

Started by ~Souza~, November 02, 2018, 03:11:08 AM

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~Souza~Topic starter


LMAO  Not that again !  That is not where MJ been sleeping.  I would say he sleeps somewhere overseas.  :Winking: :Dont-tell-Anyone:


I liked the last line. Possibly the only line of truth to the whole story.  "Michael has planned the most amazing encore ever".
Even after all these years,  I still like to think of that encore. Especially now and what that would mean for the pieces of shit like robsome and safecheck as well as that great beast hoprah.  :Poo: They would all be liable for defaming a living person. Ah....what a sweet outcome that would be for this whole sorry mess.


I believe MJ is alive, but will never make a comeback, nor does he wish to. I think MJ has washed his hands of it all. What I have gotten from how MJ talked, he don't wish to live in the US anymore, and went to live abroad somewhere overseas. It not only would cause a big scene, if he was to return, but is very dangers for him to do so. It would all start over again with all the lies, and the crazy sex fixated people thinking he really was a pedo, would try to get him too. Best for him to stay right where he is now.  :Sun: :Drinks:

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