Illuminus Theo

Started by iamhere4mj, December 27, 2014, 05:47:13 PM

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iamhere4mjTopic starter

I'm sure this has been talked about on here, does anyone remember what the thoughts were on this?

I have highlighted areas that have been part of this hoax, that happened after the posting of this article. Even the part about Hitler.

Could Michael be illuminus theo?

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Michael Jackson is not Dead; so WHO died?
Contents copyright June 2009, WNB, at Illuminus Theo

Why and how Dimitrie Draghicescu died in Jackson's place.

[Note: Dimitrie was unrelated to the famous Romanian writer and diplomat who died in 1945; both Dimitrie and Draghicescu are relatively common names in Romania]


The Truth Behind Michael Jackson Death Hoax

The outpouring of grief over Michael Jackson's death, and the sheer magnitude of the deception that Illuminus Theo (IT) has allowed itself to be a party to, now force me to reveal what many have suspected (and with good reason). Michael Jackson did not die--but someone else did. Who died in Jackson's place, and why did Michael Jackson stage his own death in one of the greatest ruses in history? For that matter, why did my own highly reclusive order help Jackson pull this off? I must share this, and quickly, and hope that this blog is not removed before enough people have learned the truth, because what Michael Jackson has just pulled off is nothing compared to the plans that he has for us during the coming century.

Why Did Illuminus Theo Agree to be a part of the Michael Jackson Death Conspiracy?

Quite simply, who could turn down Michael Jackson when he asked for help? Even his closest confidantes admitted that whatever Michael wanted, he got. But when he approached our Order four years ago in Naples, Italy, we were overwhelmed by the generosity of his promised reward (which we will yet receive; the reports of his so-called bankruptcy are as fraudulent as his staged death). These funds will enable our order to further the research which we have pursued for almost 700 years--unheralded, unrestricted by the Vatican (they did not even know of us until the 1940s), and unfunded, as we had our own financial resources--at least until the financial fiascoes of 2000. But what does it profit a man if he gain the world and lose his soul? Even Michael's millions would not have been enough if he had not approached us with a golden carrot in one hand and an iron stick in the other.

Michael's Gold Carrot and Iron Stick

Michael warned Illuminus Theo quite plainly that, given the very nature of his proposal, he could not allow us to refuse his generous offer; he threatened to expose to the world the lapses and indiscretions that had brought us to the attention of the Vatican during the 1940s, and thereby destroy the secrecy that we have so carefully guarded for over 700 years.

My superiors will be livid that I have exposed this dark deception. Illuminus Theo will no doubt engineer the erasure of this blog as soon as they discover it, and Jackson may exact his own revenge upon the Order and myself. Yet if he does, I will reveal exactly where Michael Jackson is today--provided I am not first silenced by either Jackson or my own Order. Over the centuries, Illuminus Theo has silenced those it could not buy. I'm not sure about Jackson, but given the desperation that drove him to this great deception, I would not be surprised if Jackson has also sent some detractors on a one way trip to Neverland.

Why Michael Jackson's Staged Death?

Michael had multiple motives for his staged demise, but ironically, it all began over two decades ago with Michael's morbid fear of death itself. His former wife Lisa Presley has recently revealed that even though Michael daily underwent a rigorous regimen to achieve his dream of living to at least 150, he frequently voiced his fears that he would die early, like Lisa's legendary father Elvis Presley. Michael's most bizarre longevity rite was, of course, his sleeping in hyperbaric chambers. These photos were carefully 'leaked' [with instructions to label them as 'bizarre') to heighten the public's fascination with his unusual lifestyle, but this was more than just promotional hype. Jackson laughed it off but it was a true reflection of Michael's deep seated fear of death.

Why Michael's Morbid Fear of Death?

Michael feared death because, quite simply, he had never really lived. As a child he was reportedly abused by a domineering father who drove him to success, denying him a childhood, hence the attempt to recapture his lost youth with Neverland ranch. Jackson's father not only denied Michael his childhood but also, in driving him to success, molded Michael into a compulsive success addict who could never really slow down to enjoy the massive wealth he accumulated. Michael existed, but he never lived. He viewed life from the outside, from the above--as we view the insignificant lives of millions when our plane rises out of Los Angeles airport, cars below buzzing about like bees in futile search for significance or, increasingly, for survival. And it was this godlike perception of the world, and his intoxication with unparalleled success, that gave birth to Michael's belief in his own deity and inevitable immortality--which he sought not just in science but in the occult.

Michael and the Occult

The public had no idea that Thriller, which was released on Nov. 30, 1982, was not just fiction but autobiographical. Jackson was, in a sense, taunting death. But as he worked on Thriller he became even more enthralled with the occult, and given his fear of death, it is not surprising that he sought the secrets of unending life by searching out the undead, the vampire--which led him to Illuminus Theo.

Jackson Discovers Illuminus Theo

If Jackson spent millions on spending sprees, he spent hundreds of millions seeking the holy grail of immortality through science and the occult. Even as Hitler's henchmen searched the planet from Tahoe to Tibet for occult power to insure the Third Reich's success, so Jackson's army of researchers circled the globe. But although Illuminus Theo managed to evade Hitler's henchmen, we could not hide from Michael Jackson, but that is not surprising. Jackson had better resources than the failing feuhrer.

When Jackson learned of Illuminus Theo's centuries of involvement in the occult, in particular our research into alleged (I emphasize "alleged") cases of possession and vampirism, he threatened our order until we allowed him access to archives that have been kept hidden for centuries. We denied, of course, that we had any of the materials that he sought, but he in turn insisted that if we had nothing to hide, we had nothing to fear from him and his assistants browsing our archives. And so Jackson spent weeks at a time in our archives while one of his three lookalike Michaels carried on his public appearances (one advantage of Michael's plastic face was that it was easy to create lookalikes; this helped inspire the staged death scheme--but I'm coming to that).

Wannabe Vampire Michael Jackson

Jackson did not undergo such extensive surgery because he was ashamed of being black but because he was trying to identify himself with the pallid legions of the undead that he believed must still exist on this planet. Jackson produced his hit video Thriller less as a commercial music video than as a secret yet in-your-face tribute and homage to the legions of undead. Michael hoped that by transforming himself into their physical image, he would somehow change his psychic image as well. Farfetched? Of course! But Michael was obsessed with the reality that he had been dying from birth. He often remarked upon rising, "I'm one day closer to the grave." What a way to look at life! But he hoped that through his physical make-over, and the release of Thriller, the undead would sense his desperation and contact him (even as thousands have written Anne Rice, of vampire novel fame, asking her how to meet vampires in New Orleans).

At this point, I dare not reveal the extent of Illuminus Theo's involvement in what transpired after the release of Thriller, and Michael's subsequent transformations, both physical and otherwise.

Plastic Michael Lookalikes

As I noted, it was easy to create Michael Jackson lookalikes because Jackson himself was a plastic creation, a construct, who in now way resembled the Michael of two decades earlier. After Jackson's court battles, he withdrew from the world, and retreated to a Neverland that he was creating in a foreign country--a subterranean wonderland free from the DNA-damaging solar rays that so terrified Jackson that he was never out of doors without an over-sized umbrella. But Jackson's ego would not allow him to depart the world as a failure, hence Illuminus Theo's collaboration in his staged death right on the heels of an equally staged comeback.

Jackson's Staged Comeback

Jackson, better than anyone, knew the rigors of dancing, and that his body could never handle a comeback such as he promised the world. But he craved not only immortality of body and soul but of name and fame, and of the love that he felt had eluded him his entire life, even in his so-called marriages (which he was quite serious about, but having never been loved, he found to his dismay that he could not love).

Michael set out to show the world that he was as youthful and capable as ever by promising a series of performances that even someone half his age would have found impossible to pull off. That he could even manage a practice session is testimony to his desperation, as well as his genius and determination. But he only planned to perform the practice sessions. He had no intention whatsoever of actually engaging in the performances because, once the world had seen what he was still capable of, he would "die," and then sit back and watch the world mourn him.

Let's set one record straight. Michael was a health fanatic, and did not abuse drugs--at least much. His pleas to doctors for sleeping remedies were ploys to set the stage for his death (which was fitting, as his entire life was a stage). Poor Deepak Chopra was aghast at what he saw as Michael's growing dependence upon prescription drugs, but Michael knew that, once he had "died," Deepak would remember his pleas for drugs, and share them out of sympathy for his extinguished friend--and thus reinforce the fiction that Jackson had died of drugs. To further reinforce this fiction, Jackson phoned other doctors, begging for drugs, and some doctors did provide them, but he never used them. He was too terrified of death to allow anything to weaken his body's tenuous hold upon life.

Jackson's "Death"

The night before Jackson's "death," he danced his heart out, almost literally (which underscored the impossibility of surviving the grueling schedule he'd announced to his public). He returned to his rented home, and was spirited away to a waiting jet at Burbank airport, which transported him to a location in the Southeastern U.S. that I dare not divulge (yet). But I must explain that the man who died of an alleged heart attack under the very hands of his personal physician (get real!) was not Jackson but a 47-year-old Romanian named Dimitrie Draghicescu, whom Illuminus Theo disgracefully dragged into this morbid affair.

Dimitrie Draghicescu--the Dead Jackson

After fully 3 years of plastic surgery and training, Dimitrie could easily pass for a live Jackson, not to mention a dead one. But unlike the mighty Michael, Dimitrie did die. Dimitrie, not Jackson, was the one whisked to the hospital. Did you not wonder why the man who phoned 911 did not say "Michael Jackson" was the victim? It was not to avoid publicity but to insure that, should the 911 calls be analyzed by voice experts and electronic analyzers, no one could detect the stress from the caller's blatant falsehood.

Dimitrie agreed to die in Michael's place only because he had a terminal illness, and because Jackson had promised a generous reward to his family. And had Dimitrie refused, our Order would have revealed the Draghicescu family secret that had brought them to the attention of Illuminus Theo in the late 1700s (we too are familiar with the gold carrot-iron stick argument).

Why the 2nd Autopsy?

If Jackson's own family could not distinguish a plastic Dimitrie from a plastic Jackson, the doctors who tried to revive "Jackson" certainly had no hopes of penetrating this stupendous ruse. The only difficulty was switching fingerprints, but this was accomplished more easily than you could imagine by a little greasing of palms both in the hospital and the police force. (Though now the police are under suspicion for delaying a search for 4 days, allowing an unsupervised Janet to remove items from a suspected crime scene, etc.).

But while the ruse fooled the world, his family was suspicious. They knew Michael too well to believe that a man so fanatic about health would kill himself with such a dangerous drug. The Jackson family demanded a second autopsy not to determine the cause of death but to determine the true identity of the body. (Which, of course, will never be revealed, for if Jackson is shown to be alive, they will not inherit his estate).

Death by Diprivan

The autopsy will indeed reveal that "Jackson" died of a lethal dose of Diprivan, a dangerous but effective anaesthetic. Jackson's personal doctor will be found guilty of negligence, but his career was on the ropes already. (He said Michael was so delicate he supported his back during CPR--yet Michael was capable of 50 performances?). This desperate excuse for a doctor readily agreed to become a part of Jackson's "death" in return for a 7-figure fee and the best lawyers in the land. You noticed, I assume, how quickly he was in contact with his lawyers? They had a response prepared even before Jackson's double, poor Dimitrie, had breathed his last.

Michael Jackson is alive, and given the information he forced out of Illuminus Theo, and the tremendous resources at his disposal (in spite of rumors of his supposed bankruptcy) he may well reach his goal of living to 150, but I don't think he will enjoy those extra 100 years. But in the meantime, Michael Jackson is enjoying immensely the spectacle of the entire world in tears. He has achieved the fame and even a measure of love and respect, that eluded him in life. His eccentricities are forgiven; those he alienated are reconciled. And perhaps this is not a bad thing. What I fear, personally, is where Michael Jackson is headed now. With the exception of his father, no one could ever say "No" to Michael--and that was to the old Jackson. How will the world handle the Michael Jackson that is to come? Of course, no one will recognize the new Jackson for who he is.

He Did Take It With Him

Sometime within the next two years, the plastic-faced Michael Jackson will emerge onto the world scene again with not only a new, unrecognizable face but a new name. And who says "you can't take it with you?" Michael has taken his, and will enjoy enormous wealth and power, coupled with blissful anonymity, for decades--perhaps even another century. But what on earth will Michael Jackson do the second time around?

I must cut this short. I am posting this via proxies, in the hopes that it will not be easily traced, and using an alias--the name of the Italian Chinese priest who transformed our order after the Vatican penetrated our veil of secrecy in the 1940s. If only Father Fu were still here to help us--though after what I've learned about Michael Jackson's "death," for all I know Father Lingyu Fu may still be around. I will not pursue that line of thought further, lest sleep elude me, as it did the King of Pop during his last decade.

I hopes this avoids deletion long enough for the world to know the truth--that Michael Jackson is alive! Or, more accurately, he is not dead.

Are you?

Father Lingyu Fu

Naples, Italy

[Note: Some have commented that Dimitrie died in 1945 [actually, he committed suicide]. Obviously, in Romania, as in the rest of the world, sometimes more than one people have the same name. The Dimitrie Draghicescu who was the famous writer killed himself in 1945. He was, as far as we know, unrelated to Michael Jackson's Dimitrie.

Illuminus Theo Postscript (July 20, 2009): The Abbot of Illuminus Theo Abbey insists on pointing out that Illuminus Theo did not pressure Dimitrie Draghicescu in any way into an arrangement with Michael Jackson. So I have duly noted this, but based on the information presented above, you can draw your own conclusion.

By the way, he is not, as many websites have claimed, in Hungary (but fairly close).

Posted by  Illuminus Theo     at  11:08 PM

a. 1. Bright; clear.

God: theomorphism.

Depiction or conception of humans as having the form of a god.
the′o•mor′phic adj.   (bright God, clear God – having the form of a god)

Theomorphism, from Greek θεος, theos (God) and μορφη, morphē (shape or form), refers to the bestowal of divine attributes on humanity. The term literally means "God-shaped", corresponding to the Hebrew name Michael.

Love you Michael!


December 28, 2014, 03:19:36 AM #1 Last Edit: December 28, 2014, 03:20:28 AM by curls

That was an enjoyable piece of fiction for a lazy post-Christmas morning!

I don't recall what the general concensus was when this was discussed before, but personally I don't have any reason to believe anyone died in MJ's place, far less some Romanian with links to the occult, and even less belief in some random 'reveal-all' blog!

Yeah, you're right, this could be MJ.  Didn't he always say he admired good story-telling?

iamhere4mjTopic starter

Quote from: curls on December 28, 2014, 03:19:36 AM

That was an enjoyable piece of fiction for a lazy post-Christmas morning!

I don't recall what the general concensus was when this was discussed before, but personally I don't have any reason to believe anyone died in MJ's place, far less some Romanian with links to the occult, and even less belief in some random 'reveal-all' blog!

Yeah, you're right, this could be MJ.  Didn't he always say he admired good story-telling?

:thjajaja121: 'enjoyable piece of fiction'  :thjajaja121:

I just thought it was interesting that this person knew Murray would be found guilty before he even became a suspect, the cause of death would be due to propofol months before the final report came out and that according to a twitter account Michael was creating a Neverland in London (tweet posted June 9th from MJJackson1958 reads: set to turn the Kent house in London to a replica of Neverland Ranch.)

Maybe these were all good guesses.

Love you Michael!


Quote from: iamhere4mj on December 28, 2014, 04:31:38 PM

I just thought it was interesting that this person knew Murray would be found guilty before he even became a suspect, the cause of death would be due to propofol months before the final report came out and that according to a twitter account Michael was creating a Neverland in London (tweet posted June 9th from MJJackson1958 reads: set to turn the Kent house in London to a replica of Neverland Ranch.)

Maybe these were all good guesses.

I read this a few years back and quite recently before this posting. "Leave No Stone Unturned" is a phrase taken from Greek Mythology. It's meaning is to search every minute detail. The research that Believers  invest in this odyssey that we refer to as a "death hoax" is a testimony to our dedication. I concur 100% that it is interesting that the conviction of Dr. Murrray and cause of death were both so accuarately illuded to months before a final report was released.

On another note, of all of Michael Jackson's recordings. Thriller was my least favorite.  I found it very dark and have even wondered if it was "sacrificial'. 

"It's a great loss for us and I just hope and pray that the Creator, whatever you believe in, still holds us in favor to send us another angel like that. Because if not, we may have lost more than just a man. It must be something very special to send a man like that down. He influenced so many different people, so many different industries, politics, science, music, art ... And then to be taken away? Maybe we didn't take good care of him". - W. Snipes


My two cents is Theo was/is on crack. :icon_lol:


The story is beyond fake and strange. I was never a big fan of the Thriller song, but love the whole album. Michael had a way of alluding to things in his songs. I think he told us exactly what they wanted in Thriller. He didn't hide anything or lie. He knew what he was up against "They're out to get you... demons closing in on every side"  :'(


In peace and solidarity I share the possibility of something said by the late great Mark Twain,

"Truth is stranger than Fiction, but it is because Fiction is obligated to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't."

Sweet words.

"It's a great loss for us and I just hope and pray that the Creator, whatever you believe in, still holds us in favor to send us another angel like that. Because if not, we may have lost more than just a man. It must be something very special to send a man like that down. He influenced so many different people, so many different industries, politics, science, music, art ... And then to be taken away? Maybe we didn't take good care of him". - W. Snipes

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