
Paramedic Testimony Confused

Started by Echo, November 02, 2014, 01:54:58 PM

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EchoTopic starter

November 02, 2014, 01:54:58 PM Last Edit: November 02, 2014, 01:59:33 PM by Echo

I was going over some old notes and ran across the testimony of Martin Blount.

This may have already been discussed, but truly puzzles me to this day...

On June 25th, 2009 allegedly five emergency responders went to Carolwood.

1. Martin Blount (Ambulance Driver, Paramedic)
2. Richard Senneff (Paramedic, Ambulance Passenger)
3. Jeff Mills (Fire Captain, arrives by fire truck)
4. Brett Haring (Fire Fighter, arrives by fire truck)
5. Mark Goodwin (Fire Fighter, Paramedic, arrives by fire truck)

During the Conrad Murray trial, Martin Blount testified that when he entered MJ's bedroom he saw a gentleman laying fully on the bed. Blount stated that Mark Goodwin and Brett Haring assisted Dr. Murray "helping the individual on to the floor". Blount stated that he recognized the individual to be Michael Jackson.

I thought on the 911 call that the operator directed that MJ be moved from the bed to the floor so that CPR could be administered correctly?

And I thought on the same 911 call, Alvarez gave the impression that MJ was moved to from the bed to the floor all while the paramedics were in route. Have I missed something?

Did the paramedics move MJ from the floor to the bed and from the bed, back to the floor?

Testimony of Martin Blount  - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQXU2KE1j_k

Please help me to understand.

"It's a great loss for us and I just hope and pray that the Creator, whatever you believe in, still holds us in favor to send us another angel like that. Because if not, we may have lost more than just a man. It must be something very special to send a man like that down. He influenced so many different people, so many different industries, politics, science, music, art ... And then to be taken away? Maybe we didn't take good care of him". - W. Snipes


The stories are conflicting because they are lies. All lies. Its sad that not even 2 of the many people involved can even tell the same story. Everybody has a different tale to tell. It rings of lies.  :screaming-7365:




Quote from: michaelslady on November 02, 2014, 08:09:04 PM

The stories are conflicting because they are lies. All lies. Its sad that not even 2 of the many people involved can even tell the same story. Everybody has a different tale to tell. It rings of lies.  :screaming-7365:

Actually I sort of disagree.  If MJ had been dying in those circumstances, it would not be unusual for the witnesses to have differing memories of what went on.  I'm sure you have experienced yourself, witnessing something and others around you think they saw something different.  People, in general, don't remember/absorb what they actually see.  When everyone is telling the same story, now that's when it smacks of planned fabrication.

However, I do agree that 'it's all lies', in as much as MJ was not dead or dying, on or off the bed that day, but I don't know if we'll ever discover for certain, whether anything remotely like what supposedly went on in that room actually did happen ... or was acted out ... or was just a written 'plot' for the characters to improvise with.

It could be very clever on MJ's part to have witnesses giving differing stories, for realism, even though ironically many hoaxers have mistakenly used this as a 'clue', knowing that a watertight storyline from everyone is not what would happen in reality.

suspicious mind

know what i keep thinking about. that the prop was supposed to arrive for the dirty diana thing. now wasn't the idea of the segment that michael was going to be in the bed but then disappear and show up on the cherry picker? isn't it odd that this bed was on the floor and not on a frame?

:-[sorry imma go get my white coat  :icon_redface: :Pulling_hair:

"I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be shrewd as serpents and as innocent as doves."  

Why not just tell people I'm an alien from Mars? Tell them I eat live chickens and do a voodoo dance at midnight. They'll believe anything you say, because you're a reporter. But if I, Michael Jackson, were to say, "I'm an alien from Mars and I eat live chickens and do a voodoo dance at midnight," people would say, "Oh, man, that Michael Jackson is nuts. He's cracked up. You can't believe a single word that comes out of his mouth."


Quote from: michaelslady on November 02, 2014, 08:09:04 PM

The stories are conflicting because they are lies. All lies. Its sad that not even 2 of the many people involved can even tell the same story. Everybody has a different tale to tell. It rings of lies.  :screaming-7365:

It kind of reminds me of the Arvizos...none of their stories matched up.


January 02, 2015, 04:40:40 PM #6 Last Edit: January 02, 2015, 04:43:00 PM by iamhere4mj

Yes, the 911 call made it sound as though Alvarez helped Murray to get Michael to the floor but Blounts testimony said the other paramedics moved him to the floor when he entered the room.

Here is the testimony from Blount on recognizing Michael:

Brazil: when you entered into the room was Mr. (um, strike that)when you entered the room and you saw the patient did you recognize who the patient was?
Blount: Yes ma'am.
Brazil: Did you IMMEDIATELY recognize him?
Blount: Yes ma'am.
Brazil: And you recognized him to be Mr. Michael Jackson, correct?
Blount: Yes ma'am.

I have met Mr. Blount and in my opinion he is part of the hoax, willingly or not.

@suspicious mind: what are you saying about the bed? What does that have to do with the bed at Carolwood that isn't on a frame? I'm not understanding.

Love you Michael!

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