Quote from: "Lizziebee"Wow...this may cause a stir.
I've come across a few people on the web that tell people they worship...yes "worship" Michael Jackson. But Michael is a human who made mistakes just like the rest of us. He is by no means perfect. He was Christ-like but not Christ. Sorry for posting this and sounding all preachy and biblical but it is what it is.
Exodus: 3-6
3 Do not have any other gods before me.
4 You shall not make for yourself an idol, whether in the form of anything that is in heaven above, or that is on the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.
5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, punishing children for the iniquity of parents, to the third and the fourth generation of those who reject me,
6 but showing steadfast love to the thousandth generation of those who love me and keep my commandments.
Michael read the bible. He said many times that he is just like the rest of us. He is all about love. Giving and receiving love. But I'm certain getting millions of people to worship him is not his goal.
Peace and L.O.V.E.
~ Lizzie :D
Here here. I agree with you. I don't think you sound preachy. :)
Michael was a human being with talents and flaws just as the rest of us.
Let me just say please please I'm NOT telling others what to believe in. I am simply stating what I believe in. Please do not feel like I am pushing my beliefs on anyone. I am simply stating MY beliefs. No disrespect to anyone.
But I believe in Jesus and I believe He is The Son of God and He came to this earth in human form but He was flawless. So He died for our sins because He (Jesus) was perfect.
Michael was/is a human being. He came into this world like the rest of us. Michael had/has great talents. Of course Michael was very charitable. I believe he was/is a wonderful person with wonderful qualties yet of course many misfortunes. But Michael wasn't Jesus.
I believe that Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice by dying for us.
Michael has said himself that he didn't think he was Jesus. though I know shmuley has said that he (Michael) had/has a messiah like personality. though i know that is just one man's opinion. but I hope Michael always stayed generous yet always humble. I just think Michael wanted to feel loved.
So I don't believe in worshipping Michael. but I think he should have been respected as any other human being should, if not loved and admired for the wonderful generous talented HUMAN that he was/is. :D
with L.O.V.E. always :D