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Chicago 1945 and Tartaria

Started by gutschma, December 25, 2024, 02:00:05 PM

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gutschmaTopic starter

Hi everyone,

I opened this discussion about the leaked song Chicago 1945 because I think it has some of the most interesting lyrics out of any MJ Song and no one really knows what the song is actually about. This is my theory about the lyrics of Chicago 1945 and I hope others can add to it.

So first of all I looked up the different events mentioned in the song and almost none of them actually took place in the year 1945, some not even in Chicago.

The only thing that actually took place in 1945 is the Chicago Cubs losing the 1945 World Series that year. In another line he sings "young Joe DiMaggio hit his first home run." This did definitely not happen in 1945. In fact, Joe DiMaggio was in the military at that time. Although he was released on a medical discharge in September 1945, he was not able to score a single Major Leage Baseball homerun throughout the entire year of 1945. His first MLB home run was on May 10th 1936 in Yankee Stadium, New York, not in Chicago.

So I think when the song opens with "It was Chicago 1945, Cubs lost that year..." that this was in fact the only thing that actually happened in the year 1945. Also, not every event seems to have taken place in Chicago, like Joe DiMaggio´s first home run that took place in New York in 1936. Although I´m sure his home run made News in the Chicago Tribune, a well known Chicago Newspaper that is mentioned a couple of times throughout the song.

The first line continues with "...and Al Capone was found alive. They searched forty days, in the suburbs of the night, but they found him, alive."

Since MJ seemed to be very fascinated with all things Chicago in general, probably because the Jackson family lived very close to the city and often went there to perform in Clubs on weekends, this could be the reason why the song centers around Chicago and why Al Capone is also mentioned. Also notable: Smooth Criminal was originally called Al Capone. Although Chicago 1945 and Al Capone/Smooth Criminal are said to be two different songs, I wonder if there could be any connections between the songs and if there could be further explanations for the Chicago 1945 lyrics in the demo Al Capone, though on first glance, nothing really stuck out to me.

Although I think there probably is a deeper meaning behind the mentioning of Al Capone, I couldn´t really find anything that could further explain the lyrics. All I could find is Al Capone being arrested and convicted for short periods of time in 1929 and 1930, but was only convicted for carrying a weapon and tax related crimes. He was not arrested, and not currently in prison, in the year 1945. The only thing in 1945 I could find was that he was sick and spent his time in his Florida residence. He got a disease a couple years prior and in 1946, a physician examined him and concluded that he seemed to have the mentality of a 12-year-old child. He died on the 25th of January in 1947.

Reading the lyric "but Al Capone was found alive" I thought that he maybe could have faked his death during his lifetime like others in Mafia circles, but after looking it up, this wasn´t the case. Since he got arrested in 1929 and 1930, the lyric also does not seem to relate to his arrest, at least if its really meant to be in the year 1945. I also thought that a person can be found guilty or not guilty. Maybe the line "but they found him alive" means that they didn´t give him the death penalty because they couldn´t connect him to any crimes that could justify a death sentence, but I´m not really sure that this is what he meant.

The 40-day-search is probably a bible reference, like the 40 days and 40 nights in Billie Jean. Although the line comes right after the Al Capone line, I think it´s possible that the 40 days is not necessarily about searching for Al Capone to convict him. Although the context makes it seem that the line is also about him. Later in the song, the line is repeated again, but this time it could also be in context of searching for the missing girls: "Cups lost that year, but Al Capone was found alive. Searched forty days, in the suburbs of the night. So much was going on, they didn´t know the girls were missing."

Next is the main topic of the song, the missing girls.

"People gathered around, basking in the sun. Three girls disappeared on a cold windy night. Never to be found again, never to be found again. Who solved that mystery late Chicago night? You can´t hide the truth, so won´t you turn on the light?"

The main thing seems to be that people celebrate and enjoy events and such while children are missing and no one cares or even knows about it, because the missing children do not make headlines in the media, which in this case is the Chicago Tribune. This could very well be the meaning of the song. But I still think that it´s not and that there seems to be an even deeper meaning behind it. MJ had many songs that have an easy explanation on the surface, like Billie Jean and Dirty Diana which are said to just be about groupies. But looking deeper into the lyrics and the short films, the groupie explanation seems to be very on the surface because MJ probably wasn´t comfortable talking about the actual meaning of the songs and short films in public, so he disguised it behind his lyrics. I think this could also be the case with Chicago 1945.

Although MJ sometimes wrote songs about imaginary people to paint stories, or took inspirations of real-life events like he did in the Song Little Susie, in Chicago 1945, he sings about 3 little girls that went missing, which I think is too specific to just be about one of the hundreds and thousands of cases of girls going missing in major crime cities like Chicago. First of all, I couldn´t find an article about 3 girls going missing in Chicago in the year 1945, or in any other year. Since I don´t have access to news archives, it could very well be possible that a case like that exists, but if so, I couldn´t find one.

So I thought that maybe he didn´t even sing about actual 3 girls. Maybe he was referring to something else that went missing on a cold, windy Chicago evening in 1945 or in any other year.

What I initially thought was that the 3 girls could be a metaphor of the trinity of the moon goddess: Diana, Luna and Selene. Since the moon goddesses are very often referenced, especially in the film and music industry, maybe MJ could be talking about her. But how is she missing? The only thing that came to my mind is a lunar eclipse. They happen about twice a year. In the year 1945, there were two lunar eclipses. A partial one on June 25th to June 26th, which I´m mentioning in relation to the death hoax. Although I don´t necessarily see a connection there, I thought it is still worth mentioning. The other one was a total lunar eclipse on December 18th until December 19th, which would fit the description of the 3 girls going missing on a cold night.

Even though it felt like this could be something, it still seemed like this was not really what MJ was referring to in his lyrics.

Which brings me to the final part of my theory:

"It was so windy, joy had to be in the air. People gathered around, to see the world´s fair."

The Chicago World´s fair, also known as the World´s Columbian Exposition, took place at the Jackson Park in Chicago from May 5th to October 31th (possible connection to Halloween there?) in 1893. The fair in and of itself is an extreme mystery. It was held to show new technologies and achievements in areas like science, art and architecture to the people. They built massive buildings only for the fair and supposedly took them all down as soon as the fair ended. The Chicago Worlds Fair is also the center of the "conspiracy theory" Tartaria, where it is believed that the world in the past had access to unknown and free technology. All that knowledge and all the achievements of the past were then destroyed, or rather purposefully erased in the 1800s by big fires, like the Great Chicago Fire of 1871.

The Chicago Worlds Fair is mentioned multiple times throughout the song, so could MJ actually have been talking about Tartaria when he sings: "Who solved that mystery late Chicago night? You can´t hide the truth, so won´t you turn on the light?

I also found a couple of other lyrics that cooperate with the Chicago Worlds Fair.
Of course, the fair was featured on the front page of the Chicago tribune.

The description "windy" is mentioned multiple times throughout the song. It could just refer to the weather. On the other hand, Chicago has the nickname "Windy City". This nickname is also connected to the Worlds Fair, they were proud of that nickname and used it to promote the city of Chicago because they were competing with other cities to host the World's Fair. The nickname is also connected to the attitude and resilience of the locals in the face of challenges like the Great Chicago Fire in 1871, which is also connected to the Tartaria theory and the World's Fair.

MJ also talked about turning on the light to find the truth. By this, he probably was referring to the saying "darkness to light", which is mentioned in the Q Posts. In the song Shout, he also references darkness to light: "we all must unite, to turn darkness to light, and the love in our hearts will shine." He makes it clear that he wants to expose a secret. Maybe that "mystery late Chicago night" refers to the World's Fair and the Tartaria theory.

But this still does not explain the three missing girls that the song is primarily about, so I tried to connect my previous theory with the moon goddesses with the Chicago World's Fair.

In 1893, there were three partial lunar eclipses. One lunar eclipse on April 30th shortly before midnight (the Worlds Fair started on May 1st), one also in the evening on September 25th   during the World's Fair and one in the morning on October 25th  during the World's Fair. Could the three lunar eclipses be the three girls he was talking about? Two of them are in the evening, one in the morning. So two out of three would fit in to the description "late Chicago night". (Although probably not important, I would still mention that a picture of a Solar Eclipse on April 16th in 1893 was displayed at the World's Fair.) The only thing that makes me think that he didn´t refer to the three lunar eclipses in his lyrics is that he is talking about one specific night where the three girls went missing together. Maybe it could just be one of the lunar eclipses, since the moon goddess is still a trinity of three and if the moon went "missing" in one evening, all three moon goddesses wouldn´t be seen. So maybe the one on September 25th, which was the only lunar eclipse of the three that was both in the evening and during the World's Fair. But still, it doesn´t feel like this is what he was referring to when he was talking about the three girls.

During my research, I stumbled upon an article about a mural that was displayed at the World's Fair that mysteriously disappeared right after. Since MJ was a fan of both art and Chicago's history, I actually think that he probably has heard about it and that this mural could be what he is referring to when talking about three girls disappearing.

The mural is called "Modern Woman" and was painted by the artist Mary Cassatt. She was known for painting pictures of children and women. I looked up some of her paintings and I think that MJ probably could have related to some of them, so I would say he could have known her art and it wouldn´t be too much of a reach to say that this way, he could have found out about this specific mural disappearing.

Mary Cassatt was asked to paint the mural specifically for the World's Fair, where it would be placed over the entrance of the "Woman's Building", which was to showcase the advancement of women throughout history. It was a feminist mural that depicted many women and that was split in three parts. The Three parts, "Young Girls Pursuing Fame" on the left side, "Young Women Plucking the Fruits of Knowledge or Science" in the middle and "Arts, Music, Dancing" on the right could be the three girls MJ was referring to.

Because the goal of the mural was to show women in a more empowered light, it received mixed reactions from the people attending the Worlds Fair and was heavily criticized, which some cite as the reason for the murals disappearing. It was also shown facing a second mural from another artist called "Primitive Woman", so they had those two enormous murals complimentary to each other.

I even heard the disappearance of this mural being described as one of the greatest mysteries in art. Since I know nothing about art, I can´t confirm if that description is kind of a reach or not. It is said to have had very vivid and radiant colors, green, deep red and purple.

So when the World's Fair closed, the 58 x 12 feet mural was put into storage and then somehow disappeared and was never seen again. "Never to be found again, never to be found again so who solved the mystery late Chicago night?" The lyrics of the song also make it seem like the disappearance of the girls is overshadowed by people "gathering around, to see the worlds fair."

There is no mention of the mural disappearing on a cold windy night. But since you would expect a disappearing of something like this to be in the middle of the night, since the mural disappeared right after the Fair when it was cold outside and since Chicago is nicknamed "Windy City", I think these arguments aren´t too much in the way.

So this is my theory. I think the song is mainly about the Worlds Fair that took place in Chicago and about this mural disappearing. I don´t really have a conclusion if MJ actually could have liked the mural in itself or not, but I think he could definitely have been interested in the mystery of its disappearance. And also as a little mention, the theme of the mural definitely kind of fits with the moon goddess and what she stands for, so the mural could also have been a tribute by the artist to the evil moon goddess.
Many parts of the song still do not really make sense to me, so I thought I´d share my thoughts and maybe others can add to them or debunk them.


Awesome thread avatar_gutschma ! I have lots to add, will reply later!


I will get into your post specifically, but I remember a talk I had some years ago in a Twitter DM with Jessie Czebotar, who said her Grandmother was the Queen Mother of Darkness. She claimed she was bred to step into that role herself, but she said she got out of it. I specifically remember her talking about Chicago and Michael Jackson as a kid, I think in response to a tweet I posted, the key players in Chicago in the MK Ultra programs and the visits Hillary Clinton made to her grandmother. I don't remember enough to name exactly who and what else she was talking about and that Twitter account is still banned so I can't read back, but here is a podcast series "Age of Betrayal" where she was a guest. I might listen again later myself, not sure what she does and does not mention about the things I discussed with her but listing them anyway because it might have some interesting information concerning Chicago:

Episode 30: Age of Betrayal – Part 1: The 'System' of Darkness

Episode 31: Age of Betrayal – Part 2: How the 'System' Controls Our Lives

Episode 32: Age of Betrayal – Part 3: The Plan is Darker than We Feared

Episode 33: Age of Betrayal – Part 4: A Light in the Darkness

Episode 34: Age of Betrayal – Part 5: The Currency of Trust

gutschmaTopic starter

Thank you for the links!

I've listened to I think one of her interviews in the past, I can´t remember her mentioning MJ or Chicago in itself. I´ll listen to all of them and respond again if I hear her mentioning anything about Chicago.


December 28, 2024, 11:19:03 PM #4 Last Edit: December 29, 2024, 04:07:31 AM by ~Souza~

Ok, let's get into the song! I started looking into the whole Tartaria stuff not even that long ago and that was the last drop for me. I literally don't believe ANYTHING anymore. Although there are a lot of crap theories about it (as with every conspiracy 'theory' out there), the whole concept of it rang true with me instantly and it explained many things I was still confused about.

I had not (yet) looked into Chicago 1945 deeply, so I am happy to see this (well researched!) thread. I had to think about Trump also when I was reading. He keeps mentioning that he was 'indicted more than the great Al Capone'. When Trump keeps repeating something, usually there is something to dig into.

Ever since researching the whole Tartaria stuff, I literally question every single bit of history as I think we've been lied to about literally all of it, without exception. Apparently someone who worked for Capone (or with, I don't remember exactly), has stated that everything that is being written and said about Capone is a lie. That he was the 'Robin Hood' of Chicago, helping people in need and offering protection from crooked law enforcement and politicians. Whether that is true or not is something we might never find out, but 'the internet' does mention that Capone donated some of his 'illegally obtained' money to charities.

So I dug a bit deeper to see what would pop up. Sorry, might be a bit long but it's interesting stuff!

It was Chicago 1945
Cubs lost that year, but Al Capone was found alive

I have to say it's confusing, he starts off with 1945 and the Cubs losing, which they did in 1945, but that seems to be the only thing that actually happened in 1945. And maybe Al Capone being found alive since Capone died in 1947, but he was not it very good shape in 1945. In 1933 Capone's health only just started to decline a bit, and the 21st amendment wasn't passed until December 5th, so his business (largely illegal alcohol production and distribution) must have been thriving. As for the Cubs in 1933, they did not lose because they didn't even qualify in 1933.

After Capone's death in 1947, it is said that the Chicago Mob was taken over from the Capone Organization by none other than Hugh Rodham Sr., Hillary Clinton's father, and Dan Rostenkowski, the former Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee and former House Member, according to a former Clinton adviser called Larry Nichols. Rostenkowski was only 18 years old when Capone died and reportedly serving in Korea at the time, so I am going to assume he joined the 'business' later. In 1952, Rostenkowski became (while still in school) the youngest legislator from the 27th district to the Illinois House of Representatives at the age of only 24. Rostenkowski was indicted in 1994 on corruption charges linked to the Congressional Post Office Scandal. In 1996, he pleaded guilty to mail fraud, resulting in a fine and a 17-month prison sentence. He served his full sentence, yet in December 2000, he was pardoned by President Bill Clinton...

Rodham and Rostenkowski taking over the Chicago mob is not documented anywhere, but that doesn't mean anything. They were both influential men in Chicago in the same era. The chance that these men knew each other is very plausible.

Here is the blog post and the video:


"After Al Capone, Hugh Rodham and Dan Rostenkowski took over (and ran) the Chicago Mob", according to Larry Nichols. Hugh Rodham is Hillary Clinton's father. He is pictured above. Daughter, Hillary, is sitting holding the doll. Brother, Hugh Jr., is sitting on the right. Nichols is a former trusted adviser to Bill and Hillary Clinton. Nichols helped run Bill's political campaigns while Bill was President and Governor of Arkansas. Nichols called Matt Drudge to break the story of President Clinton and Monica Lewinsky. Nichols had the semen stained, blue dress from Lewinsky, a White House page. It ignited Clinton's impeachment. It was alleged that Lewinsky had sex with the President in the White House. Nichols also broke the story of the Awan brothers. They made untold millions by selling information while working in charge of the computer networks for the White House, Congress, Hillary Clinton, and the Democratic Party. Nichols is a former Army green beret, operating Special Forces in Nicaragua. Special Forces work behind enemy lines and can operate any way they wish in order to accomplish their military objective.



Someone in the comments of that video on YouTube is adding to this and giving more information:


"Not fact but not far from the truth. My grandfather Ed and great grandfather Charle was in the aka mob (both worked for the chair of the commission). The aka families aka Mob chair was an unknown non public figure "B Silverstein" in the early 1900s. (Uncle to aka Leon Trotsky) Under the chair, Ed worked with Samuel, Harry and Max Rosenberg (Hillary's family.) The Howell's and Rodham's are in that mix, that is a fact. This is were David aka Koresh Howells waco connection is. Aka Jack Ruby is Jacob Rubinstein and half brother to Sam Geincana. Sam Geincana, Al Capone and Vito Genovese, ALL connected to B Silverstein, Hillary's family and one another in NY and Chicago aka mob the aka families. Aka Hugh Rodham didn't take Al Capones place altho he did work for the commission. So not so FAKE, just not a perfect fact. Fact is Hugh Rodham was part of the aka Mob /aka families, was a spy and worked for the commission as did Peloci's uncle Rocco. He worked for Vito Genovese and Al Capone as a right hand. Rocco, Al Capone, Vito, Geincana, aka Ruby, Max, Samuel, Harry all in the circle around my grandfather. A larger fact is Max Rosenberg & Thresa Fiet is Ethel aka Greenglass Rosenberg's parents making the only woman put to death for treason Hillary's step aunt. From 1890 until 2000 I had family alive who had worked for and connected directly to the commision chairs. Something not in Wikapedia but not FAKE either."

Dan Rostenkowski had connections with JFK, he was involved in JFK's presidential campaign and was invited by JFK to the CBS studios in downtown Chicago to watch the first-ever televised presidential debate between Kennedy and Nixon. After JFK's assassination, Rostenkowski was part of a small group who made regular visits to Jacqueline Kennedy's home in Georgetown, providing support during her time of grief.

As for the World Fair, I think you are definitely on point, but I think the World Fair he is specifically talking about here is the one from 1933-1934 in Chicago, called "Century of Progress" based on the information in the song.

They searched forty days, in the suburbs of the night

At the World Fair of 1933 there was a notable 40-day exhibition at the 1933 Chicago World's Fair, specifically referred to as the "Homes of Tomorrow" exhibit. This was part of the Century of Progress Exposition, showcasing modern home convenience, construction techniques, and innovative design. The exhibit featured twelve model homes built by various corporations and designers, each highlighting futuristic architectural and technological advancements like central air conditioning, dishwashers, and even garage spaces for private airplanes. The exhibit ran for the duration of the first season of the fair, which was from May 27 to November 12, 1933, but it's particularly noted for its impact over the roughly 40 days of its most intensive showcasing. While the fair itself ran for much longer, the "Homes of Tomorrow" exhibit was a significant attraction, highlighting the fair's theme of progress. This exhibit was not just about the 40 days but became emblematic of the entire fair's vision towards the future of living and technology.

The conspiracy theory surrounding the "Homes of Tomorrow" exhibit at the 1933 Chicago World's Fair primarily revolves around the idea that these futuristic homes were not just an architectural and technological showcase but were part of a larger, more sinister agenda. Some suggest that the exhibit was a means to desensitize the public to surveillance, control, and manipulation through the normalization of technology in everyday life. There's a notion that these exhibits were forms of "predictive programming," where the public is subtly conditioned to accept future societal changes through the display of innovative but potentially controlling technologies. The idea is that by showcasing these homes, architects and companies were planting seeds for future acceptance of a more technologically dominated lifestyle, possibly under governmental or corporate control.

Another interpretation might be a biblical interpretation of 40 days, which in prophecy can mean 40 years. One of the most memorable aspects of the opening of the World Fair of 1933 was the use of light from the star Arcturus to symbolically light up the fairgrounds. This was achieved through photoelectric cells capturing the star's light at observatories in multiple locations. The light's journey from Arcturus to Earth took roughly 40 years, symbolizing the fair's theme of a "Century of Progress." This light was then used to light up the fair's main buildings, marking the beginning of the exposition. There's an interesting twist where one might argue that the narrative around the light from Arcturus taking 40 years to reach Earth was either misinformation or part of a larger deception. The actual distance to Arcturus is now known to be about 37 light-years, but at the time Arcturus was believed to be about 40 light-years away, leading to the dramatic narrative that the light used to open the fair had left the star around the time of the 1893 Chicago World's Fair. This discrepancy fuels conspiracy theories. Some theorists might argue that the use of a 40-year timeline was deliberate misinformation, perhaps to align with the fair's theme or to create a more poetic link between the two events. This could be seen as evidence of a hidden agenda or manipulation of historical narrative. Another theory might suggest that the event was more about symbolism than scientific accuracy, implying that those who planned the event were more interested in creating a myth or story than in adhering to scientific facts. Given Arcturus's astrological associations, some might believe the event was timed or staged to coincide with certain celestial alignments or astrological events, using the speed of light as a mystical or symbolic bridge between past and future. Either way, the organizers connected the World Fair of 1933 with the World Fair of 1893.

Young Joe DiMaggio hit his first home run

Young might be the keyword. Joe DiMaggio hit his first home run with the San Francisco Seals on May 28, 1933, during a game against the Mission Reds. Joe was 18 years old. In 1945 Joe was 30 years old, not really a spring chicken anymore, certainly not when it comes to professional sports. Joe DiMaggio was married to Marylin Monroe, who in turn had a connection to JFK.

People gathered 'round, basking in the sun

The text "People gathered 'round, basking in the sun" also connects to 1933. June 1933 was marked by exceptionally high temperatures, with records indicating that it was one of the warmest Junes since records began at Chicago Midway International Airport in 1928. It is still the hottest June on record, today. The whole summer of 1933 was significantly hotter than normal.

Three girls disappeared, on a cold windy night
Never to be found again, never to be found again

I searched for records of three missing girls in 1933 or any other year but found nothing, suggesting either a cover-up or a symbolic reference to many lost children. There were some shenanigans going on concerning children though. At the 1933 World's Fair, Martin Couney, dubbed "the Incubator Doctor," displayed premature babies in incubators, sparking controversy over whether he was exploiting them for profit or genuinely providing care. Critics viewed his methods as unethical, turning medical care into a sideshow.

Couney's legitimacy as a doctor is questionable; he claimed training in Leipzig and Berlin under Pierre Budin, yet no evidence supports these claims, leading to speculation that his work was a facade. Some theories suggest his incubators might have been a front for secret medical experiments, possibly without consent, during a time when eugenics was prevalent. However, Couney's work actually countered eugenic views by saving premature infants considered "unfit."

"The Romance of a People" was the centerpiece of Jewish Day at the World's Fair, held on July 3, 1933. This event was organized by Meyer Weisgal of the Zionist Organization of America and they claimed it was to celebrate Jewish history and culture against the backdrop of rising anti-Semitism in Europe, including Nazi Germany. The pageant was seen as a bold statement of Jewish identity, culture, and the Zionist movement's aspirations for a national homeland in Palestine. The event, often referred to as a mock child sacrifice to Moloch as part of Jewish Day, was organized to celebrate three thousand years of Jewish history, with a particular focus on the Jewish community's contributions to Chicago, intended to show the rejection of pagan practices. At least, that was the claim. But looking at the footage it shows a clear idolization of and sacrifice to Molech.

Some say the video might show an act of evil, real or symbolic, tied to the Federal Building's symbolism. It ends with a scene at night where it looks like they're (mock?) sacrificing a child, unlike the rest which was in daylight. It could be speculated that three girls were sacrificed to Molech at the Fair, but it's unclear where Michael got that idea in that case. Alternatively, the three missing girls could symbolize the Federal Building's three towers. The Federal Building from the 1933 Chicago World's Fair was a significant structure that was supposedly built specifically for the event and could be seen on the posters for the World Fair. The Federal Building was designed with three fluted towers representing the three branches of the U.S. government (Executive, Legislative, and Judicial). It was part of a larger complex including the Hall of States and served as a showcase for federal agencies and their work.

One of the main points of conspiracy is the architectural design of the Federal Building, which featured three fluted towers representing the three branches of the U.S. government. Some theorists suggest that this design, along with other architectural elements at the fair, was laden with occult or Masonic symbolism, intended to signal hidden messages or allegiances to secret societies. The design's emphasis on verticality and the prominence of the towers are interpreted as symbols of power, control, or even pagan worship.

I believe that the symbolism of the triple goddess plays a part in the design of the building. Mother, Maiden and Crone, Diana Triformis, Hecate, whatever you wanna name the bitch. The rituals are always sexual in nature, hence the 3 huge phalluses in the design.

The opening ceremony of the Fair used light from the star Arcturus (captured via photoelectric cells at multiple observatories and then used to light the fairgrounds) and has been interpreted by some as a ritualistic or astrological event rather than a scientific demonstration. Some might assert that this was an act of veneration to celestial bodies or part of a broader occult agenda to align human events with cosmic forces. Looking at the symbolic nature of both the star and the goddess, that seems absolutely plausible. Both Arcturus and Diana share themes of illumination and navigation through the night or through life's metaphorical darkness. Arcturus, the "Guardian of the Bear," implies a protective role over the natural world or specific constellations. Diana is a protector of the natural world, wild animals, and hunters. Her association with the forest and wildlife aligns with Arcturus's protective symbolism.

In addition, there are direct bear myths linked to Diana. Jupiter (Zeus), notorious for his numerous affairs, is struck by Callisto's beauty. Knowing she's vowed to chastity, he disguises himself as Diana to get close to her. In this guise, he seduces or rapes Callisto, resulting in her pregnancy. Some time later, while bathing with Diana and the other nymphs, Callisto's pregnancy is revealed. Diana, who demands chastity from her followers, is outraged upon discovering Callisto's condition. This leads to Callisto's expulsion from Diana's group. After being banished, Callisto gives birth to a son, Arcas. Juno (or Hera in Greek myth), jealous of Jupiter's infidelity, transforms Callisto into a bear. Years later, Arcas, now a young man, encounters his mother in bear form while hunting. To prevent him from killing her, Jupiter intervenes, turning both Callisto and Arcas into constellations - Callisto becomes Ursa Major (the Great Bear), and Arcas becomes Ursa Minor (the Little Bear).
The other bear connection is the Bear Cult. In Brauron, a sanctuary dedicated to Artemis (Diana), there was a unique ritual known as the "arkteia" or "bear service". Young girls, called "arktoi" (bears), would serve Artemis in a rite of passage where they danced and performed rituals dressed in saffron robes, symbolizing their transition from childhood to adulthood. This ritual was linked to a myth where a bear was killed by the local people, leading Artemis to demand that girls act like bears to appease her. This practice suggests a symbolic or ritualistic connection between Artemis and bears, perhaps as protectors or embodiments of the wild and the untamed aspects of nature.

The Federal Building was dismantled after the fair. Most buildings from the exposition were sold off, dismantled, or demolished. The site was cleared to revert to parkland, and very little physical evidence of the fair remains on the original sites today. So never to be found again also fits.

The three towers can also be symbolic for the Three Pillars of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. The Pillar of Mercy (right) - associated with kindness, expansion, and positive forces, The Pillar of Severity (left) - linked with judgment, restriction, and challenges for growth and The Pillar of Mildness (middle) - represents balance or synthesis between the two, often associated with Tiferet (beauty or harmony). But to be frank, I believe it's all the same satanic trinity. Satanism has many forms, most seemingly innocent at face value.

Although Capone was already in prison by the time the fair opened (he was convicted of tax evasion in 1931), his shadow loomed large over Chicago. There's a narrative that the fair was part of a broader effort to demonstrate that Chicago could move beyond Capone's influence. While Capone himself was not directly involved with the 1933 World's Fair due to his imprisonment, the event was instrumental in Chicago's attempt to redefine itself post-Capone, focusing on science, industry, and a vision of progress rather than its past association with organized crime.

The Secret Six, a group of six businessmen, played a significant role in Capone's downfall. They worked to bring Capone to justice, which indirectly helped in cleaning up the city's image in preparation for the fair. Their efforts included funding legal actions against Capone and supporting the IRS investigation that led to his conviction. Books like "Al Capone and the 1933 World's Fair: The End of the Gangster Era in Chicago" by William Hazelgrove portray the fair as a turning point where Chicago moved away from its gangster reputation.

There were public declarations and efforts to assure visitors that the days of Capone's control were over, with fair officials promising a crime-free event. This was part of the broader narrative of the fair being a new beginning for Chicago.
Some theories suggest more direct links, like Capone being involved in the fair's planning or that there were secret meetings or deals, but these lack historical substantiation.

Now you might view this as a city that genuinely wants to move away from crime and corruption, but in the case of Chicago that isn't very believable since the city might be even corrupter now than it's ever been.

Who solved that mystery late Chicago night?
You can't hide the truth, so won't you turn on the light?

The mystery might lie in how Capone's criminal empire was dismantled and who rose to power in his absence. But considering the next phrase it is more likely a reference to the opening with Arcturus' light and the light travel time discrepancy. Looking back at the 1893 World Fair, that one was also shrouded in mystery, mainly how such an elaborate city was constructed so quickly, only to be dismantled shortly thereafter. It is also known for the amazing display of electric lighting by Tesla using AC power instead of DC power.

So it's pretty unclear what he means exactly.

It was so windy, joy had to be in the air (Hee hee)
People gather 'round to see the world's fair

Windy is a reference to Windy City, Chicago's nickname. I can't find any storms that impacted the world fair of 1933, but there was a storm during the opening of the 1893 World Fair. Just as the fair was about to open to the public on May 1, 1893 (as people were gathered 'round to see the world's fair), a severe storm swept through Chicago. Torrential rains caused considerable disruption, washing away newly planted sod and creating puddles across the fairgrounds. This led to last-minute efforts to clean up and prepare for the official opening. Crews worked through the night to replant sod and drain areas of standing water. Some paint was still wet, and the landscaping was far from perfect, but the fair opened on schedule.

While the 1933 Chicago World's Fair did not have an explicit socialist agenda, its context during the Great Depression, alongside its exhibits on public welfare, housing, and technology for the masses, could be seen by some as subtly or inadvertently reflecting socialist ideals or critiques of capitalism. The fair's slogan, "Science Finds, Industry Applies, Man Conforms," emphasized the synergy between science and industry, which could be seen as a critique or commentary on capitalism from a socialist perspective. The focus was on how science could benefit humanity, potentially echoing socialist ideals of collective well-being over individual profit.

Windy might also be symbolic for change, 'so windy' for major change. The use of the word 'Joy' might be to point out that the 1933 World Fair was the beginning of the 'modern time' as we know it and the rise of socialism/communism.

The word 'joy' has been used as a political tool as recently as the 2024 presidential election. Communism emphasizes the collective over the individual, suggesting that true joy comes from communal harmony, equality, and the absence of class struggles. Joy in this context is not about personal gain but about the collective achievement of a classless society where everyone benefits equally from the fruits of labor. The joy in communist ideology often relates to the sense of solidarity among workers, the feeling of contributing to a greater cause, and the brotherhood or sisterhood of the proletariat. This was highlighted in various communist propaganda where the joy of the community was celebrated, often in contrast to the supposed misery under capitalism.

Historical examples show that communist regimes have used the notion of joy in propaganda to promote their ideology. For instance in Maoist China. Slogans like "Mao's words bring joy!" were common, positioning the leader as the source of happiness, implying that joy comes from adherence to communist principles and leadership. Nazi Germany's "Strength through Joy" illustrates how totalitarian regimes use the concept of joy to promote unity and loyalty to the state. In a communist context, similar programs might be designed to divert attention from hardships and focus on the collective achievements. In Maoist China, joy was also tied to the idea of cultural and societal transformation, where the destruction of old traditions was seen as a step towards a new, joyful society free from the "burdens" of the past (or as Kamala Harris put it: "unburdened by what has been"). Some critics argue that the promise of joy in communist rhetoric was a facade to mask authoritarian control, suggesting that the joy promised by communism often led to the suppression of individual freedoms, resulting in a different kind of joy, one that is state-sanctioned and controlled.

1933 saw two new important leaders. On January 30, 1933, Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany by President Paul von Hindenburg and on March 4, 1933, Franklin D. Roosevelt was inaugurated as the 32nd President of the United States. History books won't tell you, but both were socialists and had a huge hand in implementing socialist regulations; Hitler in Europe and FDR in the USA.

Immediately after his inauguration, Roosevelt began implementing the New Deal, a series of programs, public work projects, financial reforms, and regulations aimed at recovery from the Depression. Key early actions included the Emergency Banking Act and the establishment of the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC). Critics, especially from the political right during his time, accused FDR of implementing policies that were communist or socialist in nature, aiming to dismantle the capitalist system. Rumor also has it that FDR was involved with secret societies like the Freemasons or Rosicrucians, suggesting that his decisions were influenced by these groups or by occult practices.

The New Deal expanded government's role in the economy and social welfare, and despite the excuse that FDR's policies were more about pragmatic responses to the Great Depression rather than ideological shifts towards communism or socialism, we all know governments are excellent at creating a 'problem' only to be able to implement the 'solution' in a way people will embrace it and not fight it. FDR's New Deal did not differ much from the Green New Deal democrats are pushing today. While the contexts and specifics of the crises they address differ, both the New Deal and the Green New Deal reflect a progressive approach to using government action to tackle major societal challenges, focusing on economic recovery, social justice, and in the case of the GND, environmental sustainability. In short: more government control and higher taxes. Whoever works hard, pays for those who don't work, i.e. socialism. Franklin D. Roosevelt's legacy in the United States is profoundly linked to the establishment and expansion of the social welfare state.

The New Deal included the Social Security Act of 1935, perhaps the most enduring part of FDR's social welfare legacy, this act established Social Security, providing benefits for the elderly, unemployed, and disabled. It laid the groundwork for the American social safety net, ensuring a basic level of financial security for millions. Unemployment Insurance was part of the Social Security Act, this provided temporary benefits to those out of work, a concept that has become a standard feature in modern welfare states.

  • Aid to Dependent Children (ADC), later evolved into Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), supported families where one parent was absent, significantly impacting welfare for children and single-parent households.
  • The Wagner Act (National Labor Relations Act of 1935) protected workers' rights to organize into unions and bargain collectively, significantly enhancing labor rights and workers' ability to secure better wages and conditions, which indirectly supports social welfare by improving workers' economic security.
  • The Fair Labor Standards Act (1938) established minimum wage, overtime pay, and child labor laws, contributing to a broader social welfare agenda by setting labor standards that protect workers.
  • The Works Progress Administration (WPA) provided jobs for millions during the Great Depression, not only stimulating economic recovery but also directly addressing unemployment as a social welfare issue by employing people in public works projects.
  • The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) employed young, unmarried men in conservation projects, offering them work, room, and board, which was a form of social welfare aimed at both economic recovery and public good.
  • The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) created to stimulate the housing market by insuring loans, it made homeownership more accessible, which was a form of social welfare by promoting stable, secure housing for the middle class.
  • While direct federal health insurance was not achieved under FDR, his administration laid groundwork for future health initiatives by expanding public health services and supporting nutrition programs like school lunches.
FDR fundamentally altered the role of the federal government in American life, establishing the principle that the government has a responsibility to ensure a basic standard of living for its citizens, which is a cornerstone of the welfare state. His policies helped shift American political culture towards acceptance of government intervention in the economy and social welfare, influencing both Democratic and Republican policies for decades. The structures he put in place have evolved but persist, influencing everything from Medicare to food stamps, and setting the stage for later expansions of the welfare state under subsequent administrations.

Under FDR the 21st amendment was ratified, ending prohibition. During his 1932 presidential campaign, FDR promised to repeal Prohibition, recognizing it as unpopular and economically detrimental, especially during the Great Depression. He saw the potential for job creation and tax revenue in the alcohol industry. Shortly after his inauguration in March 1933, FDR signed the Cullen-Harrison Act, which amended the Volstead Act to legalize the sale of beer and wine containing up to 3.2% alcohol. This was a significant step towards the end of Prohibition, showing his commitment to repeal. FDR actively supported the passage of the 21st Amendment. On February 20, 1933, Congress proposed the amendment, which would repeal Prohibition, and it was sent to the states for ratification. The 21st Amendment was ratified on December 5, 1933, making it one of the quickest amendments to be ratified in U.S. history. This rapid ratification process was partly due to FDR's influence and the widespread desire to end Prohibition. While there were Republicans who supported repeal, the leadership and the push in Congress came predominantly from Democrats, making it clear that the Democratic Party was the primary force behind ending Prohibition.

One of the arguments for the ending of prohibition was the fight against organized crime (Like Al Capone's illegal activities) but the end of Prohibition did not eliminate organized crime; it merely shifted its focus. The criminal elements adapted, as they always do, contributing to the persistence of organized crime in other forms.

It's ironic that a president who was so keen on increasing government control supposedly thought people needed the freedom to drink whatever they pleased. While I agree, this freedom had immense consequences for the future, especially when combined with strict regulations in other areas. Freedom can only be given completely; otherwise, strict regulations might lead people to abuse whatever freedoms they have. While many saw the end of Prohibition as a victory for personal freedom, there was a cultural shift towards the normalization and even glamorization of alcohol consumption, which had positive consequences (in terms of social enjoyment), but many negative consequences in terms of public health and behavior to this day, ripping apart families. Consumption rates increased, leading to public health concerns like higher rates of alcoholism, liver disease, and other alcohol-related health issues. Initially, there were also concerns about the quality of alcohol. The sudden legal production and distribution of alcohol led to some instances of poor quality or adulterated products, though this was addressed over time with (guess what?) federal regulations. There was also an increase in public drunkenness and related social problems and the end of Prohibition might have contributed to an increase in domestic violence due to the increased availability of alcohol. The 21st amendment gave no freedoms. It gave the public 'bread and games' while the government enriched itself with more taxes and civilization slowly declined to the mess it is today.

In Europe, Hitler implemented similar socialist programs, although the history books and the internet are desperately trying to NOT call it 'socialist' but 'authoritarian'. As if there is a difference in the end.

The Reichswerke Hermann Göring was created to control and expand Germany's industrial output, particularly in steel and coal, which was a form of state capitalism where the state had significant control over key industries. Aimed at self-sufficiency, the Nazis implemented regulations to reduce Germany's reliance on imports, including control over trade and industrial production. This included setting quotas and directing resources in alignment with the state's goals, which had socialist central planning elements. They replaced trade unions with the DAF, which was a state-controlled organization meant to control all aspects of labor relations. Strength Through Joy (KdF) was a program within the DAF providing leisure activities for workers, which was a form of social welfare, though aimed at keeping workers content and loyal to the regime rather than fostering genuine worker rights. The Winterhilfswerk (Winter Relief Program) was welfare program that collected donations to help the poor, elderly, and unemployed. Reichsnährstand organized agriculture into a state-controlled entity, regulating what farmers could grow and sell at what price, aiming for food self-sufficiency but also controlling the rural economy in a socialist way. Projects like the Autobahn were touted as benefits for the people, providing employment and infrastructure, but they were also part of preparing for war and controlling the populace. The Nazis used socialist rhetoric with promises of equality and anti-capitalism.

Before Hitler's rise, Germany already had a healthcare system established by Otto von Bismarck in the late 19th century, which was one of the first social health insurance systems in the world. Hitler did not create this system but rather expanded upon it. Under the Nazi regime, the healthcare system became more centralized, with all insurance schemes managed by the government. Many of the healthcare systems in Europe today share some structural similarities with Bismarck's systems, but the government control over health care (mandatory contributions from employees and employers for health coverage for example) is Hitler's legacy and despite many people not realizing it, is still used in Europe, at least in The Netherlands and most people have no idea!

I would like to explain the system in The Netherlands, since many Americans think the Dutch healthcare system is so cheap and amazing (LOL!). So a bit off topic but important nonetheless.

All residents of the Netherlands are legally required to have basic health insurance. There are several private insurance companies from which individuals can "choose". But despite being private, the government regulates the services covered by the basic insurance to ensure uniformity. So it's only the illusion of choice. Individuals pay a premium to their insurance company which is fixed and quite low compared to the USA, which is why people wrongfully think they pay much more in the US. Because this is where Hitler's system is still in place.

You also pay mandatory contributions to the health insurance system through your salary, which is income-dependent and you pay nearly 7% of your income into it over the first $80,000 per year! On the other hand there is a healthcare allowance for those with lower incomes to help with these costs. This resulted literally in some instances to healthcare being more affordable if you worked less and had a lower income (there was a case where a husband and wife both worked and received healthcare allowance from the state. She worked 24 hours and wanted to work 4 hours more a week, but turned out she would get less allowance in that case and at the end of the month they would have less net income if she decided to work 4 hours a week more).

Despite paying a lot yearly into the healthcare system, whether you use any of it or not, there's a mandatory deductible for most healthcare services covered by basic insurance, currently set at a maximum of around $400 per year (though this amount changes often). This means individuals must pay this amount out-of-pocket before the insurance starts covering costs. While basic insurance is mandatory, people can opt for supplementary insurance for additional coverage like dental care for adults, physiotherapy, or alternative medicine, which are not even covered by the basic package. Not having health insurance can lead to fines. The Dutch government checks compliance through the tax system since insurance premiums are sometimes paid alongside taxes. If someone is unable to pay for insurance, they can apply for support from the Health Insurance Fund to cover premiums (paid into by those actually working, making money and keeping the economy going). While the Dutch premiums may seem cheap at first glance to Americans, the hidden costs are huge. You pay around $2000 a year fixed, with barely anything covered. If you are going to need health care, you pay your $400 first (and in some instances $900) before insurance will even start paying out. If you want full coverage insurance you pay more like $2500 - $3000 a year. On top of that (and even most Dutch people do not realize this because they don't have to actively transfer the money out of their account) you pay around $3000 a year through your salary (on average with a salary of $45K a year, if you earn $80K+ a year you pay about $5K a year besides your premium through your salary!). To add to that, The Dutch pay even more into the healthcare system by paying 21% VAT on all non-food items and 9% on most food-items. The income from VAT is partly paid into the healthcare system.

So if you want full coverage, you make $65K a year and you go to the doctor/hospital in 2025 in The Netherlands, you pay around $600 a month for health insurance and on top of that, a percentage of the nationwide VAT is paid into your healthcare. In California, being one of the (if not THE) most expensive state, with a $65,000 salary you might qualify for premium tax credits which would reduce your out-of-pocket costs and with subsidies you might pay as low as $350 a month in California for your gold plan, INCLUDING your deductible, when you make $65K a year. In the Netherlands you get no subsidies at all if you make over $40K and you pay the full price. If you make $100K - $200K a year in California, you still pay about the same towards healthcare as a Dutch person who makes $65K. Now also add to that that the cost of living in The Netherlands is high, just like California, housing prices (both renting and buying) is insane and groceries expensive, yet the average California salary (65K) is much higher than the Dutch average ($42K). In addition to the hidden costs, healthcare quality has taken a plunge in The Netherlands, waiting times are insane, insurance companies will try to never spend more than $40K on you when you get sick (protocol) and on top of all that: it's MANDATORY and the Dutch government has full control over your plan, as well as your premiums, which go up 5-10% each year. So long story but thought I'd explain to Americans who seem to think Europe is so amazing because the health care is so cheap. LOL it is NOT. Many people are in huge financial trouble because of the system.

Anyway, back to 1933!

FDR was the first and last president to serve for more than 2 terms (even a little beyond 3 terms), he was also the last president to be inaugurated on March 4th. Maybe here is where 1945 comes into play. FDR was president from March 1933 until his death in April of 1945. Hitler was in power from January 1933 until his alleged death, also in April of 1945. The period 1933-1945 was detrimental to our world as it is today. I believe many, MANY lies have been told about that period and the time before and after that. Something didn't seem right with the 1893 World's Fair and the events around that time, as if that was a first reset. Then soon after we had the federal reserve set up, the Great War (WWI) and the end of the Russian empire and the rise of the Bolsheviks and then the artificially created Great Depression that triggered mass sacrifice of individual freedoms, a lot of government regulations and the theft of the world's gold by getting rid of the gold standard. The U.S. went off the gold standard for domestic transactions under President Franklin D. Roosevelt in ... 1933.

The years 1933 and 1945 are connected through several significant historical, political, and cultural events, particularly in the context of global changes and developments:

Political and World Events:
Rise and Fall of Nazi Germany:
1933: Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany on January 30, marking the beginning of Nazi rule which would lead to World War II. The Reichstag Fire in February and the Enabling Act in March solidified Hitler's power.
1945: This year marks the end of World War II in Europe with the fall of Berlin to Soviet forces in May and the subsequent surrender of Nazi Germany on May 7-8 (V-E Day). Hitler committed suicide on April 30, 1945.
Great Depression and Economic Recovery:
1933: This year was pivotal during the Great Depression; Franklin D. Roosevelt was inaugurated as President of the United States, and his New Deal began to address the economic crisis. Also, the U.S. ended Prohibition with the ratification of the 21st Amendment.
1945: While the Great Depression had largely ended by this time due to wartime economic mobilization, 1945 marked the beginning of the post-war economic boom, although recovery varied globally.

Cultural and Sports:
1933: The first MLB All-Star Game was held in conjunction with the Chicago World's Fair. This was also the year before Joe DiMaggio would become a significant name in baseball, though he was playing in the minor leagues.
1945: The Chicago Cubs last appeared in a World Series until 2016, losing to the Detroit Tigers. This series is famous for the "Curse of the Billy Goat" lore.

Technology and Science:
1933: The Chicago World's Fair (Century of Progress) showcased numerous technological innovations, setting a narrative of progress.
1945: The year saw the end of World War II, which included the use of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, fundamentally changing global politics and science.

Social Changes:
Civil Rights and Social Movements:
1933: The New Deal under FDR included programs that indirectly affected civil rights by providing employment opportunities regardless of race, though segregation was still prevalent.
1945: The end of WWII brought issues of race and equality to the forefront as Black veterans returned home, contributing to the momentum for the civil rights movement.

International Relations:
League of Nations vs. United Nations:
1933: Germany withdrew from the League of Nations, indicating the failure of this body to prevent aggression and maintain peace.
1945: The founding of the United Nations was formalized with the signing of the UN Charter in San Francisco, aiming to prevent another world war through international cooperation.

1933 and 1945 encapsulate a period from the rise of authoritarianism and global economic depression to the end of the most devastating war in history, with significant shifts in political systems, economic policies, and the foundations of international relations. These years frame a narrative of descent into global conflict and the subsequent rebuilding of societies and international order.

So much was goin' on
They didn't know the girls were missing, missing
Can't choose what they say, nobody can
'Cause on the cover of the Chicago Tribune
Feature the world's fair (Hoo hoo)
They didn't bother, though it is the scene

So much was indeed going on. The missing girls is still up for debate, no clue what he really meant. Maybe he is alluding to something that happened before the great reset and thus the people didn't know because they were brainwashed into believing the new narrative ( I will list a documentary about Tartaria below for those who don't know what that means). Maybe the 3 girls are symbolic for all the orphans of that time, taken from their non-conforming parents who were locked up in insane asylums and receiving electro shocks, resulting in them not remembering their children are taken. The rest is also speculation. Can't choose what they say probably is about the media, since the Chicago Tribune is mentioned right after. They provided extensive coverage of the World Fair in 1933, maybe as part of a cover-up on other things that were happening at the time, who knows. They didn't bother telling the truth is what I get from it, but maybe someone has a better theory.

Tartaria documentary:


I moved the topic to Hoax Investigation!


gutschmaTopic starter

Thank you so much for all the historical context and additional info!

I actually don´t have much to add to this. I'm also very new to the whole Tartaria topic and didn't even know there was a second World's Fair, so I focused completely on the first one.

After reading your post, I agree that he is probably talking about the 1933 World's Fair.
It makes more sense because of the timing since it's closer to the year 1945 and also because Michael Jackson seemed to be very interested in the 30's. For instance, MJ's former personal photographer Todd Gray said that MJ read tons of books about Hollywood in the 30's while they were on tour. After reading your post, I think he probably read way more about the 30's then just books about Hollywood.

If the song is centered mainly in the 30's, I actually think that Chicago 1945 has a direct connection to Smooth Criminal and the demo Al Capone.
What I immediately thought of is Club 30's in Moonwalker where he enters at the beginning of Smooth Criminal. Also, the similarity between the Chicago 1945 lyrics and the girl Katie being kidnapped at the end of Smooth Criminal while everybody inside Club 30's is too distracted to notice.

"So much was going on, they didn't know the girls were missing."

Also, in Smooth Criminal, there are three children. Only Katie is a girl and only she gets kidnapped but I still think it could be worth mentioning.
When Katie got kidnapped, it was also at night. When MJ stepped into Club 30's, it was windy when he opened the door. So the description "cold windy night" could fit for Smooth Criminal too.
MJ seemed to be really interested in this topic, since he made not one but two songs and a video – possibly a whole movie – that connects to this whole Chicago thing.

Does anyone know where Moonwalker actually is meant to take place? Maybe the streets that are shown in the movie are supposed to be the streets of Chicago. In that case, I'm wondering if "Mr. Big" could stand for Al Capone. There does seem to be a similarity when you compare just the looks of Mr. Big and Al Capone. Also, there is this gigantic globe in Mr. Bigs hideout. After looking up pictures of the 1933 World's Fair, there are promotion Flyers with a globe on it. Also, there was a giant globe displayed in the Museum of Science and Industry:

Globe at Chicago World's Fair in 1933

In that context, I'm also wondering who exactly MJ is supposed to be in Moonwalker and Smooth Criminal and if there also could be a connection to the Chicago 1945 lyrics.
You could say that in Chicago 1945, he sings about the people not caring as the girls disappeared. So in Moonwalker, he could be someone that actually cared to find them, hence, just a fictitious caracter.

Because he is being chased by Mr. Big, I also wondered If there could be a connection to the line: "They searched forty days, in the suburbs of the night. But they found him, alive." "They" = Mr. Big and his people, search for MJ "in the suburbs of the night" – the streets in Moonwalker where they try to chase him down look like it could be a suburb of Chicago and it is at night. "But they found him, alive" = in Moonwalker, they couldn't kill him and he managed to escape.

In that case, I think the theory of Al Capone possibly being a somewhat Robin Hood would actually kind of fit. Since MJ in Moonwalker would take the place that Al Capone has in the Chicago 1945 lyrics, as far as being chased at least.

I also had to think about some things I read during my research for my initial post, like Al Capone being chased down by the state of Chicago where they were really invested in getting him on anything, him being called terms like "Public Enemy # 1" and "Scarface" and in the end, they still apparently couldn't connect him to any serious crime and he went to jail for things like carrying a weapon and tax related crimes.

In my opinion, they either knew and had proof of what Al Capone was doing and maybe covered it up and worked with him or, if the rumors could be true that he could have been helping people in need and offering protection from corrupt law enforcement and politicians like Souza mentioned, they could have villainized, locked up and used that guy who has been in their way and who they couldn't control as an excuse for preparing the public for the changes concerning the World's Fair and others that Souza has mentioned in her prior post. If the second theory could be true, then the line "they didn't find anything" could maybe also be in connection to the 40-day search in the song where they maybe tried to find something extremely incriminating on Al Capone to get him and use his name in their advantage but in the end, couldn't find anything better than some tax crimes.

I'm not sure which of the two versions is true. Listening to the song, there are some things that could support both the evil mobster Al Capone narrative and the Robin Hood narrative, so I'm still undecided on Al Capones role in the song.

Lastly, one minor thing that I'm not sure about in the lyrics is where he seems to sing:

"You can't choose what they say, nobody can"

Because you can't really understand if that is what he said in the song. There are other websites where they quote what he said to: "You can't do what they say, nobody can / cared". I tried to listen to the song again, it does sound like he sings "nobody cared" instead of "nobody can", but I can't really hear if he is singing "You can't do" or "you can't choose".

Since it could have another meaning in case he said "you can't do what they say", I'm just mentioning it. I don't really have an idea what he could mean by "you can't do what they say, nobody can / cared" though.

As to the demo Al Capone, it also seems to be about a girl that went missing or got kidnapped by a criminal, probably Al Capone? The lyrics of Al Capone we know of are not really clear on who exactly is responsible for the girl disappearing though. This time it is just a single girl, not three. So maybe the girl in the demo Al Capone, Katie in Moonwalker, Annie in Smooth Criminal and the three girls in Chicago 1945 could all be the same. In that case, the three girls in Chicago 1945 may actually be just a general reference to lost children and not an object like the mural or the towers at the World Fairs. Although I still believe that MJ made an intentional reference to Diana / Luna / Selene with the number three and how she was worshipped throughout both of the World Fairs.

Also, the girl in the Al Capone demo and Annie in Smooth Criminal seem to be grown up woman, that´s just the impression I got from reading the lyrics, whereas Katie in Moonwalker is a child and the three girls in Chicago 1945 also seem to be children. Just a difference I noticed. Probably doesn't mean anything and they all could still be the same person.

It's hard for me to get into the lyrics of Al Capone more though since figuring out what he's singing is way harder with Al Capone then with Chicago 1945. In Al Capone, you can hardly understand anything he's singing and the lyrics differ completely from website to website, so it's difficult to discuss the meaning of what he is singing about if it's not even clear what he's singing in the first place.
