Strange Stuff From the LA County Coroner Website

Started by michaelslady, January 08, 2015, 08:32:02 PM

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michaelsladyTopic starter

January 08, 2015, 08:32:02 PM Last Edit: January 08, 2015, 08:47:11 PM by michaelslady

From the LA County Medical Examiner Website:

The Department of Medical Examiner-Coroner is mandated by law to inquire into and determine the circumstances, manner, and cause of all violent, sudden, or unusual deaths occurring within Los Angeles County, including all homicides, suicides, accidental deaths, and natural deaths where the decedent has not seen a physician within 20 days prior to death.  :omg:

So does that mean that no autopsy was performed on the "body" that was found on 6/25/2009? Tbh, I am not even sure there was ever a body. But who knows.

Now here is the weird part. Who is this unclaimed body? Look at the 3rd name that this person is known by.  :WTF:

Why does the age match up to MJ age in 2007? Even the height is the same in inches.. 5'10=70 inches.   :icon_e_surprised:

Lastly, when you type in the name Michael Jackson, this is what comes up:

Number--Decedent's Name--Age--Place of Death--Date of Birth--Date of Death
1991-00712 MICHAEL JACKSON 1 mo 15 da  N/A 12/07/1990 01/22/1991
1996-06358 MICHAEL JACKSON 36 years  ML KING 05/17/1960 08/26/1996
2001-06463 MICHAEL JACKSON 45 years  RESIDENCE 02/17/1956 09/04/2001
2002-09108 MICHAEL JACKSON 42 years  PARK 07/26/1960 12/05/2002
2010-04535 MICHAEL JACKSON 58 years  HOSPITAL 12/11/1951 07/10/2010
2013-03314 MICHAEL JACKSON 42 years  RESIDENCE 06/29/1970 05/05/2013
2014-02800 MICHAEL JACKSON 40 years  RESIDENCE 12/16/1973 04/21/2014

So "7" other Michael Jacksons have died in the area huh?

So, why is there absolutely no listing for Michael Jackson, King of Pop? If there are listings for people that died in the 90s and up; then why no  :michael_jackson-1135:?

And is it not weird that all of these people with his name have died in LA County? This is so strange to me.

:Pulling_hair: :screaming-7365:


Holy moly, now this is interesting.

All the users who find stuff from LA County or other sites that idk how to get access to (maybe cause I'm dumb) look so awesome to me, ahah.
And there we got another 7.
I'm not sure if it is possible that there are so many MJ's and none of them died the 25th of June.
Anyway it's really clear that there was no body now isn't it? All the pictures were faked as far as I'm aware.
Could the MJ of 1 month be somehow related to Forest Lawn? I saw in a topic here that FL might be for kids.

Thank you for the information!

"In a world filled with hate, we must still dare to hope. In a world filled with anger, we must still dare to comfort. In a world filled with despair, we must still dare to dream. And in a world filled with distrust, we must still dare to believe.."
― Michael Jackson


'Michael Jackson' is a pretty common name, particularly for dob's pre the '70s or '80s, which all but the baby above are. The MJ isn't dead so not surprising he isn't on that list!

But, in the spirit of investigation, Michaelslady, have you tried checking out some other famous people, who you know are dead, to see if they are shown on these records, just for comparison?

michaelsladyTopic starter

Kinda hard to know who is really dead when it comes to celebrities isn't it? lol. But, I did assume that Farrah Fawcett was really dead so I input her name. but her name isn't listed but I figure that since she was under the care of a physician( as stated above^^^) due to her terminal cancer; there was probably no autopsy performed and its not like they didnt know what she died from kwim?

michaelsladyTopic starter

For investigation sake; I put Whitney Houstons name into the database. And low and behold; she is listed.  :icon_e_sad:

But no Michael Joe Jackson  ;D


I just typed in Brittany Murphy (whose cause of death isn't detemined yet) and Whitney Houston in the case search of LA County Coroner Website; and they're both listed. So it must be accurate then.


January 10, 2015, 06:11:26 PM #6 Last Edit: January 10, 2015, 06:18:16 PM by curls

Well, there you go ... more confirmation, or at least a strong indication, of what we already know, MJ didn't die; although of course, we have talked in the past of the necessity for tampering/faking of documents/records (I'm thinking especially of the autopsy report) for MJ to be alive. These coroner's records might be accurate or they could be incomplete for a reason other than than MJ didn't die - e.g. privacy/secrecy with a high profile case - on their own they don't actually have to mean he didn't die.

But nice work there Michaelslady!

michaelsladyTopic starter


January 11, 2015, 02:57:06 PM #8 Last Edit: January 11, 2015, 03:01:23 PM by iamhere4mj

Good find michaelslady! I always like looking into new things.

I typed in the case # for Michael (2009-04415) and no results came back. I typed in just using the death date of 06/25/2009 and 06/24/2009 and received some results. I listed the ones that were close to his case # below. I would like to know why the death date and case # is out of order for the ones highlighted in red.

How are case #'s assigned?

2009-04410 RESIDENCE 06/25/2009
2009-04411 HOSPITAL 06/25/2009
2009-04413 RESIDENCE 06/25/2009
2009-04416 HOSPITAL 06/25/2009
2009-04417 BOAT 06/25/2009
2009-04418 RESIDENCE 06/24/2009
2009-04419 VEHICLE 06/25/2009
2009-04420 BUSINESS 06/25/2009

Going back to the one michaelslady was talking about, I noticed this person only weighted 75 pounds and he had an alias of Michael Jackson - this person is listed as an unclaimed person:

AKA #1:

AKA #2:

Age / Height / Weight:
48 / 70 / 75

Eye / Hair Color:
/ Black

Date of Birth:

Date of Death:

Place of Birth:

Last Known Address:
, CA



Love you Michael!


iamhere, where did you get that case number (2009-04415) for MJ?


curls, that is the number on the autopsy report.

I forgot to mention earlier, that I also searched for 2009-04412 and 2009-04414 since they weren't listed under the dates for 06/25 and 06/24 but there is no record for those numbers on the site.

I tried googling how autopsy case numbers are assigned but I couldn't find anything.

I'll contact the coroners office and see what they tell me.

Love you Michael!

suspicious mind

"I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be shrewd as serpents and as innocent as doves."  

Why not just tell people I'm an alien from Mars? Tell them I eat live chickens and do a voodoo dance at midnight. They'll believe anything you say, because you're a reporter. But if I, Michael Jackson, were to say, "I'm an alien from Mars and I eat live chickens and do a voodoo dance at midnight," people would say, "Oh, man, that Michael Jackson is nuts. He's cracked up. You can't believe a single word that comes out of his mouth."

michaelsladyTopic starter


January 11, 2015, 10:17:14 PM #13 Last Edit: January 11, 2015, 10:18:22 PM by Echo
Quote from: iamhere4mj on January 11, 2015, 09:18:03 PM

curls, that is the number on the autopsy report.

I forgot to mention earlier, that I also searched for 2009-04412 and 2009-04414 since they weren't listed under the dates for 06/25 and 06/24 but there is no record for those numbers on the site.

I tried googling how autopsy case numbers are assigned but I couldn't find anything.

I'll contact the coroners office and see what they tell me.

Love you Michael!

Here is a thought...

When you contact the county of Los Angeles Medical Examiner's Office, you may want to inquire if a public listing of the name and date of expiration may be non-disclosed pursuant to a court order. And if there are county codes that warrant specific rules of exemption to support the coroner's decision not to disclose.

Good Luck.

"It's a great loss for us and I just hope and pray that the Creator, whatever you believe in, still holds us in favor to send us another angel like that. Because if not, we may have lost more than just a man. It must be something very special to send a man like that down. He influenced so many different people, so many different industries, politics, science, music, art ... And then to be taken away? Maybe we didn't take good care of him". - W. Snipes


I will do that echo, thank you!

Love you Michael!

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