Photo of Michael Jackson??? Taken on 2nd jan 2010? WHAT??

Started by DancingTheDream, January 04, 2010, 02:48:04 PM

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So we know not that its someone else playing games LOL SHOCKER...



Wow. Michael, darling, you're gorgeous. ^_^

Okay so I think there's a REALLY good chance this photo was taken after June 25, 2009. Lol. I've never seen it before. Michael does look like he did recently. I notice he's not smiling. =( He's serious. Hehe. His lips look like they do in TII. His hair looks more natural to me. It's stunning. And you guys, I'm sure you can't see his ear because his hair is covering it. But wait...remember that scene in TII where he says his ear hurts. Aww, baby.  :cry:  Yep, this is recent. And I doubt it's photo shopped. But oh mys goodness! Did anyone else notice that the right(left) side of his face is slightly darker and has flaws while the other side is clean and flawless. Could this mean something? It's black and white too. And the clothes look unfamiliar. He does look well rested though.

I love you most, babe. <3

~ Lizzie

"When I feel that something is not right, I have to speak up. I know most people don\'t think of me as tough or strong-willed, but that\'s just because they don\'t know me."
~ Michael Jackson - Moonwalk

I\'ve enlisted in the army of L.O.V.E.
We\'re here for you, Michael. No matter what.



So we know not that its someone else playing games LOL SHOCKER...

Yeah next there will be a post on here with that user name saying "I know where Michael is but i wont tell you until tomorrow because im tired now"  So sick of this crap!!!!!

Everyday creates your HIStory.........
Everypath you take your leaving your legacy.......

DancingTheDreamTopic starter

This is definitely a recent photo that i have not seen before.

it could be incidental that TNZ have got it on their Hoax site.. or maybe that PROVES something?????????

I dont think its mind games.  Seriously, in all the photoshoots of MJ i cannot find this one.

Its a recent photo and it isnt photoshopped.  So where is it from?


Quote from: "DancingTheDream"

Someone has just sent me this, which is apparently on the TNZ hoax site.

hmmm, TNZ has had this picture up for quite a while now, haven't they? i am sure i have seen this photoshopped picture (with the multiplied eyes) before...
so that would mean, that the picture was definately not taken on january 2, 2010... but could still be recent - recent like "after 'death'"...

but another question: has anyone tried to contact the upload "thisis_the moment" on flickr about this picure?
or TNZ?


I saw this picture before. it's old


Quote from: "Leah-Kim"


So we know not that its someone else playing games LOL SHOCKER...

Yeah next there will be a post on here with that user name saying "I know where Michael is but i wont tell you until tomorrow because im tired now"  So sick of this crap!!!!!

:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


someone should get the up close pics of this is it ,this pic,and one from the invincible time i would but im not on home computer heehee :lol:


Quote from: "Skipper"

I saw this picture before. it's old

When ? Where? How old?
Everyday creates your HIStory.........
Everypath you take your leaving your legacy.......


I was thinking it could be a picture of him, after he was dead.. Like before puting him in a casket or yeh, something like that.. But no dead people would ever have their eyes opened.. :lol:

This picture is taken in 2009.. I'm sure

DancingTheDreamTopic starter

Quote from: "Leah-Kim"

Quote from: "Skipper"

I saw this picture before. it's old

When ? Where? How old?
I was going to say that.   :lol:

I have a feeling about this picture.  Ive just been through and cant find it.

This is recent.  If its pre June 25th then its recent to it.. if not took afterwards.  It seems to have popped up out of nowhere.  And why appear on Flicker now?  :shock:

@iMJacksonfaN.. of course it isnt a picture of him dead, dont be stupid.  :roll:


funny, I've seen the pic on TNZ but didn't recognized it  when I saw it in here...maybe because of the multiple eyes lol:  :D
But it's been there on TNZ for a while now...


Quote from: "itsall4love"

funny, I've seen the pic on TNZ but didn't recognized it  when I saw it in here...maybe because of the multiple eyes lol:  :D
But it's been there on TNZ for a while now...

yeah, was the same for me... i didn't recognize it...
maybe because i could never stand to look at the picture with the multiplied eyes for too long... kinda creeped me out everytime...  :?


The one that TNZ had last year was with him in straight hair with the multiple eyes, wasn't it?? Maybe the made a new one with this more recent picture??


it is not recent..I have seen it before.
it's probably from the 90s

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