
New MJDHI Hoax Recap - help needed from all members

Started by ~Souza~, August 21, 2016, 05:16:05 AM

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As you can all see is our hoax recap about 6 years old. I would like to make a new, updated one but I need your help. We are 7 years in now so we should be able to make a good recap with everything that is really odd. Not vague clues, but really weird stuff or facts. Like the Joe - Joseph thing, the elephant in the court room, the 'alleged victim' in the verdict etc. When the old recap was made, the trial still had to start. I'd like to gather all the good info in this thread and make a new recap + video to go with it. Check the board index for key events to help you remember. Let's make something the non-believers can't get around!



Quote from: Carrie on September 24, 2016, 11:21:31 AM

Quote from: ~Souza~ on September 01, 2016, 10:14:29 AM

Just before I forget: the 'I'm alive and here forever' statement at the memorial.

Jermaine changing the lyrics when singing "Smile" by Charlie Chaplin at the memorial;
He sang; "Light up your face with sadness, Hide every trace of gladness." When the lyrics goes like; "Light up your face with gladness, Hide every trace of sadness."

Kenny Ortega in his introduction at the memorial July 7th;
"A week ago and Michael was with us." Although Michael "supposedly" had died two weeks earlier.


- Prince seen chewing a bubble gum during the memorial
- "Soon we will see the king" was sung.
- Liberian Girl pictures were used for the memorial (and burial)
- Closed casket.
- Real friends of Michael were absent, ie, Elizabeth Taylor, Diana Ross, and Macaulay Culkin.
- Elephants seen parading outside the staples center a few hours before the memorial.

twitter: @ComfortablyGeek

~Souza~Topic starter

~Souza~Topic starter

Also, I'd like to set up a small group of people that help me put it all together, like a brainstorm group. RK and I are brainstorming a lot now, but we can definitely use one or two more people for input, or maybe even some more. Let me know if you're interested.


twitter: @ComfortablyGeek

~Souza~Topic starter

T and avatar_RK are on board, I need people who can gather info on a specific topic. Anyone who wants to help is welcome, this time I would mainly like to mold in into some sort of documentary because long pages of texts are not very popular unfortunately. I have the intro done, RK has seen it, but now I would like to start to fill the video with info. Whoever helps will be named specifically in the credits besides the community as a whole, unless you don't want to of course. Does everyone think the outline that I posted earlier is OK or does anyone have to add to that?

Let's make this happen, it's not like we have much else to do (hoax wise!).


Quote from: Thriller4ever on September 27, 2016, 05:28:52 AM

Quote from: Carrie on September 24, 2016, 11:21:31 AM

Quote from: ~Souza~ on September 01, 2016, 10:14:29 AM

Just before I forget: the 'I'm alive and here forever' statement at the memorial.

Jermaine changing the lyrics when singing "Smile" by Charlie Chaplin at the memorial;
He sang; "Light up your face with sadness, Hide every trace of gladness." When the lyrics goes like; "Light up your face with gladness, Hide every trace of sadness."

Kenny Ortega in his introduction at the memorial July 7th;
"A week ago and Michael was with us." Although Michael "supposedly" had died two weeks earlier.


- Prince seen chewing a bubble gum during the memorial
- "Soon we will see the king" was sung.
- Liberian Girl pictures were used for the memorial (and burial)
- Closed casket.
- Real friends of Michael were absent, ie, Elizabeth Taylor, Diana Ross, and Macaulay Culkin.
- Elephants seen parading outside the staples center a few hours before the memorial.

- Paris earpiece and her look at Janet for approval of her speech and fake tears.
- "Pains" instead of "Pain" at the spoken end of Will You Be There.
- Wasn't there something about the dance, symbol or meaning,  done during Jennifer Hudson's performance of Will You Be There?
- "I'm Alive & here forever."
- Backstage photos of family and artists participating smiling.
- Someone in the audience, from the second row, give the family & artists thumbs up during "we are the world" & "Heal the world" at the end of the memorial.

~Souza~Topic starter

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