Karen Faye

Started by Smokie, December 31, 2009, 08:37:06 AM

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SmokieTopic starter

December 31, 2009, 08:37:06 AM Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

Now, some of you are following Karen Faye on different websites. But I want to warn you about something.

Be very careful what you believe when it comes to her. Unfortunately, I really believe that she is using Michael's death to draw attention to herself.

There was a thread on another forum where it was stated that she went to Forest Lawn and he was 86 pounds or something on that order- to be blunt skin & bones.

First of all let me tell you something about that comment- even if she did go there, no employee is going to discuss a deceased with a hair dresser. So you will know for future and further references. Matters relating to deceased are confidential.

There are aspects that are legally forbidden to discuss with the public. I can tell you from what I know he did not go from being 136 to 86 or 96 lbs as she claims.

Then the latest is about Naomi Campbell which I posted a thread earlier. While Naomi has a rep for being demanding and spoilt as she is- she would not stoop to the level. In order to stay on top she has had to be professional. To say what KF claims is ridiculous and untrue if you step back and think about it.

Michael didn't say much most of the times, but he did tell things if you bothered to really listen to him. He was very much at ease in the video of "In The Closet" and Naomi knew of his work ethics. The man was about business. If anything were to happen he didn't mix the two.

Back to Forest Lawn, mortuaries are required by law to keep certain aspects of a deceased records and conditions confidential. This includes medical information. Now if the family chooses to talk that's one thing. But the establishment has a legal and moral cause not to do so.

The family has run their mouths a lot, but not one of them has said that he was the size she claims.

Then some time ago she goes on line and talks about the man's private. Is this the behaviour of someone who loves, let alone respects you? NO!
This is something done to draw attention to ones self.

Besides his children the greatest loves of his life were his fans.

Michael would not appreciate the tactics that are being done. So you may get mad, but be aware. This woman is not doing anything out of love for Michael Jackson.

She comes off as nuerotic and unbalanced. I think she may have been in love with him, heady, needy and never got pass first base.

Now I will agree that there were other women around that were trashy (my words), but what makes her say some of the things she has?

Most people here loved Michael and out of grief you're reaching out to people who you think felt the same way. Love is demonstrative.
I hate few things more than a person who uses a death to elevate their own selves and that's what this lady is doing. So beware.

Michael loved you. He truly loved you. He adored you. And yes he did hire her back. But Michael had also turned a corner and he was rethinking alot of things including his staff.

Anyone who has to wait to do what she is should be looked at twice. So just consider and weigh it in the balance.


December 31, 2009, 08:52:34 AM #1 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

Then some time ago she goes on line and talks about the man's private. Is this the behaviour of someone who loves, let alone respects you? NO! This is something done to draw attention to ones self.

This is the 2nd time that I have read someone reference how  Karen Faye was doing this. Without getting too graphic, can you please tell what Karen said? I find it odd that a make up artist would spend so much time discussing the physique of her client on a public forum of all places. What did she hope to gain from discussing him in that way? Plus, was she trying to allude to a physical relationship that took place between she and MJ that allowed her to know certain things about the man?   If so, then she does not come across as a friend but as a dreamy eyed opportunist?

SmokieTopic starter

December 31, 2009, 09:01:41 AM #2 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "GirlSaturday"

If so, then she does not come across as a friend but as a dreamy eyed opportunist?

Yes a friend would never, ever do what she has done. She's an opportunist and a user.
And the worst kind of a user is a person who hurts kids and discloses information about them they shouldn't.


December 31, 2009, 09:05:31 AM #3 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

Thanks for reminding Smokie!I hate that girl sooo muth. :evil:

Alem (Thetruth)

December 31, 2009, 09:05:42 AM #4 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

I do think that Karen is both lying and taking advantage of his dead or she is simply being fed what to say and act by the man himself. I really hope for the latter...
She has claimed to do his burial makeup, though experts are required for this. She claims that he was a computer idiot which is so much further from the truth and proof of this is available on the internet and Michael have told that he is very interested in high-tech, but he cant handle a simply computer?! Give me a break.
And this whole thing with "This is not it" I will not even comment. Then it surfaced that Karen was the one selling the tomb pitchers to TMZ. We all wondered how TMZ was able to access private Face book photos which is a crime if you have no permission. But the strange part is that unless you are family you are usually not allowed entry how did she get those pitchure if there are indeed not fake...

All he wanted was the mountain high
Beyond these boundaries,he wanted to fly
In nature\'s scheme,never to die
– MJ



December 31, 2009, 10:01:20 AM #5 Last Edit: December 31, 2009, 10:14:31 AM by the_gloved_one

KF behaviour is inconsistent. I too remember somebody mentioned she was rambling about the size of Michael's manhood, during the time of the trials I think. People are only interested in her because she worked for him. She's nothing but a gossip and no better than the tabloids which Michael hated so much. Karen's behaviour is disgusting, who gossips about their friend this way?    Michael made her somebody and this is how she repays him? Karen needs a lesson in loyalty. I know that Facebook is all the rage but does this woman not have anything better do with her time? I definitely think she is/was infatuated with him maybe in love...I wonder if he knocked her back?

Where there is L.O.V.E I\'ll be there

Alem (Thetruth)

December 31, 2009, 10:04:22 AM #6 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

Yeah I do agree with you to a certain extent. She did defend him after the Bashit interview and she said some lovely things about him. I think it was on the documentary called "The footage you were never meant to see", anyways I do not know why she is acting like this now, I have my ideas but I do not know.

All he wanted was the mountain high
Beyond these boundaries,he wanted to fly
In nature\'s scheme,never to die
– MJ



December 31, 2009, 10:09:23 AM #7 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

I can not imagine just
I can not believe these people then MJ deceiving and cheating are so cruel

Happy Feet

December 31, 2009, 03:55:46 PM #8 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

I think Karen is just playing her part and doing it well. Her job is to keep people believing Michael is dead and that poor health and drugs did contribute to this. She was with Michael for 20 years +. She has been very loyal to him in the past (through all the trials and allegations etc). Yes I know he fired and rehired her through the years and she did say he had a big *** (hence the reason she was fired) but if you look at Michael track record with staff you'll see his done that to others as well. Hire, fire, rehire, fire, rehire!

By the way she didn't say he was 80 lbs. It was supposedly leaked by her that he was 110 or 108 1bs. Her story of his health and appearance matches that of the "This Is Not It" campaign. She is an integral part of that campaign. She also endorses Randy Jackson to all of the "This Is Not It" members as being "one of us". Go figure on that one because Randy Jackson promotes the theory that Michael was murdered, where as Karen & TINI promote the theory that Michaels wellbeing and health were being neglected by AEG, hence the reason for his dramatic weightloss and need for drugs to help him sleep. These factors combined with the stress is what lead to his death.

That's just my opinion, but Karen is doing her job in my eyes and doing it pretty well. There's over 8000 followers on this "This Is Not It' that believe this as well as 7000 + that follow her on both her facebook accounts combined. To work for Michael for that long as his makeup artist , she would know a fair bit and see a fair bit. She could of sold Michael out with some of these intimate stories and details but she hasn't.  Well not yet anyway. The thing about Naomi to me isn't a sellout. Anyone can become anyone on the internet too.


December 31, 2009, 04:23:13 PM #9 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

how did she know  about the size of his ****??


December 31, 2009, 04:52:03 PM #10 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest




December 31, 2009, 05:20:56 PM #11 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

I bet she'll be coming out with a book soon.


December 31, 2009, 05:26:02 PM #12 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

I read on another forum that she DOES plan to write a book.
Maybe MJ should ghost write his own to counter all of these.
Now that would be funny if he wrote a tell-all book about THEM. :lol:

Quote from: "liegi"

I bet she'll be coming out with a book soon.


December 31, 2009, 06:55:27 PM #13 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "mirandacnc"

how did she know  about the size of his ****??

LMAO!! That's what I'd like to know. Why on earth was she running her mouth about it? Obviously she felt the need to tell the world that Michael has a SHLONG but, why???? She seems very posessive.

Where there is L.O.V.E I\'ll be there


December 31, 2009, 07:03:38 PM #14 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "the_gloved_one"

Quote from: "mirandacnc"

how did she know  about the size of his ****??

LMAO!! That's what I'd like to know. Why on earth was she running her mouth about it? Obviously she felt the need to tell the world that Michael has a SHLONG but, why???? She seems very posessive.

heehee it speaks for itself! hahha oh god im bad!!! LMAO!!!

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