what I think God wants me to do. Sometime I pray and I say, 'Where do you want me to go next God? What do I do from here?' Uh, so I'm very spiritual in that way. I always have been though. It's nothing new." You are beautiful, Michael. <3

2:52...Lol at the policeman/disguise thing. ^_^

Man, my eyes are a little watery. All I can say is that Michael makes me proud to love be a fan/admirer/whatever you wanna call it. Love just shines right through him. My thoughts/views/feelings on him will NEVER change.  :cry:  :)

Forever, Michael. <3

"I'm very strong. I have rhinosaurus skin. But at the same time I'm human. You know so, anything can hurt like that, you know. But I'm very strong."
~ Michael Jackson :)

Man I have this interview memorized its such a beautiful interview!!1 and its an actual decent one and i am watery eyed just thinking about everything he has said...Michael I love you!!!...He looked exhausted though from the trials...what a long journey for him...I admire his strength he has been through so much and has only grew from it and became stronger and invincible

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