
Do you still believe?

Started by ViickJackson, December 16, 2014, 09:33:33 PM

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ViickJacksonTopic starter

Since Michael Jackson's death, was the creation of a large number of believers.

Many found it strange his death ..

Questions come and back  .. Why not show your body? or have an explanation?

It's an adventure ..

Evidences is Placed to cover up the real truth. Will ever find out the truth.

He is truly alive, but alone around flowers and mountains        :)
He will not return, more will be another option, where it will be in your vision on a large screen.

Believe.  2015

Victoria J.

Its her

Quote from: ViickJackson on December 16, 2014, 09:33:33 PM

Since Michael Jackson's death, was the creation of a large number of believers.

Many found it strange his death ..

Questions come and back  .. Why not show your body? or have an explanation?

It's an adventure ..

Evidences is Placed to cover up the real truth. Will ever find out the truth.

He is truly alive, but alone around flowers and mountains        :)
He will not return, more will be another option, where it will be in your vision on a large screen.

Believe.  2015

It's funny that I was just thinking of this today, even though this forum isn't about finding him...I don't see him around flowers and mountains...unless he is floating by  some, on a Disney "ghosttown" cruise.  AHOY, matey!  :icon_mrgreen:

omG! What if he's coming to get us all on some one man cruise liner he's pirated for "the BAM" party?  :icon_e_surprised: :affraid: I can almost hear maniacal laughter and some "Ghost and Mr Chicken" organ music, escalating in the background, as he gives the command!  :thjajaja121: :thjajaja121: Hey,  :TongueOutSmiley: it could  happen. :icon_rolleyes: MJ likes  to do things on a massive scale with nightmare logistics. Piece o' cake! :michael_jackson-1135:  No pressure, Mike, but uh...tap tap tap... :icon_e_confused: where my ticket?

Just kidding!  ♪'Tis the season to be jolly ♪, ya know.  :multiplespotting: Happy New year to all Yous,  :bearhug: new and old :icon_exclaim: Here's to another year around the mountain! :beerchug: with the twins---ha ha ha ha ha  :Michael_Jackson_smiley_by_red :Michael_Jackson_smiley_by_red   :icon_lol:

ONLY Believe...


I still believe he is alive, like many other stars who have exited stage left either voluntarily or not.  But I no longer believe he will return.  We're on our own, folks.  Let's make the best of it.

Have a good HolyDay to everyone! 


I believe that MJ lives and will never return as a public figure.

"It's a great loss for us and I just hope and pray that the Creator, whatever you believe in, still holds us in favor to send us another angel like that. Because if not, we may have lost more than just a man. It must be something very special to send a man like that down. He influenced so many different people, so many different industries, politics, science, music, art ... And then to be taken away? Maybe we didn't take good care of him". - W. Snipes


I believe he is still alive and enjoying life with his family. something that was long over do. I do not expect him to come back when he can sit back and watch. We love you Michael and always will.
:) :) :) :) :) :) :)


I do today. But tomorrow, I suddenly don't. Then I do again. I want to. I can't lose hope. I love this man endlessly. But my heart is hurting. I need healing. My heart is broken. Why didn't I love him enough when he was here? I want to believe that he is ok. Somewhere alone on a deserted island. But then, I wonder why would he leave the kids behind? I still have so many questions.  :'(