
The real truth of it all.

Started by ViickJackson, February 27, 2015, 10:14:58 PM

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ViickJacksonTopic starter

Have you ever stopped to think that Michael can not return? Does he thought of a return, plus the destination has changed and michael preferred to live peaceful somewhere in this world.

It would not be an end? or should we wait for a response that will never be answered? What did really happen in 2009.

People are silent not speak more about hoax ..

Victoria J.


Yes, I have. I don't think he's coming back. I always asked myself how those who want him dead still don't know about the hoax yet!!! May be there was a deal behind the scenes or something and that's why he is not coming back!!!!

Anyway, wherever you are Micheal, I hope you're enjoying your life now, after those who were following you day and night, envading your privacy, are gone for good!! You deserve to live like a human being and I hope you have found peace at the end of the road.

God bless you

Together we are strong

You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.
Abraham Lincoln

Thank you Michael for letting me discover the truth!

I lost the bet, Sarahli won it! ! ! loool

Its her

This may be waaaaay off the wall, but, I can't get passed that "Keep Watchin' " suggestion from years ago...I have wondered WHAT are we supposed to keep watchin?  All that Bible stuff threw me off point for a bit, because there are things in there which people are supposed to be watchful about...But I think for HOAX purposes, we are supposed to be watching something specifically FOR Michael Jackson. Whatever we watch every day, the sky, other people, the news, a game, the weather, a movie, a soap opera or other serial, the thing people MOSTLY watch almost automatically is TELEVISION, EVERY day for about 60 some years. Nowadays we watch the internet probably more, but it is still a television like medium. Well, I HAVE been watching it, and I see some pretty Michaelish things, with no other explanation than that he is somehow behind these. Things such as almost every other character in commercials being named "MICHAEL" or "MIKE" ("Mike Mike Mike! What day is it?") There have been a handful of commercial ads which have made me go "hmmm...?", but the ones with the billy goat doing a  :screaming-7365: primal scream over his wifi bill, take the cake! (they win the prize!)  :icon_lol: The first time it didn't register with me, even though it was hysterical, but the subsequent two other ads make me only think of Michael Jackson doing that beastly yell in many concert vids & photos!!! Don't ask me what the the other billy goat ads are selling, but one is wearing a blue hairnet, working on some kind of factory line, :screaming-7365: yelling, and all I see is MJ and his primal scream!  :thjajaja121: His brand of silly fun.

Now---Idk if he is MAKING  :icon_e_surprised: these as his new job making "short films" for products ( :thjajaja121: heh heh, right around under a minute or two!), or if he is just paying the ad companies to place his personal "signatures" or name in these to "play with them (US!!!) for a while" :-[  :icon_eek:, as he SAID at the end of TII that he would! :icon_albino:

A couple years ago there were some peanuts moonwalking for three seconds in a Payday commercial, but MJ is such a household icon, it was a naturally clever connection, equating Payday "JOY" with MJ JOY :bowdown:--just as a love-nod to him, so I talked myself out of that being HIM behind it. :icon_e_confused:

I've mentioned this before, but right now, he's got my full attention, and, so help me, :LolLolLolLol: if I see Chester Cheetah or the Aflac Duck grab his crotch and spin out, :icon_lol: or really ANYONE ELSE in a commercial ad do that, there will be NO doubt! :TongueOutSmiley: Does anyone else SEE Mikey in the commercials? Not talking about all the sitcoms which have the actors moonwalking over the years----I mean in CURRENT TV ADs. There are NO coincidences. He's either doing it  :suspect: or paying for it, as Michealish brand placement. Right? :icon_e_smile:

I'm just about certain that THAT is "the real :michael_jackson-1135: truth of it all", NOW. Keep watchin!  :icon_bounce: :icon_bounce: :icon_bounce:

ONLY Believe...


March 01, 2015, 04:01:04 PM #3 Last Edit: March 01, 2015, 04:04:20 PM by curls

He's either doing it  or paying for it, as Michealish brand placement. Right?

I disagree Its her, you said it yourself:  '...MJ is such a household icon...' - when we see 'nods' towards him I think it's simply that he had such an influence over 4 decades, that he's ingrained in everyone's psyche, and therefore 'he' (consciously or unconsciously) pops up every now and then. That's what's in evidence, not that MJ himself is currently directly responsible. JMO


Quote from: Its her on March 01, 2015, 03:14:57 PM

This may be waaaaay off the wall, but, I can't get passed that "Keep Watchin' " suggestion from years ago...I have wondered WHAT are we supposed to keep watchin?  All that Bible stuff threw me off point for a bit, because there are things in there which people are supposed to be watchful about...But I think for HOAX purposes, we are supposed to be watching something specifically FOR Michael Jackson. Whatever we watch every day, the sky, other people, the news, a game, the weather, a movie, a soap opera or other serial, the thing people MOSTLY watch almost automatically is TELEVISION, EVERY day for about 60 some years. Nowadays we watch the internet probably more, but it is still a television like medium. Well, I HAVE been watching it, and I see some pretty Michaelish things, with no other explanation than that he is somehow behind these. Things such as almost every other character in commercials being named "MICHAEL" or "MIKE" ("Mike Mike Mike! What day is it?") There have been a handful of commercial ads which have made me go "hmmm...?", but the ones with the billy goat doing a  :screaming-7365: primal scream over his wifi bill, take the cake! (they win the prize!)  :icon_lol: The first time it didn't register with me, even though it was hysterical, but the subsequent two other ads make me only think of Michael Jackson doing that beastly yell in many concert vids & photos!!! Don't ask me what the the other billy goat ads are selling, but one is wearing a blue hairnet, working on some kind of factory line, :screaming-7365: yelling, and all I see is MJ and his primal scream!  :thjajaja121: His brand of silly fun.

Now---Idk if he is MAKING  :icon_e_surprised: these as his new job making "short films" for products ( :thjajaja121: heh heh, right around under a minute or two!), or if he is just paying the ad companies to place his personal "signatures" or name in these to "play with them (US!!!) for a while" :-[  :icon_eek:, as he SAID at the end of TII that he would! :icon_albino:

A couple years ago there were some peanuts moonwalking for three seconds in a Payday commercial, but MJ is such a household icon, it was a naturally clever connection, equating Payday "JOY" with MJ JOY :bowdown:--just as a love-nod to him, so I talked myself out of that being HIM behind it. :icon_e_confused:

I've mentioned this before, but right now, he's got my full attention, and, so help me, :LolLolLolLol: if I see Chester Cheetah or the Aflac Duck grab his crotch and spin out, :icon_lol: or really ANYONE ELSE in a commercial ad do that, there will be NO doubt! :TongueOutSmiley: Does anyone else SEE Mikey in the commercials? Not talking about all the sitcoms which have the actors moonwalking over the years----I mean in CURRENT TV ADs. There are NO coincidences. He's either doing it  :suspect: or paying for it, as Michealish brand placement. Right? :icon_e_smile:

I'm just about certain that THAT is "the real :michael_jackson-1135: truth of it all", NOW. Keep watchin!  :icon_bounce: :icon_bounce: :icon_bounce:

Lol I agree. I have seen many commercials and movies that seemed to have the MJ touch. Even when I am not looking for it. The aspirin commercial where the guy says "I'm Mike and I'm alive" was so hilarious :)

Then there was the movie theater commercial where the mucus says, "Mike, Janet, cough if you can hear me".  :icon_e_surprised: That was so noticeable because the couple just happened to be black and sitting in the theater just like in Thriller.

I figure maybe we are reading to much into it all. But I don't believe in coincidences either. I could be wrong, and it could just all be speculation. But its so "in your face" like  :smiley-vault-misc-150:

I have seen more, but cant think of them right off. There has been soooo much in the past 5 years that seems odd and outlandish.  :affraid:

Its her

Quote from: curls on March 01, 2015, 04:01:04 PM


He's either doing it  or paying for it, as Michealish brand placement. Right?

I disagree Its her, you said it yourself:  '...MJ is such a household icon...' - when we see 'nods' towards him I think it's simply that he had such an influence over 4 decades, that he's ingrained in everyone's psyche, and therefore 'he' (consciously or unconsciously) pops up every now and then. That's what's in evidence, not that MJ himself is currently directly responsible. JMO

Well, he said at the end of TII that he was going "play with" us "for a while..."This would certainly qualify as a maddening tease, continually hearing his name out of context AND yet in eerily familiar Michaelish wit. (A speaking, annoying blob of phlegm?   :thjajaja121: )

There have been other commercials too, before plugging his name into them. There was that ad for I think, Jeep, using "A Place With No Name" his first of many "newly discovered, unpublished" songs---the one everyone made such a big deal about even though there were only a couple of sentences of it online ANYwhere, for months and months, as if he was still  :compute:  :michael-jackson: WRITING it.   :icon_razz:  :icon_geek: :icon_geek: No, he was not still writing it, he was "holding back" behind the curtain, whetting appetites, for when he used it in the commercial. Maybe.

It seems odd to me that anyone but the man himself would use the last piece of him EVER, a post mortem discovered song of a dead guy to sell a vehicle KNOWN to appeal to very very adventurous drivers!!!!!!! If it was not MJ himself leasing out the song to sell THIS kind of vehicle, then it would be a bit tacky and insensitive to all the people who are grieving him, so soon, I think...see? I don't think I am reaching with this. That feels like a GINORMOUS clue to me that 1] HE is not dead, but on ADVENTURE, as we speak :icon_exclaim: And 2] That he IS rifling through his catalogue, using songs in commercials these last four years that I haven't heard in 40 years :icon_eek: :icon_e_biggrin:. I remember one day, reminiscing about my childhood SO unexpectedly over some song strangely being played on primetime TV , after I had begun to read here on this forum, either in 2009 or 2010.  It was personally arresting for me, but I can't remember now  :Crash: what it was or what they were selling---could it be breakfast foods? I just remember wondering if any of THOSE old songs were part of his catalogue. Idk. Could that be? Maybe I was overthinking this, but it was during the time where people here first suspected he was alive, (well, it was new to me  :icon_bounce: ) and everyone was wondering where he was and what he was doing while "invisible".

That first Halloween in 2009 was the first year I saw the Thriller song "cover" for a party store commercial, too. I almost thought he was REALLY gone, then, :'( and his people were just cheapening his work in commercials to pay the bills...but, they weren't actually using MJ's voice version, and they weren't using any Thriller steps, but a different dance...The next year, too. The ONLY person who WOULD keep that for himself would be Michael Jackson. If he's dead, HE won't be performing it ever again, and HE doesn't have much to say about it, if the estate allows the actors to sell Halloween toilet paper as zombies doing THE Thriller steps!

One last thing, there was a Victoria Secret television ad a couple years ago, I think, which had a Michael Jackson Original type sound---a sort of sexy, "household items" percussionary cadence to it which made me wonder if THAT creation was new and one of his! I never heard such instruments before. Not that I know anything---but I know MJ liked to use sounds which people couldn't immediately identify as a rubberband or bongos or all kinds of kitchen drawer metals or such like. Do you know what I mean? :icon_e_smile: I think he's trying to tell us: It's all "Mike Mike Mike" now :icon_exclaim: ;D

ONLY Believe...


Quote from: Its her on March 01, 2015, 03:14:57 PM

This may be waaaaay off the wall, but, I can't get passed that "Keep Watchin' " suggestion from years ago...I have wondered WHAT are we supposed to keep watchin?  All that Bible stuff threw me off point for a bit, because there are things in there which people are supposed to be watchful about...But I think for HOAX purposes, we are supposed to be watching something specifically FOR Michael Jackson. Whatever we watch every day, the sky, other people, the news, a game, the weather, a movie, a soap opera or other serial, the thing people MOSTLY watch almost automatically is TELEVISION, EVERY day for about 60 some years. Nowadays we watch the internet probably more, but it is still a television like medium. Well, I HAVE been watching it, and I see some pretty Michaelish things, with no other explanation than that he is somehow behind these. Things such as almost every other character in commercials being named "MICHAEL" or "MIKE" ("Mike Mike Mike! What day is it?") There have been a handful of commercial ads which have made me go "hmmm...?", but the ones with the billy goat doing a  :screaming-7365: primal scream over his wifi bill, take the cake! (they win the prize!)  :icon_lol: The first time it didn't register with me, even though it was hysterical, but the subsequent two other ads make me only think of Michael Jackson doing that beastly yell in many concert vids & photos!!! Don't ask me what the the other billy goat ads are selling, but one is wearing a blue hairnet, working on some kind of factory line, :screaming-7365: yelling, and all I see is MJ and his primal scream!  :thjajaja121: His brand of silly fun.

Now---Idk if he is MAKING  :icon_e_surprised: these as his new job making "short films" for products ( :thjajaja121: heh heh, right around under a minute or two!), or if he is just paying the ad companies to place his personal "signatures" or name in these to "play with them (US!!!) for a while" :-[  :icon_eek:, as he SAID at the end of TII that he would! :icon_albino:

A couple years ago there were some peanuts moonwalking for three seconds in a Payday commercial, but MJ is such a household icon, it was a naturally clever connection, equating Payday "JOY" with MJ JOY :bowdown:--just as a love-nod to him, so I talked myself out of that being HIM behind it. :icon_e_confused:

I've mentioned this before, but right now, he's got my full attention, and, so help me, :LolLolLolLol: if I see Chester Cheetah or the Aflac Duck grab his crotch and spin out, :icon_lol: or really ANYONE ELSE in a commercial ad do that, there will be NO doubt! :TongueOutSmiley: Does anyone else SEE Mikey in the commercials? Not talking about all the sitcoms which have the actors moonwalking over the years----I mean in CURRENT TV ADs. There are NO coincidences. He's either doing it  :suspect: or paying for it, as Michealish brand placement. Right? :icon_e_smile:

I'm just about certain that THAT is "the real :michael_jackson-1135: truth of it all", NOW. Keep watchin!  :icon_bounce: :icon_bounce: :icon_bounce:

"the thing people MOSTLY watch almost automatically is TELEVISION", yes or a tube  :icon_rolleyes:......last days I was thinking about that too lol  :LolLolLolLol: !!!! Everyone on this planet has one .....even the poorest crave for one......despite the fact that they have nothing to put on the table  :errrr: .TV is just one of the tools to manipulate the population.....to brainwash/program them.Movies and commercials are another way to program people,but that is another story, a sad one.... unfortunately.

"play with them (US!!!) for a while"..........correct it would have been not "for a while " but for some time.And you can be sure it's not M.J.  :icon_mad: .

"Keep Watchin' suggestion from years ago".....( the irony  :Crash:)

Its her

Quote from: To be or not to be on March 06, 2015, 04:12:34 AM

Quote from: Its her on March 01, 2015, 03:14:57 PM

This may be waaaaay off the wall, but, I can't get passed that "Keep Watchin' " suggestion from years ago...I have wondered WHAT are we supposed to keep watchin?  All that Bible stuff threw me off point for a bit, because there are things in there which people are supposed to be watchful about...But I think for HOAX purposes, we are supposed to be watching something specifically FOR Michael Jackson. Whatever we watch every day, the sky, other people, the news, a game, the weather, a movie, a soap opera or other serial, the thing people MOSTLY watch almost automatically is TELEVISION, EVERY day for about 60 some years. Nowadays we watch the internet probably more, but it is still a television like medium. Well, I HAVE been watching it, and I see some pretty Michaelish things, with no other explanation than that he is somehow behind these. Things such as almost every other character in commercials being named "MICHAEL" or "MIKE" ("Mike Mike Mike! What day is it?") There have been a handful of commercial ads which have made me go "hmmm...?", but the ones with the billy goat doing a  :screaming-7365: primal scream over his wifi bill, take the cake! (they win the prize!)  :icon_lol: The first time it didn't register with me, even though it was hysterical, but the subsequent two other ads make me only think of Michael Jackson doing that beastly yell in many concert vids & photos!!! Don't ask me what the the other billy goat ads are selling, but one is wearing a blue hairnet, working on some kind of factory line, :screaming-7365: yelling, and all I see is MJ and his primal scream!  :thjajaja121: His brand of silly fun.

Now---Idk if he is MAKING  :icon_e_surprised: these as his new job making "short films" for products ( :thjajaja121: heh heh, right around under a minute or two!), or if he is just paying the ad companies to place his personal "signatures" or name in these to "play with them (US!!!) for a while" :-[  :icon_eek:, as he SAID at the end of TII that he would! :icon_albino:

A couple years ago there were some peanuts moonwalking for three seconds in a Payday commercial, but MJ is such a household icon, it was a naturally clever connection, equating Payday "JOY" with MJ JOY :bowdown:--just as a love-nod to him, so I talked myself out of that being HIM behind it. :icon_e_confused:

I've mentioned this before, but right now, he's got my full attention, and, so help me, :LolLolLolLol: if I see Chester Cheetah or the Aflac Duck grab his crotch and spin out, :icon_lol: or really ANYONE ELSE in a commercial ad do that, there will be NO doubt! :TongueOutSmiley: Does anyone else SEE Mikey in the commercials? Not talking about all the sitcoms which have the actors moonwalking over the years----I mean in CURRENT TV ADs. There are NO coincidences. He's either doing it  :suspect: or paying for it, as Michealish brand placement. Right? :icon_e_smile:

I'm just about certain that THAT is "the real :michael_jackson-1135: truth of it all", NOW. Keep watchin!  :icon_bounce: :icon_bounce: :icon_bounce:

"the thing people MOSTLY watch almost automatically is TELEVISION", yes or a tube  :icon_rolleyes:......last days I was thinking about that too lol  :LolLolLolLol: !!!! Everyone on this planet has one .....even the poorest crave for one......despite the fact that they have nothing to put on the table  :errrr: .TV is just one of the tools to manipulate the population.....to brainwash/program them.Movies and commercials are another way to program people,but that is another story, a sad one.... unfortunately.

"play with them (US!!!) for a while"..........correct it would have been not "for a while " but for some time.And you can be sure it's not M.J. :icon_mad: .

"Keep Watchin' suggestion from years ago".....( the irony  :Crash:)

Heyyyyy, 2B! I know about TV (they haven't called it "TELL A Vision" for nuthing...) But only the simple minded and very young children believe everything they see on TV. Misplacing one's trust is a LOT older problem than television. Foolishness has been around for thousands of years prior, and the cure for it tossed aside. This is the very reason MJ WOULD do a TAKEOVER on this 'tool'!  :woohoo2: I know he is not vindictively using the medium to brainwash anyone, but only teasing as he said he would. What could he have meant, otherwise, for "...Play with them a while..."? Why are you so certain it is NOT MJ? He has a real gift for influence and re-conditioning of great seas of humanity, guiding along more positive, constructive lines. Why NOT teach through entertainment and awaken peoples' brains via some unexpectedly hysterical nonsensical belly laughing? What easier way to gather hoards of people around "the tube" for an eventual, global, "Breaking News" event, such as BAM (or any other message on his heart :michael_jackson-1135: :icon_exclaim:)?

The only award he can't win is "Underachiever of the Millenium".  :icon_geek: To keep up his pace, he MUST branch out into OTHER award fields, like commercials, etc. Maybe there will one day be an award given for "best commercial ad by a fake dead guy" created especially for him. Who knows?  :icon_albino: The phrase used years ago was to "keep watchin", not, to "be watchful". The former was offered as a key of expectancy somehow to this hoax, which has not made sense yet, but not at all a cautionary thing, as the latter is just common sense with so many deceivers and opportunists on earth. Better to steer it than to lament about it, eh?  I don't think Michael Jackson would hesitate to grab that bull by the horns a bit! :bowdown:  It has been said that MJ may have a completely new kind of career once he reappears alive. Why can't MJ have moved on, from "Bad" man to "Ad man"?  :D

I won't be disappointed if I am all wrong about this, because it has been fun watching, just thinking  that he is THAT man behind the curtain. ;D ;D :icon_lol: But--anyway---if this is NOT him, he has been silent long enough that everyone is pretty much free to believe anything they want about him, including that...He can deny it himself anytime he wants to.  :TongueOutSmiley: It's not a bad thing you know. :icon_e_smile:. :Michael_Jackson_dancing_smile

ONLY Believe...

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