Who is the REAL Michael Jackson

Started by Zen, January 02, 2010, 07:46:32 PM

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Ok, folks, this is not necessarily MY theory, but talked at length with an person who had once
worked with Elvis when I was in Memphis last weekend.
While I have to admit, on one hand I want to change my screen name to post this, and on the
other, in the very deep recessive of my mind, I have wondered over the years myself this same
I also realize that Souza has posted on TWIN theory so this is similar but not the same?

IS the Michael Jackson of the 1990's and after, the Michael Jackson of the l980's?  This theory
does not purport that Michael Jackson died, but rather was too shy and stressed very much
before and oftentimes during performances.   Though it is his RECORDED voice being used
it is not him we have seen since he became white, an very artistic dancer who became Michael Jackson.
The CD's are of voice of REAL Michael Jackson.  

So, that is what this person talked of and I do not believe, but found of interest because:
I looked again at Michael's height from before and after this time and did find discrepancies.
In early pictures with Diana Ross, he seems about 3' taller and she is 5'4.  There are some early
pictures where he appears shorter with Brook Shields, though she is nearly 6" and may have had
heels on.
Different documents have him at 5'9" to 5'11", and he later looks to be 5'11, but I have found
many pictures where he looks to be 5'9 or even 5'7".

So ignore this post if you choose or share your comments.  Just thought it interesting and new
clues are slow.



January 04, 2010, 04:39:56 AM #30 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

If you have any doubts - watch my video about Mike's operations.
I used Photoshop to make changes in the Afro-Era-Michael's face and compared it with the "white" Michael.
This is the same person and the same face!!! (except the nose and the hair  ;)  )
Sorry to disappoint some of you... LOL  :lol:

http://www.youtube.com/godena  :)

Please, click "I Like It" on my Facebook page if you like my drawings :) http://www.facebook.com/artbozenawojtas


January 04, 2010, 06:47:37 AM #31 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

Sorry but i can not buy it. I don't think Michael would "use" his twin brother or anyone like that, just to live a life he wants. I know it kinda sounds like those who keep on saying "Michael would never fake his death" lmao but this is really something else! It's controlling, directing or should i say ruining one's life for your own comforts that Michael in my opinion would never do. Think about the twin or double, how would he hide his own identity for so long and so easily that no one ever had doubts? It's just not possible if you think practically. Having doubles for few events is possible but a twin for a lifetime, sorry i can't believe that. I just want to state that i just said what i believe and am not forcing or telling anyone to change what they believe. Peace. :)



January 04, 2010, 08:35:37 AM #32 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "VeryLittleSusie"

If you have any doubts - watch my video about Mike's operations.
I used Photoshop to make changes in the Afro-Era-Michael's face and compared it with the "white" Michael.
This is the same person and the same face!!! (except the nose and the hair  ;)  )
Sorry to disappoint some of you... LOL  :lol:

http://www.youtube.com/godena  :)

Hi, I agree with you that it's the same person (MJ) all the time. I think it's possible that he rented someone to work as his double sometimes. That would explain why sometimes we think that he looks "different". Another possibility is that he used to wear heavy makeup to make his face look different from time to time, in order to make it difficult for people to recognize him, due to privacy issues. They say he likes disguises, don't they? IDK, I'm just guessing. Anyway, it's an interesting point. When I came accross the following pictures, I came to the conclusion that his face didn't change that much over the years, so maybe there was a double working for him, only when he needed it - but not replacing him.


January 04, 2010, 10:13:36 AM #33 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "tadawson0177"

I have been watching a lot of you tube videos about this death hoax and body doubles. Honestly, I never gave it a thought and now it is consuming my thought, I even dream about it. After all these videos I can say that there is no way that the guy making the announcements about the London concerts is Michael. Look at side by side pictures. His chin in particular. It is actually longer, from bottom of lip to bottom of chin. Also, I don't know for sure, but has anyone noticed the video of Michael in New York after 9/11. He looks so much "fuller". I not sure what other word to use but he has a larger frame. Michael is usually somewhat small framed, and very very lean. Maybe its my imagination and I don't know how this fits in but it has been bothering me. I mean look at him in the You are not alone video, very lean.

I don't know. But did you look at his hands? His palm particularly, it's the same to me.
This pic is supposed to proved the opposite, but for me it's clear: these two hands are the same... (the right hand belongs to the O2 "guy" who is of course Mike.)


January 04, 2010, 01:15:49 PM #34 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

I have spent some serious time looking at his pictures from the 80 till now........his ears not always match that is a fact! Different height en different hands, eyebrows seem to "morph" sometimes too.

Its not that difficult to find somebody look very close to you (even easier if you are Michael Jackson). How many Hollywood actors look a like? We all have  at least one person walking the earth look a lot like us, have nothing to do with the doppelgangers only science.

Something to illustrate my thought:
http://www.denofgeek.com/movies/143688/ ... other.html
http://www.funlobby.com/index.php/Celeb ... Other.html

Sometimes, it\'s stranger than fiction....

ZenTopic starter

January 04, 2010, 10:07:04 PM #35 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

Hi, I started this post with a theory that I actually got from someone else, thoughts that
had crept into my mind over the years.  I am only 4 years younger than Michael, so it's not
just me going through old pictures but more like REquestioning things earlier on.
It IS possible, especially when the argument for his height difference being he wore 2" heels.
We ALL wear shoes of difference heights occasionally, but I never adjust my TRUE height
for documents.
So I look at old pictures of Michael with Diana Ross and she is 5'4".  He does not look that
much taller, but later looks much taller to Lisa Marie who is 5'3".

But everyone has good points on this and I am speculating on this as well.   :|

Also, one more thing, this theory did not involve a twin from birth, it involved a second person
who was/is also muli-talented.  And could be a "brother" of sorts.  Thats my last post on this,
unless new things come to light.    :|


January 05, 2010, 04:11:26 AM #36 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "TheKingWillReturn"

I have often wondered if Mike we've seen since after BAD era was infact Mike, and he just got tired of performing on stage? What has even made me think this maybe possible is that O2 Mike could be the REAL Mike, Remember K.O says We'll meet the man we never knew?

i really have questioned too whether the thriller Michael was the same as the bad-invinicible michael. BUT i really do believe Michael has been Michael throughout the years. Really he has always sung and danced the same. no one can dance quite like mj.

the height thing, michael used to wear loafers and cowboy boots. soemtimes the cowboy boots had bit of heel on them. could be the reason why Michael look taller sometimes.

also michaels clothes can make him look tall or short. his high water pants made him look short and soemtimes his black pants and boots gave him a very tall appearance. michael knew how to work certain things like bringing attention to things. which is why he wore high water pants and white socks so as to bring attention to his feet. it worked.

but i do believe Michael has always been michael. of course there are impersonators which look similar but still not exactly like Mj.

and like ive said before, if Michael had a twin, joe would have made him be part of the J5 as well.

So Michael Jackson=Michael Jackson

IMO. :)


January 06, 2010, 10:42:46 PM #37 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "i_need YoU"

Quote from: "hopehelps"

he could have had doubles at some time. but to have a twin is a tottaly different story. it is hard to believe. but i think him having doubles is possible.

agree with you but i think he only used doubles when absolutely neccessary to do so..such as stunts and stuff, he wouldnt do it to play mind games with peopl. maybe to get away from paparrazi or stunts in music videos but not like to just live out his life or anything...twin theory cracks me up :lol:  :lol:

yeah totally. he may have needed a double when it was absolutey neccsary. but a the twin theory makes no sense to me.


January 07, 2010, 07:50:46 AM #38 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

Basically you are saying the Michael Jackson we loved was just a mask, an actor. I hate feeling like this...

I'm open to new theories, but I'm sorry, I think this one goes too far. So far that I cannot believe this.

"No one should judge what I\'ve done with my life. Not unless they\'ve been in my shoes every horrible day and every sleepless night." ~ Michael J. (1995)


January 07, 2010, 12:40:03 PM #39 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "VeryLittleSusie"

If you have any doubts - watch my video about Mike's operations.
I used Photoshop to make changes in the Afro-Era-Michael's face and compared it with the "white" Michael.
This is the same person and the same face!!! (except the nose and the hair  ;)  )
Sorry to disappoint some of you... LOL  :lol:

http://www.youtube.com/godena  :)

Hey, i havnt posted on this forum yet but i do check it every day and i have been with the forum since the start but i thought i should start saying my opinions...

I PERSONALLY think the whole "michael jackson has a twin/double" is a ridiculous conspiracy, thats in my opinion... nothing against people who think otherwise(i dont want to upset anyone), i think people think these things as they take bits of what they think evidence for example his height into acount and get things all wrong... every picture taken of him is going to be different, different angles(which can make people seem taller)... also if you look at the shoes he wears they sometimes have quite a high heel on which i seen some 1 post about a heel being 2 inch which is true. as you can see from this picture....

http://images2.fanpop.com/images/photos ... 90-440.jpg ( you can see the heel )

Also about his weight... people do put on weight and loose it... its very easy to do lol. In my opinion michael would NEVER have some one else living his life, that would be selfish and everyone would agree with me that michael is NOT a selfish person... yes he might have had a double to do a stunt for him which was dangerous but not anything else...
His dancing is his dancing, his singing is his singing....

I would also just like to say to VeryLittleSusie, what a great video you made.... it anoys me so much when people say his appearence changed from surgery + stuff.... to me he looks the SAME, every one has to grow up and age (y)

This is my opinion i dont want to upset any one over it....

L.O.V.E  :)


January 07, 2010, 04:50:31 PM #40 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "Leah"

also about his weight... people do put on weight and loose it... its very easy to do lol. In my opinion michael would NEVER have some one else living his life, that would be selfish and everyone would agree with me that michael is NOT a selfish person... yes he might have had a double to do a stunt for him which was dangerous but not anything else...
His dancing is his dancing, his singing is his singing....

Dont worry Leah. You didnt upset anyone. :D  btw Welcome to the forum officially. :)

I agree with you. I dont think Michael would use doubles on stage because that was where Michael said he felt the best. He loved being on stage. Why would he use an impersonator for something he loves doing? Singing and dancing. Therefore I believe Michael has always been Michael. The same little boy who belted out "Who's lovin' you" the handsome man who sang "Don't stop til you get enough" to "Bad" to "Heal the World" to "You rock my world" was all Michael Jackson.

I wouldn't put it past Michael, however, if Michael wanted to go out in public (maybe the mall or zoo or even to an adult shop) and he might hire an impersonator to distract the press. Although what may disprove is that is there is a video of Michael (his face covered up though for a second his face is visible) comin out of an adult shop. So even as personal as that, Michael didn't use a decoy. It was him but covered up instead.

so Michael is Michael. IMO

with L.O.V.E. always


January 07, 2010, 05:11:19 PM #41 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

Why on earth would the recent Michael be another man than the one in the '80's??
Doesnt make any sense at all. These kind of posts can piss me of a little  :x

I think people shouldnt act like he's an alien who lives on a completely diferent planet or whatever.
He's a just normal man who is a big humanitarian with a beautiful loving heart who happens to work as an entertainer. He has to deal with a crazy industry with a lot of evil people and bloodsuckers.
But that DOES NOT mean he would do crazy things himself like cloning himself or sending another man to pretend to be him for the last 20 years!

Let\'s not forget...


January 07, 2010, 05:49:08 PM #42 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

well i personally think that michael loves us, his fans way 2 much 2 have someone stand in for him in concerts maybe other things but not concerts...and think who else can do that beautiful scream?? :lol:

L.O.V.E. can never be acomplished if you never beLIEve in your flaws and greatnesses.....when you realize your beauty only then will you be L.O.V.E.D as though you are beautiful-----the one and only...LIAH!!

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