
Bonjour, C'est moi, zee American

Started by AlliWaggs, January 05, 2025, 03:11:57 PM

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AlliWaggsTopic starter

Hello! I'm Alicia. Hardcore Michael fan since I was 3, so a LOOOOOONG time.

I've only recently been compelled by some force to dig into this with both hands. So, I have been. What a rollercoaster it has been. I cry all the time, does anyone else? It's all just so confusing and so sad. Whether he is gone or not, it's so sad. That he is gone, or that he needed to make himself gone.

Anywho... Michael has my heart, and so I am seeking answers in my own way. I don't believe anything anyone says until I see it myself. That is nothing against anyone, just years of a lack of trust. Michael's life being exhibit A.

I'm rambling. Happy to be here. Thank you for the existence of this site, and all of your contributions to it. I look forward to learning so much.


Hi Alicia, welcome in the nuthouse! It is definitely a rollercoaster, and it will take time to place things, be patient. Do you also listen to the live streams?

This June it will be 16 years that I have been 'hoaxing'. I don't cry anymore, I have in the beginning when I started digging. There is also a lot to laugh about, not all is sad!

I hope you can manage to navigate through the vast amounts of info on here, but don't hesitate to ask or share your own thoughts! That is after all what the forum is for.

Happy hoaxing!


AlliWaggsTopic starter

No... how/where do I listen?

Thanks for your reply!


AlliWaggsTopic starter

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