Hi guys, I'm sure most of you have heard of the IMissYouAll09 account on youtube. There are many factors which make me believe it's a fake, and I came across a comment on someone else's page, and this person agreed that IMissYouAll09 was not "HIM", as he said. He seemed to have inside information on this subject, so I messaged him about it.
I'll paste his messages here.
Tell me how much you understand about the real world and what goes on in the entertainment industry. Once I know that you can truly understand the real truth I will consider sending you a TOTALLY FICTIONAL STORY that you might appreciate. IT could answer questions that have been troubling you and millions more! But I need to know how you see the real world first.
I do not want to be seen as playing with anyone who might have an inability to understand certain things.
I meet HIM on occassion...or someone whose voice is seemingly the same as HIS...but I do not know if it really is HIM, even though I did meet HIM in 1983 and 1994 when he did not have to hide himself from practically everyone. IMissYouAll09 is not HIM or HIS account. HE could not risk doing anything that easily traceable, period. Besides, HE is fully aware of all these deeply upsetting sites! People should not be doing this kind of harm.
Message 2:
I will send you the info., but only if you are over 18...I do not knowingly correspond with minors on purpose. My agent/agency handles all my communications with the general public.
Message 3:
The answers to what you really want to know are here! Please forward to everyone you think loves his music, message and mind!
Synopsis for an upcoming Fictional Thriller.
This is the story of Jack Mason (Chile). By JP Fenyo, The Free Advice Man.
Jack was very famous, and for a while he was very wealthy too. But with fame and money and talent too, Jack was always being threatened, attacked, hounded and even framed. You see, the world is full of nasty people, especially the higher up you live.
In order to get away from one group of nasty people Jack had no choice but to agree to
accept the protection of another group of nasty people. Because when you are that famous and wealthy you need someone to protect you, but in a world full of nasty people the choice is between worse and bad enough.
Unfortunately things would only get more complicated over time, and eventually things got to be too complicated. After Jack had suffered a terrible accident in which some of his most sensitive muscles were damaged, causing nerve damage, pinched nerves and excruciating pain, Jack had to take pain killers in order to be able to perform at all. But over time he developed a tolerance to less powerful pain killers and eventually he had to take even stronger ones that were even more addictive. And because of this he had to deal with other nasty people, especially corrupt doctors. Furthermore the pain killers not only were addictive and harmful to his liver and other vital organs, but they also had an affect on his mind and emotions, and soon enough his behaviour changed significantly.
Because of his rise to major fame and his ability to buy entire companies there were even more people who both envied him and who sought to either control him or destroy him! Thats the way the world works at the higher levels. He had long learned to distrust other adults, and since he had been robbed by his own parents of his own childhood he would seek to be around those who were children or innocent enough. He would enjoy all the kinds of innocent things that most average children do in the wealthier parts of the world. He would have pillow fights and movie-watching slumber parties and forgetting his own age and responsibilities he would soon lose perspective and partake in behaviour that is normal between actual children, even natural exploration, but which is very incorrect for someone his age. But even then he never went so far as to fully violate them and exploit their trust. For him doing such a sick thing was anathema to his very soul. Still, some of the things that he did do were inappropriate for his age. And so Jack found his enemies able to exploit his childish foolishness and make mountains out of molehills.
Jack had already been spending tons of his money simply having to protect himself from nasty people trying to sue him for all sorts of made-up reasons and what not, and because of threats to his safety and that of his loved ones Jack had to spend more and more on security and he also had to begin to associate with even more powerful and dangerous people in order not to be harmed by other powerful and dangerous people. Meanwhile his reputation and life had been turned upside down by his naïve but incorrect behaviour with those youngsters.
A lot of Jacks experiences had also made him a very political person; someone who saw himself as a hero for the poorest and most neglected youths of the world, and someone who was a fighter against all forms of racism and prejudice and unjustified intolerance. Of course this only made his nasty enemies want to hurt him even more!
Because of having been taunted by his father and even treated like some kind of trained animal Jack also had developed this desire to change his appearance years earlier. He wanted to look like Peter Pan, with whom he identified, and he had more than enough money to alter his own appearance in a few key places. Unfortunately he also suffered from a skin pigmentation disorder that made him look spotted in places and in an attempt to even-out things he resorted to bleaching through high levels of oxygen exposure. The method worked, but it made him look pale and made his skin ultra-sensitive to almost everything, including strong exposure to sunlight and cold. Ofcourse rumours spread like wildfire in the tabloids over the years.
And eventually the way the police and authorities in his own native country had begun mistreating him he spent more and more time abroad, especially in places where he would be able to have more privacy and yet live in relative safety and comfort. He began to see that the situation back home was not going to get much better and that people had been messing with his finances and doing things that might get him in big trouble. Also, his children were being negatively impacted, but they were young enough still to start anew. His health was getting so bad that it showed more and more on his face and in his behaviour, such that his young children began having tantrums at the breakfast table each morning. They saw their father getting sicker and his appearance scared them at times. He had to find a way to get away from them before they would be harmed by seeing their father gradually dying in front of them! His doctors told him that there was little that could be done, no matter how much money, and that his remaining time would become even shorter if he did remove almost all the sources of stress in his life! It became evident that it was a choice between dying from a sudden excess-stress-induced seizure right in front of his beloved children, or getting away from everything and beginning an entirely new life that would at least last longer, perhaps even years or more!
And it was there, in that country where he found escape, that he made a few special friends, including a Prince. So, having been very fond of magic and escape artists, he began to devise a plan. He was able to buy a new identity and passport, making him a female member of the extended royal family. This was easy, because of the religious strictures concerning public appearance and the need to wear special clothing and what not. And because of the level of his citizenship he would be treated as part of a diplomatic corpse from that country, thus avoiding any situation where he would be revealed in the other country where he would be willing to settle down for those remaining years. In other words, the country he was originally from would not be a place where he could return to for good, and the country that he was able to get a new passport and identity was also not a country where his friend the Prince would want him to hang out in! In order to avoid any chance of an easy trail the Prince and Jack agreed to give the appearance that they had had a major falling-out of their old friendship. So Jack returned to his native country to make all the final preparations. He arranged for a body to be found and he managed to find an official willing to make the certification for the right amount. He also had managed to gain very sensitive, otherwise top secret and/or simply damaging information on a whole number of government and public officials so as to make his great escape even more assured and harder to discover! The idea was simple: he would pay a terminally ill person of similar body shape and age to agree to be the body needed to prevent any future discoveries from being made too easily. The man he found wanted to insure that he would live his last few months in luxury, and that he would be able to give his brother and sister a significant sum of money. But there was a problem; if he simply faked his death without any major event happening then too many things could go wrong and he would have to pay too many people off to get out of the country! So he manufactured an incredible event that would facilitate things tremendously!
Now; because he had never used his new identity diplomatic passport upon entering his native country, and because the authorities in his native country would not allow him to remain dressed and hidden from view, he knew that he would have to leave his country not by plane but by car, and by being driven across the border to a neighboring country where a relatively small amount of money can buy you almost any official, if need be. And that neighboring country also could care less about people departing.
The big event was being made to give the appearance of a renewed period of success, but that was only for appearances sake! After all, his finances were a mixed-up situation and his creditors were coming after him. He even decided to buy time by appearing to raise funds by seeming to be willing to sell off many of his most prized belongings.
Finally everything was in place and he faked his death.
He flew from the neighboring country to the country to France and from there it was a simple matter of a train to London! Yes, London, his favorite city in the world by now! And it was a clever choice too! Because he actually had been expected to re-launch his career in London, where the whole social reality would allow him to live the remainder of his dwindling years in relative peace and at a price he could afford. The only thing would be that he would have to wear special clothing when in public and he would have to stick to a very few friends; most of whom would still only think that he was a Prince forced to go into hiding as a woman dressed differently!
As for his children; they would know that they would never be allowed near him again, because too many eyes would be watching, but he did make sure that he would be able to send them special messages, in a very clever way and that they would know that he would be watching them from a distance, also in a way that would be very sophisticated and impossible to connect by those who would, of course, investigate. And to prevent fans from harming themselves he left plenty of clues to keep their hopes and dreams alive. He loved his fans very much! And no matter what all his fans and nasty enemies might do they would not be able to find him! But he would always be able to find those he wanted to. He even made arrangements for some people to further confuse and misdirect people, and before he had been driven to that neighboring country, where he would fly off from, he was able to remain hidden long enough to attend his own fantastic memorial service! But he knew that he could not wait for his actual funeral, because that would be too risky. Already he had to stay in the house of one of the government officials on whom he had plenty of dirt! He remembers when he met his friend the Prince as he arrived for a brief stay. The Prince could see a hand gesture being made as a coded signal, but to be sure he whispered: Jack Mason Chile? And Jack simply replied; Im not Panda Referee Yin Joy! His voice was so feminine that anyone overhearing would not have doubted that the person underneath the garments was other than a real woman, and a member of the royal family!
The New Beginning.
PS: This story is PURE FICTION...EVERYTHING IS AN ILLUSION...but you can tell, can't you?
After this, I messaged him with a few questions but his response was:
As per HIS instructions concerning this kind of inquiry: I cannot give you any more information than what you have already. For my own interests and HIS I will stick to PURE FICTION. I will never be able to prove anything. If I dared to try that would be unwise. Follow your intuition! The anwers are obvious.
Not trying to be cold or rude or anything negative. It's not a safe world. So you can imagine!
I guess the reason I posted this on here was because I was wondering if anyone could help me out. I am trying to figure out if this story actually means anything.
One theory that sticks out to me.. could it be that everything the general public has known or seen of "Him" was an illusion? None of it was real; It was all pretend? And we think we know him and what he has been through, but in reality, it could not be further from the truth? ( Based on the line "EVERYTHING IS AN ILLUSION. It is PURE FICTION.")
Sorry this is so long guys. Hope you can help me out!