
Written note.

Started by Carrie, February 07, 2019, 01:56:17 PM

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CarrieTopic starter

I noticed in the interview Brasilian TV did with Taj jackson & his wife, Taj showed written notes that Michael had left or sent him through the years, but one of the notes doesn't seem to be Michael's handwriting. It might be a recent one. I have tried uploading a screenshot here without success. The note says "A little gift from Europe. Love uncle Michael."

I'm sure of two things;
Michael Jackson is innocent, always have been and always will be. No doubt!
Michael Jackson hoaxed his death & is still alive.

When it comes to the hoax and what is going on now, I have no idea who's in on the hoax and who is not. I don't know who to trust because Hollywood seems to be connected one way or another. & there's a lot of shady people in Hollywood.

I'm just going to wait it out & continue to defend Michael.


CarrieTopic starter

Quote from: ~Souza~ on February 09, 2019, 10:59:29 PM

Can you post a link?

https://youtu.be/eRMDjQWbkNk  The note I'm referring to is at approximately 8:20 mark.

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