I also heard the comment Tito said, ''Michael left ,err passed'', so something is up. He left alright. he siad it almost as if saying - he had to leave when he did, and too bad that he had to leave them and the public eye for a while.
I think the This Is IT - truly means that MJ the perfomer is no more. I also think the family is letting everyone know through MJ that the J5 will never perform together on stage again. That is why the brothers are going on as the J4. Randy was not a member of the original J5, so he won't be with the other brothers.
Plus, the Jacksons can't use the Jackson 5 name or logo any longer because they sold away the rights to do so. So in essence, MJ decided to leave for a while for whatever his reasons are, and the family had to accept it. He no longer wants to get up on stage and sing and perfom solo or with his brothers or tour. He will always love music, but the performing and touring parts doesn't do it for him any longer. He has been there and done that, and he no longers needs to do it to prove anything to himself or the public. He made the movie for his children and his fans.
The brothers can cry on the show, because when looking back on how MJ was treated and still is, it could even bring tears to some of our eyes, so I wouldn't put too much stock in the brothers crying. They are performers and actors, and they have to continue to act out their parts.
MJ probably talked them into celebrating their 40th annivesary without him. He told them that they deserved it, and that they should make an album.
By the way, I bet that MJ's estate isn't operating under the terms of the will. They are operating under the terms of the Estate. I'm pretty sure a person can still be living and turn their estate over to estate lawyers to take care of everything. The will they told us about in the news is fake. MJ is still in control and asked Branca and the other man to tend to his estate for him. There is nothing illegal about that.
I also think MJ wanted his children to grow some around his mother and other relatives. He knew they would love the house. If it was good enough for him to live there until almost thirty, he knew it would be good enough for them. One day, he will remove them from there and take them to live with him.
Soon and very soon, we are going to see the King.