This may be waaaaay off the wall, but, I can't get passed that "Keep Watchin' " suggestion from years ago...I have wondered WHAT are we supposed to keep watchin? All that Bible stuff threw me off point for a bit, because there are things in there which people are supposed to be watchful about...But I think for HOAX purposes, we are supposed to be watching something specifically FOR Michael Jackson. Whatever we watch every day, the sky, other people, the news, a game, the weather, a movie, a soap opera or other serial, the thing people MOSTLY watch almost automatically is TELEVISION, EVERY day for about 60 some years. Nowadays we watch the internet probably more, but it is still a television like medium. Well, I HAVE been watching it, and I see some pretty Michaelish things, with no other explanation than that he is somehow behind these. Things such as almost every other character in commercials being named "MICHAEL" or "MIKE" ("Mike Mike Mike! What day is it?") There have been a handful of commercial ads which have made me go "hmmm...?", but the ones with the billy goat doing a :screaming-7365: primal scream over his wifi bill, take the cake! (they win the prize!) :icon_lol: The first time it didn't register with me, even though it was hysterical, but the subsequent two other ads make me only think of Michael Jackson doing that beastly yell in many concert vids & photos!!! Don't ask me what the the other billy goat ads are selling, but one is wearing a blue hairnet, working on some kind of factory line, :screaming-7365: yelling, and all I see is MJ and his primal scream! :thjajaja121: His brand of silly fun.
Now---Idk if he is MAKING :icon_e_surprised: these as his new job making "short films" for products ( :thjajaja121: heh heh, right around under a minute or two!), or if he is just paying the ad companies to place his personal "signatures" or name in these to "play with them (US!!!) for a while" :-[ :icon_eek:, as he SAID at the end of TII that he would! :icon_albino:
A couple years ago there were some peanuts moonwalking for three seconds in a Payday commercial, but MJ is such a household icon, it was a naturally clever connection, equating Payday "JOY" with MJ JOY :bowdown:--just as a love-nod to him, so I talked myself out of that being HIM behind it. :icon_e_confused:
I've mentioned this before, but right now, he's got my full attention, and, so help me, :LolLolLolLol: if I see Chester Cheetah or the Aflac Duck grab his crotch and spin out, :icon_lol: or really ANYONE ELSE in a commercial ad do that, there will be NO doubt! :TongueOutSmiley: Does anyone else SEE Mikey in the commercials? Not talking about all the sitcoms which have the actors moonwalking over the years----I mean in CURRENT TV ADs. There are NO coincidences. He's either doing it :suspect: or paying for it, as Michealish brand placement. Right? :icon_e_smile:
I'm just about certain that THAT is "the real :michael_jackson-1135: truth of it all", NOW. Keep watchin! :icon_bounce: :icon_bounce: :icon_bounce: