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Forest Lawn won't confirm Michael's burial
I was planning a trip to Los Angeles over the Christmas vacation and was thinking of visiting Michael Jackson's gravesite. I called Forest Lawn and was surprised to find out that they would not aknowledge that Michael Jackson was in fact burried there. I was in shock, I asked the lady if all the media stuff about the buriel was a sham and she would say nothing. I told her I watched the TV coverage of the body supposedly being moved to the Masoleum. She said she had no information on this, I asked if we could tour the Masoleum and she said no. Noone was allowed in there and she could not even say if Michael was buried there. I definatley understand the need for privacy in such matters , but he was the most public of all celibrities. It really got me thinking , exactly what's going on here , It really is very mysterious.
email recieved Wed, November 18, 2009 DB Sydney