
The Calm Before The Storm?

Started by ~Souza~, August 12, 2018, 01:52:50 PM

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Okay, I am probably going to get slammed for this blog, but it has been on my mind for so long and I have to get this out there and see if there are others sharing this theory. I will go through certain things rather quick because if I don't I'll be typing for the next 2 weeks! So if anything is not clear, please don't hesitate to ask for a more detailed explanation. Keep in mind that this is simply a theory. Recent developments have supported what I have researched in the past and so I am genuinely wondering if one has to do with the other. It's sort of a theory in which I try to tie everything together. Michael's life, 'death', the 'how' and the 'why'. To me it explains a lot and to me this fits Michael's character and heart and what he has always fought for.

I will start with the very beginning. Please bear with me and read everything in context before commenting. It's all just my brain over flooding and it needs to get out to see if together, we can make some sense out of all this.

A short introduction: I believe there is a group of very powerful and rich people who are trying to get full control over the world population. Whenever I talk about 'they', I will probably talk about this group. Their goal is to create this one world government and enslave the population. I also believe they are very close to achieving their goal. Many people are already enslaved without even realizing it and people are willingly giving up more and more freedom each day.

Whoever has read my blogs will know that I believe Michael was a victim of Mind Control. Mind control is being used for all kinds of purposes, but the most blatant is the use of it in music and entertainment. Artists are being controlled (they use rape and torture to 'program' them) to get certain political messages out to their fans, to influence the opinions of the public and to control the masses. Mind control victims are being 'programmed', usually when they are kids, and some kind of natural deprogramming starts when they get to around 25-30 years of age. This is the reason you see many celebrities go 'crazy' around that age, and there is a reason that the 'Club of 27' exists.

Most of the time when a victim goes 'off message' they will get them back by sending out a warning (a drug overdose, a murdered family member, an accident, hair set on fire etc.) and then send them to 'rehab' or something which is more like a place they will be reprogrammed so they can continue their 'work'. I have an interesting book on this topic for whoever is interested and strong enough to stomach the information, I will not go into detail here because the details are sick. I have been in a depression for months after I first learned about this.

Anyway, I believe that in the late 60's there was a 'need' for 'acceptable' black artists. The world was changing and even though 'they' had control over the black population for a long time, they realized there was a shift in thoughts and that black people were more and more accepted. You know, we are not racist by nature. Humans are made racists in order to divide. Where it was once directed at whites to control black people, we should now be careful not to let it happen the other way around. Anyway, I am getting side tracked here. Late 60's, they needed black artists to control the black community that got more and more vocal by then. They could try to silence the community (hence why MLK was killed) but eventually they needed to find other ways.

The Jacksons were 'discovered' and brought to fame pretty quickly, right? Not saying they weren't talented, but they were sent into orbit before anyone could spell their names. They were able to produce some very prominent black artists during a very tense racial time in the US, the 'acceptable' face of black culture. In the 60's/70's the timing was right to create a wave of black icons they could control. They look for talented or especially gifted ones, like Michael. His personality made for a perfect MK Ultra subject.

Many black entertainers are used to reinforce stereotypes, it keeps America divided. Michael busted OUT of all their 'roles' and he got bigger than they anticipated. Not just that, he started to fight against them. So now they had this black guy that had all this power, all this money and even worse: he wasn't playing their game. Have you ever wondered why Michael is the only one of the siblings with all these illnesses? His vitiligo was not random, it was medically induced. They made him white.

This stuff is still happening all over the world. To those awake, the signs are everywhere.

Around 1988 we see a change in Michael. Not just his appearance, but his lyrics, his attitude, this 'angry' Michael suddenly appeared. He started to use lots of symbolism in his short films, in Moonwalker (turning point right there) and his music and album covers. I believe this is where he felt ready to break away from his handlers and fight it.

Moonwalker is an important movie. It shows a certain change in his life and career. A 'start' of something new. It has always intrigued me that Moonwalker begins the same as This Is It ends. As if there is something about the period in between.

I've always wanted to do a full blog on Moonwalker but for some reason I never got to it. Maybe I will do that next. In short we see an interesting order of events in Moonwalker. We see Man In The Mirror, him telling us he is going to make some changes. Then we get an overview of his career up to then. Then we see him having to run away from the fans and reporters, disguising himself to get away. After that we see the Leave me Alone video. There is a shit ton of symbolism in all of this but I am keeping this short and will address all that in a separate blog.

At the end of the Leave me Alone video you see the Michael chained under the circus/rollercoaster/entertainment industry break free.  Right after that the attacks on Michael start, we see him under fire by these soldier like people. We then see a flashback where it is explained why: Michael and Katy find out that there is this man called 'Frankie Lideo' who wants to drug all the children of the world. Since Frank Dileo makes an appearance himself in the end of the movie, I believe that Michael used his name to symbolize the entertainment industry, managers, handlers etc. and that Frank was fine with that.

After that we see Michael under fire again, all ammo is used on him yet Michael gets away. We see the logo of these people attacking him as being a spider. We see lots of spiders and spider webs in Moonwalker. In Monarch programming there is something called the spider web system or black widow spider system. This system is set up for blackmail and destruction via entrapment of people who are perceived as threats to the Illuminati. I believe this is his way of showing that they will attack him with all they can think of and try to blackmail and entrap him (how about accusing him of pedophilia, hmm?). Also notice that in This Is It, Michael himself comes out from under the black widow during Thriller/Threatened when the 'dead come back to life'.  Tables are turning?

Next in Moonwalker is 'Smooth Criminal', Michael under attack again, gets away again with the help of the other guests at the club. Katy is being taken by the spider people and we see Michael going after them to save her. Yet he gets his ass kicked as Michael, so he turns himself into this robot and destroys the spider people and leaves. He returns as Michael though and brings the kids to the club again that looks completely different now and performs 'come together'.

So far Moonwalker in short. To me it looks like Michael started something around 1988 of which he knew they would attack him greatly. Something to save the children from evil people that want to drug them. With the many MK Ultra programming symbols in the movie, I am positive he made it his mission to save those who are a victim of this horrible programming. Ever since 1988 Michael has been very vocal about saving the children, healing the world etc. We also have seen him being attacked in any way possible. Poison (read my blogs) that caused various diseases including vitiligo, 'accidents' with bridges in Munich, the numerous accusations and insinuations of Michael with young boys. How low to attack someone by accusing him of the very thing he fights to prevent. Michael leaving in the movie might be symbolic for Michael 'dying' and then come back when the world needs to 'come together'.

This Is It, Moonwalker's 'mirror image' is released 21 years (3 x 7) after Moonwalker. What is the link to Moonwalker, which is about saving the children? Is he saying that his death is 'It', that it has something to do with saving the children? He did wear 777 on his shirt, referring back to Moonwalker?

If you believe he is still alive, you will also have to believe that Michael has had help from people in high places. You don't fake your death with all this hoopla around it without it. There is no way. There must be law enforcement involved. If WE can figure out that Michael is alive, THEY can as well. So he must be protected. He must have friends in high places. Friends he trusts and has known for a long time. This is where some of you will dismiss this theory. What I had in my head for a long time (at least I had the hope there was something like it) was something I saw in someone else's video years later. Please watch the video first before I go on, otherwise the rest will make no sense.


Now I know a lot of people hate Trump with a passion. I don't. I have been following Trump since the beginning of the hoax. I have always believed Trump knew that Michael was alive. I also believe he and Michael were, and are, friends.

Now the biggest reason I wanted Trump to win the election was his vow to fight child sex trafficking, pedophilia etc. Many of you might not know that Trump has already put many pedophiles and traffickers behind bars and many are to follow. Trump really IS on a mission to save the children.

Now back to that video. I believe this plan was cooked up years ago. I think Kennedy tried, just listen to his speech. He was killed. Reagan tried, he was shot as well. Michael met Reagan by the way around that time. So did Trump.

Is Michael part of this 'Plan to save the world'? Think about it, this shit is going to hit the fan, sooner rather than later. More and more is coming out. The media is in panic mode, making people think it's some 'right wing conspiracy' just like they did with pizza gate. It's all connected. This rabbit hole is so incredibly deep. Did Michael fake his death and go into some sort of witness protection program until this stuff finally comes to light?
Many of us, including me, thought Michael would return in 2013. I actually thought end of October, 2013. Michael talked about '4 years to get it right' in This Is It. October 2013 would have been 25 years after Moonwalker as well. I think that was the original plan but he didn't. Trump was supposed to run for President in 2012. That also didn't happen, something must have fucked up the plan. Isn't it strange new allegations of child molestation addressed at Michael popped up that year? What is the use of accusing a dead guy? There is none. That there is evidence that THEY know he's alive. They probably also suspect what he is part of.

Now again, this is my theory and I'd like to discuss this here on the forum to see where it will lead and what we can figure out. I am not saying that this mission is real. I hope it is, I see signs that it is and I believe that if there is a plan to destroy the world, there has to be a plan to prevent that. There are still people in power who are good, everyone can't be evil. And if there are, then why wouldn't they do something about the state the world is in right now? And I am not saying Michael is a part of it either. I hope he is, I see signs he is and I believe he would 'die' for the cause. Michael's name has been dropped a few times in relation to Q as well. And as much as I love Trump, I cannot see him address the world and have people actually listen to what he has to say, too many can't see through the media lies and hate him too much. I do see them listening to what Michael has to say though...

When I went through old chats I had back in early 2010, this part popped up:

[ME]: what is that Q-sign? (can't remember the full sign now)
[PERSON I WAS CHATTING WITH]: don't worry.. focus on [...] for now

So who is Q? "Wait until you find out who has been talking to you here. You will know who I am when you hear my voice." (https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/88fxuw/michael_flynn_is_q/dwkg44v/)

Is 'Q' a Star Trek fan? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Q_(Star_Trek)

Many think Q is some military guy, who would recognize some military guy's voice? Some people believe it's Trump himself. Although I do think Trump's voice is recognizable, I don't see why Trump would speak in code to himself, like he seems to be doing with Trump and vice versa. So who would be recognized by everyone by his voice?

Not saying Michael is Q, I am simply sharing thoughts. Scroll back up to that video about the plan to save the world and check the date it was posted.

And check the date of Q's first post: https://qanonposts.com/

The calm before the storm...?

Links of use:





As I was saying earlier in this thread, I will come back here with strange things/connections that I found between MJ & Donald Trump these past years...

One of them is the Number 7 !!
We all know that Number 7 played a major role in Michael's life & career both before 2009, but mostly AFTER! It served as a constant clue/sign to the planning of this hoax! It's all around the Number 7!
I guess you all remember that red shirt he wore during This Is It Rehearsals with the TRIPLE 777 imprinted on it?

Well, you can imagine how BIG my surprise was when I first noticed how Number 7 seems to show up in relation to Donald Trump as well!!?? I was like WTF is going on here?? HOW Come!??
Here below, I'll post a few No. 7 & MJ montages, just like a reminder... and then the Connections I found with No. 7 & Donald Trump! It's crazy!

"THE TRUMP INAUGURATION PROPHECY! - The numbers may have indicated it in advance!" -- https://youtu.be/DY4qcwjJuak

Via @Scott Clarke's Youtube channel (the one who posted the video from above ^^), on Nov. 2nd, 2016 (few days BEFORE Trump got elected !!):
"Donald Trump will be 70 years, 7 months & 7 days old precisely on Presidential Inauguration Day 2017 in the Hebrew year 5777. Coincidence? That's pretty hard to have happen by coincidence. In the Bible the number 7 means perfection and completion. Prophetic? You better believe it! More Below! Trump: the 777 Prophecy. BEST 3 MINUTE TRUMP PROPHECY (Trump Inauguration) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gBJKwlQkq6o

Michael Snyder's original article: http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/archives/if-donald-trump-wins-he-will-be-70-years-7-months-and-7-days-old-on-his-first-full-day-in-office "

How can this be? And it's not just ONE 7 , it's THREE SEVENs !! WTF is going on here? How can anyone plan this beforehand??
Also notice the Word Play with Trump's name and the Vice-President's name: Mike PENCE!
On all the electoral posts they wrote their names like this: Trump - Pence
If you pronounce the 2 names quickly, the pronunciation sounds VERY much like TRUMPETS

VIDEO =>> "Trump = 777? " -- https://youtu.be/JyNIAhhYJQc  –

Long live the SEVENs
Michael in South Korea in 1996
Trump called North Korea in 1999,
And for nearly 20 years the world ignored the threat - VIDEO -->> https://youtu.be/G7POusDdsfE

How far go the coincidences of The Lovely & Mysterious no. 7
- Michael Jackson in South Korea - Seoul 1996 - VIDEO -->>  https://youtu.be/FcRyI_KvU6A
- Trump's speech to South Korea's parliament (on November 7th ) - VIDEO ->> https://youtu.be/y0xEoKRHRi4

1. Listen to what is being said in this video made by Trump's staff and you will recognize many of Michael's dreams for a better world, also the words sound like the purpose exposed in the Q -movement videos !!

Via Donald Trump's Facebook: "This is the video, "A Story of Opportunity," that I shared with Kim Jong-un at the Singapore Summit."
WATCH VIDEO here --> https://www.facebook.com/DonaldTrump/posts/10161123696575725?__xts__

  • =68.ARAR_-_eFk8C_R5klWAXuxyz6_s7hj1FWnXu4UdvWW-4YHJL5frjGCLYAu1Y3Z5o4yAIAOFNbjCqt4FHUkMMjUkXQQgUqWeqJuh5yNxzCge95FFGK_HUzpkQrocb93fU-Yy2XZWM1IVul3-TCCYul_VkQr2Dv_Fcu_g9PYwCEYvuysZuk0a0JeI&__tn__=-R

    2. Watch this Earth Song video from This Is It (2009) , at the second 00:29 , Michael says "I love the Light" and then they show the picture in this screen shot from below

    What if – Earth Song SUN – TRUMP Korea -

    There are many other occurrences of Number 7 in relation to Trump: if you listen carefully to all his speeches, he talks about 7-figure a LOT! many of the public events that he attends to take place on the 7th ! and many other things like that... just pay attention and you'll notice the SEVENs everywhere around Trump.

~Souza~Topic starter

Will read that all later but have to say I LOVE Trey Smith. I had to get used to him because he seems to be all over the place sometimes, but he has very good videos!



~Souza~Topic starter

Quote from: skyways on October 10, 2018, 07:08:10 AM


You really should explain what that means.


Quote from: SimPattyK on October 09, 2018, 03:06:13 PM

As I was saying earlier in this thread, I will come back here with strange things/connections that I found between MJ & Donald Trump these past years...

One of them is the Number 7 !!

[ .............
There are many other occurrences of Number 7 in relation to Trump: if you listen carefully to all his speeches, he talks about 7-figure a LOT! many of the public events that he attends to take place on the 7th ! and many other things like that... just pay attention and you'll notice the SEVENs everywhere around Trump.

I posted the above only 2 days ago ... there are many other interesting events that happen at certain dates....

For example today:
11 October 2018
11 . 10 . 2018
1+1+1+2+1+8 = 14 [77]

What happened today [77] ?

"President Trump Signs Music Modernization Act...Kanye Just Misses It" -- https://community.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/forums/index.php?topic=24971.msg454410#msg454410

President Trump EXPLOSIVE Speech CHANGES the Music Industry FOREVER https://youtu.be/S1km0W8y9jU

Listen the above video towards minute 01:00, President Trump says:
"They've been waiting for this for a LOONG time, they've been working on this for years and years and years and I guess certain... Entertainers have been taken advantage of... but No longer! Because of Trump! Can you beLIEve that?"

Don't those words sound familiar to you?
Didn't Michael fought (years and years and years back) for Musicians rights because he said "they were being taken advantage of"? and they died poor because of the sharks from the Music Industry who suck all the wealth from them like vampires?

Isn't this another interesting MJ-Trump-Coincidence??

Michael Jackson exposing the music industry

Listen the beginning of the above video, where Michael says (very similar to what Trump said today!):
"The tradition of great Performers from Sammy Davis Jr., James Brown, Jackie Wilson, Fred Astaire, Gene Kelley... the story is usually the same you know: these artists worked really hard at their craft, but the story ends the same, they usually are broken, torn and usually just sad...the story is very sad at the end... because the companies take advantage of them, they really do and ..." (and then he talks about Sony and how Sony tried to do the same thing to him, but he managed "to out-think them").

And again, similar stuff he said in this other speech about the Greedy and racist Music Industry !!

Michael Jackson talks about how the music industry is racist.

It looks like all Michael's dreams about making a better world start taking some form and shape...
OMG! I want so much for this to be true! :Heart:
I just hope it's not just wishful thinking...


I made these montages in 2017 and posted them on Facebook.... I thought that there were some intriguing things between the way the White House was decorated  with certain elements seen in the mini cartoon "Michael Jackson's Halloween" released earlier that year.

Since Halloween approaches now, I thought I'd share them here as well.

1. The SPIDERS - The White House Halloween Decoration seemed taken from MJ's Halloween cartoon-the sequence with the SPIDERS dance!  :Big-Grin:

You can hear Michael's song "Thriller" playing in the video below, starting from minute 18:50

WATCH: President Trump Holds HALLOWEEN at The White House 10/30/17

2. The Black & White strands (reminding of Michael's song "Black or White")

3. The Presidents

4. The BIRDS... on the White House were displayed exactly as the birds displayed on MJ's new "Scream" album POSTER loll


Unrelated to the above pics, another 7 .... today on Trump's twitter


It had to be at  7 :Big-Grin: :Heart:


November 10, 2018, 06:11:28 PM #36 Last Edit: November 10, 2018, 06:48:54 PM by SimPattyK

OMG !!

"Trump awards top civilian honour to Elvis Presley' --    https://www.dailyecho.co.uk/news/national/17215626.trump-awards-top-civilian-honour-to-elvis-presley/?ref=twtrec

And it had to be no. 7   (AGAIN !!) and   ELVIS   among them !!   :Love:

I'm dead!  :Silly: :Heart:
"Trump says 7 to receive Presidential Medal of Freedom"


WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump has announced his first recipients of the Presidential Medal of Freedom and they include the wife of a major Republican Party donor, the longest-serving Republican senator in U.S. history, Elvis Presley  and Babe Ruth.

Trump will also posthumously recognize the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.

Medals are going to Miriam Adelson, a doctor and wife of casino magnate Sheldon Adelson, a Republican donor; Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch, who is retiring after more than 41 years in the U.S. Senate; former Dallas Cowboys quarterback Roger Staubach and Alan Page, who began a legal career after leaving the NFL.

The Presidential Medal of Freedom is the nation's highest honor for a civilian.

Really! like why so many SEVENs??...and I mentioned in this thread just those occurrences that I started capturing when I saw how often they repeated!

I mean let's  just say there is no hoax and Michael really died.
What has Trump got to do with no. 7 then?

"Elvis Presley Among Trump's Selections for Presidential Medal of Freedom"


November 10, 2018, 07:17:37 PM #37 Last Edit: November 10, 2018, 07:35:22 PM by SimPattyK
Quote from: SimPattyK on October 11, 2018, 04:37:54 PM

Quote from: SimPattyK on October 09, 2018, 03:06:13 PM

[ .............
There are many other occurrences of Number 7 in relation to Trump: if you listen carefully to all his speeches, he talks about 7-figure a LOT! many of the public events that he attends to take place on the 7th ! and many other things like that... just pay attention and you'll notice the SEVENs everywhere around Trump.

I posted the above only 2 days ago ... there are many other interesting events that happen at certain dates....

For example today:
11 October 2018
11 . 10 . 2018
1+1+1+2+1+8 = 14 [77]

What happened today [77] ?

"President Trump Signs Music Modernization Act...Kanye Just Misses It" -- https://community.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/forums/index.php?topic=24971.msg454410#msg454411

Another example today:

Look at the 2 dates! 11.10 versus 10.11 !!

-- https://www.forbes.com/sites/matthewleimkuehler/2018/10/11/president-trump-signs-music-modernization-act-introducing-landmark-copyright-reform/#1124d24036a8

-- https://variety.com/2018/politics/news/elvis-presley-presidential-medal-of-freedom-trump-1203025376/



Good question, @trublu

Michael very well deserved such an award, too. Probably more than others.... and I am sure that those 7 Nominees are just very few of those who deserve this Medal Award....

Who knows why things are like that.... All I know is that I learned these past years that everything  is done for a reason....

Who knows... maybe  something else is in store for Michael ...sooner or later....

Even though 9 years have passed without a conclusion, without an ending/closure....without something concrete.... I still feel there's more to come....we'll see...


November 24, 2018, 01:23:47 PM #40 Last Edit: November 27, 2018, 11:48:27 AM by SimPattyK

16 [7] November 2018

- Elvis Presley receives the Presidential Medal of Freedom

from President Donald Trump ❤️


Opinion | Trump honoring Elvis? It's about time.

Upper Left corner: probably 2 of the most handsome American soldiers ever  :Heart:


I don't know how many of you have seen this hoax video from 2011, but I think it fits well in here, like an old piece of the puzzle...

Michael Jackson Death Hoax - LaToya's C.Apprentice slip up &connections https://youtu.be/iShwgv9Rw4I




Washington, DC (WCMH) - President Trump has issued a proclamation for the closing of executive departments and agencies of the Federal Government on December 5, 2018, in honor of George H.W. Bush.

The proclamation reads:

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1.  All executive departments and agencies of the Federal Government shall be closed on December 5, 2018, as a mark of respect for George Herbert Walker Bush, the forty-first President of the United States.

Sec. 2.  The heads of executive departments and agencies may determine that certain offices and installations of their organizations, or parts thereof, must remain open and that certain employees must report for duty on December 5, 2018, for reasons of national security, defense, or other public need.

Sec. 3.  December 5, 2018, shall be considered as falling within the scope of Executive Order 11582 of February 11, 1971, and of 5 U.S.C. 5546 and 6103(b) and other similar statutes insofar as they relate to the pay and leave of employees of the United States.

Sec. 4.  The Director of the Office of Personnel Management shall take such actions as may be necessary to implement this order.

Sec. 5.  General Provisions.  (a)  This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.

(b)  Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:

(i)   the authority granted by law to an executive department or agency, or the head thereof; or

(ii)  the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.

(c)  This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.



December 1, 2018.


I thought, according to Q anon that Bush is one of the baddies? So what exactly is happening on December 5th other than Trump choosing to a day to honour him?


Anyone think JFK Jr. is Q?

That to me would be utterly amazing! People are speculating he hoaxed his death and that he can be Q...

He did name his magazine "George."

Anyway, I guess we will see what happens on the 5th of December.