Colony Capital to sell Neverland

Started by curls, July 31, 2014, 02:24:36 AM

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You will soon be reading news reports stating that Colony Capital has decided to sell Neverland. As the property manager, they have the right to do this. The Estate has issued the following statement in response to a media request for comment:

We are saddened at the prospect of the sale of Neverland which, under the agreement negotiated during Michael's lifetime, Colony has the right to sell. The Estate will maintain Michael's family home in Encino, including its iconic recording studio there. We continue to build upon Michael's legacy as an artistic genius and humanitarian through his music and new projects such as the Michael Jackson ONE show in Las Vegas. We hope and trust that any new owners of Neverland will respect the historical importance and special nature of this wonderful property. Michael's memory lives on in the hearts of his fans worldwide.

It is also important to the Estate that Michael's fans understand that although the Estate has no right to stop or obstruct the sale, The Estate did explore a number of potential options for Neverland with Colony but zoning, financial and land use restrictions limited the alternatives and ultimately Colony made the decision to sell.

The Official Online Team of The Michael Jackson Estate™



Neverland is a great mystery to me. If MJ did not want to return there, that, after his "death" still maintain a property that does not generate income? We all saw pictures of the property in perfect condition, including lake and fountains running. To who?
I trust that MJ is in control, and if not, to my Neverland will always be his home.
Thanks RK, the images are beautiful.


I never heard that MJ lost control about neverland... he made deals to keep it HIS...

Of course Colony Capital sells it. BUT i always thought that Colony Capital only owned A PART of Neverland, as a mortgage/loan/smth to difficult for me to explain in english (and even in french in fact lol)
so YES Colony Capital sells, they sell their part, but to WHO ? And does the rest of the "owner" sell it too ?

If i was to say something about this stuff :

MJ is now more wealthy than ever, he doesn't need Colony Capital to keep Neverland up. So he get them to sell their part back to him. Maybe not him... but you'll see that it will be sold to some company that has something to do with MJ.

Now this idea about MJ saying he'd never go back there to prevent people from coming to Neverland is an interesting idea.  I always felt that no matter what, MJ would never part from Neverland, even if not staying in it. There must be something about it. Maybe he actually doesn't wish to live there, but he might plan to turn it into something for charity ? Neverland used to be ran as a place for kids, even when he was not around...

last : why would the estate (after the kids asked for it) invest money on rebuilding, renewing Neverland, several years sooner, if they now plan to sell... setting flowers in 2010 doesn't help to sell in 2014... + invest this money on something they do not own ???

Do not push the carebear in the nettles


Quote from: curls on July 31, 2014, 02:24:36 AM


You will soon be reading news reports stating that Colony Capital has decided to sell Neverland. As the property manager, they have the right to do this. The Estate has issued the following statement in response to a media request for comment:

We are saddened at the prospect of the sale of Neverland which, under the agreement negotiated during Michael's lifetime, Colony has the right to sell. The Estate will maintain Michael's family home in Encino, including its iconic recording studio there. We continue to build upon Michael's legacy as an artistic genius and humanitarian through his music and new projects such as the Michael Jackson ONE show in Las Vegas. We hope and trust that any new owners of Neverland will respect the historical importance and special nature of this wonderful property. Michael's memory lives on in the hearts of his fans worldwide.

It is also important to the Estate that Michael's fans understand that although the Estate has no right to stop or obstruct the sale, The Estate did explore a number of potential options for Neverland with Colony but zoning, financial and land use restrictions limited the alternatives and ultimately Colony made the decision to sell.

The Official Online Team of The Michael Jackson Estate™

It is not a surprise for me lol,cause for me, NeverLAND was/is , like a........ "Land that never was"  :LolLolLolLol: !!!!


If MJ still owns part of the property, and it is less then 50%, then he will receive his ownership percentage of the proceeds when it sells. If he doesn't want it sold and owns less then 50% then he could take the matter to court and fight the sale but he probably would not win. It would be smarter n cheaper to just buy it back himself, and considering he's made a bazillion dollars in the past 5 years, it's chump change. If he owns a collective on the property then he has to sign at closing in order for the sale to commence. And by "he" I mean "The Estate".

Total speculation as to where this might lead, but, if the Estate ends up fighting this in any way through the courts, it's 100% a publicity only move and then we get to ask why.

I really have a hard time believing the Estate will just walk away from Neverland.

Are you entertained?


Hi everybody, haven't posted in a while but read your inputs regularly :-)

My 2 cents: I don't believe, the Estate ever had as much control over Neverland as they make believe. Their press statement to me is a total farce. Replace the Estates' checking zoning, building codes, etc. with Checking possibilities to get the other 50% (or so) then it adds up more to me. Add to it, that they mention checking possibilibies five years later ... a bit strange for two savy business guys they did not check into that with Tom Barack earlier ... Talking about checking building codes et al with Colony Capital is a nice try to make the mass believe they have control but hey ... bad luck. I for one believe, they are pissed, Colony Capital sells Neverland. Oops out the window the possibility to rip Neverland off. Uhm, they lose control. And IF Neverland is bought back by MJ, wow! Even a bigger fist in their face ...

Just my 2 innocent intuitive cents here.

"... and the truth shall set you free" David Icke

curlsTopic starter



I totally agree with you, behind all this there is Michael and he knows exactly what to do.
.....The Jackson estate said it considered many options with regard to Neverland, including buying it back.....


i've been reading the article about Las Vegas home to be for sale, and a very interesting question came to my mind...

Who ever needed 3 kitchens ?

*already out...running*

Do not push the carebear in the nettles


Quote from: whatyourheartsays on August 06, 2014, 11:59:48 AM

i've been reading the article about Las Vegas home to be for sale, and a very interesting question came to my mind...

Who ever needed 3 kitchens ?

*already out...running*

Exactly  :icon_lol: :icon_lol: !!!! Like I said......the Land that never was  :icon_geek: ....

Its her

Quote from: To be or not to be on August 04, 2014, 07:15:01 AM

Quote from: curls on July 31, 2014, 02:24:36 AM


You will soon be reading news reports stating that Colony Capital has decided to sell Neverland. As the property manager, they have the right to do this. The Estate has issued the following statement in response to a media request for comment:

We are saddened at the prospect of the sale of Neverland which, under the agreement negotiated during Michael's lifetime, Colony has the right to sell. The Estate will maintain Michael's family home in Encino, including its iconic recording studio there. We continue to build upon Michael's legacy as an artistic genius and humanitarian through his music and new projects such as the Michael Jackson ONE show in Las Vegas. We hope and trust that any new owners of Neverland will respect the historical importance and special nature of this wonderful property. Michael's memory lives on in the hearts of his fans worldwide.

It is also important to the Estate that Michael's fans understand that although the Estate has no right to stop or obstruct the sale, The Estate did explore a number of potential options for Neverland with Colony but zoning, financial and land use restrictions limited the alternatives and ultimately Colony made the decision to sell.

The Official Online Team of The Michael Jackson Estate™

It is not a surprise for me lol,cause for me, NeverLAND was/is , like a........ "Land that never was"  :LolLolLolLol: !!!!

I hope this is not off topic in some way. I don't get how that works, much :icon_redface:. Move this to a proper place if you like. :icon_e_smile:

@2B: I have felt for some time that MJ neverlived at Neverland, and for the last few years, it appears that he is eerily, methodically erasing  THE "Michael Jackson" as we thought we "knew" him, from the face of the map!! Especially, since 2011, there has been a very definite, "now you see him now you don't" kind of vibe all about him.

Did you ever go try to find  :icon_albino: traces of something remaining after the circus left town, to find some thing real left behind, even just the holes where the stakes for the tents were pounded in, or impressions in the dirt that a Ferris wheel had been right here :icon_bounce: :icon_razz: or, even just where you had dropped your popcorn yesterday there, right... there? :icon_e_confused: :confused:---but there is NO trace, no hint of evidence that all the fun the days before REALLY happened! and...not even that you were there, either. Like a dream or illusion...Like Michael Jackson.  It is NOT like 'Elvis (& now MJ)has left the building', it is more like, as when the circus leaves town, "HEY! You cannot even TELL where it was!" Have you ever felt like that?  It is freaking me out that this is another one of those things. And I think YOU (To Be or not To Be)

know " :LolLolLolLol: "

it is,  :icon_e_surprised: even though you qualified what you said by saying "(as) for me..." and laffing as if it is not a bold faced, stealthfully placed, nugget of Truth, when you have been there and actually know.

It is sad, in a sentimental way, to feel like we are losing more of him because "his" home is on the (sale) block, but I think this is just another illusion about Michael Jackson: that he ever actually lived there. If you look at all the pictures, even those picturing him there, none of them are evidence that HE lives THERE. Everything can be staged, very purposefully, and this secluded, secured, remote property would be a piece of cake to blow all kinds of smoke up our...way. He's a master illusionist. He eats, sleeps and breathes smoke and mirrors! I think he one day realized that people were never going to leave him alone, always wanting more of him, and to know ALL about him and his private life. So....he gave the media, stalkers, lovers and haters ALL an eyeful of his "private" digs; a ginormous, sleight of hand whopper of a pacifier! And everyone ate it up, because "it was SO him, larger than life...".

I'm not trying to spark contention, or stomp the lovely memories :-*, only plant a little seed of, "WHAT IF?" As BeLIEvers, now,we want the truth, right? We don't want to believe a lie all our lives...right? I am offering the idea that this may be part of his Big Top illusion  :icon_e_surprised: and to not let it so break your hearts that some evil meanie is somehow robbing us of sacred Neverland.  :-\

Just saying that there is something decidedly "NOT my home" about all the pictures and videos we have seen of his home. Spectacular Real Estate is regularly leased out for movies and just to make money for the owner while it sits on the market for extended periods. It is not a big stretch to "see" MJ doing this. :michael_jackson-1135: He da man.

It IS, though, yet another thing for which to spank him. :o  :icon_e_biggrin:

ONLY Believe...


@ Its Her, oh my goodness. I know exactly what you mean. I have thought about that exact same thing before. I noticed in the past that when all of the inner city kids would come to visit Neverland, he would always suddenly appear outside with his umbrella, say hello and then the kids said he would leave in a car. Like "hey and bye" lol. I have heard this numerous times and seen some videos. Would if he was just "leasing" all of the amusement rides and property all for show? Like just renting the stuff to throw people off?

Then I thought about what Latoya said in her book; she said that she had NEVER been to Neverland in her life until one day when Paris and Prince we're like 7 or 8. Really? So she had never been to see her brothers home? No visits, nothing. I thought it was kina weird when she said that. If im not mistaken, im thinking that Latoya said that she NEVER saw MJ that day at all. She said that was the 1st time that she had ever met the kids and Mike never appeared. She said the nanny told her that he was in the studio recording and couldn't be disturbed. wth?

This is all getting weirder by the day. I can't understand the silence from the family.  :Pulling_hair:

suspicious mind

Quote from: ShyBleuEyes on August 01, 2014, 04:15:09 AM

link from Twitter account Troot research:

to me, this came to my mind #ParisInterview--->
Permalink voor ingesloten afbeelding
[img]http://to me, this came to my mind #ParisInterview--->

Again i tried to add the actual text, but failed again, maybe someone can. :)

ok it's me off my rocker again but stop this video at like 47 sec. where joe and i assume pearl jr. are there. look at the dude in the background with the camera. does this person make anyone else think of murray?  :-[
"I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be shrewd as serpents and as innocent as doves."  

Why not just tell people I'm an alien from Mars? Tell them I eat live chickens and do a voodoo dance at midnight. They'll believe anything you say, because you're a reporter. But if I, Michael Jackson, were to say, "I'm an alien from Mars and I eat live chickens and do a voodoo dance at midnight," people would say, "Oh, man, that Michael Jackson is nuts. He's cracked up. You can't believe a single word that comes out of his mouth."


August 08, 2014, 02:44:36 PM #27 Last Edit: August 08, 2014, 02:45:35 PM by blankie

Look here...

Neverland Ranch For Sale: 9 Celebrities Who Should Buy Michael Jackson's Fantasy Land
.........and among them there are also Prince, Paris and Blanket .........   :icon_e_wink:

Its her

This news is a classic example of "looks like" don't mean, "IS". Years ago when MJ supposedly swore off ever going back there because it was contaminated by cops & Sneddon doing a photographed strip search there, it was reported that all of Playland and the zoo and the animals were removed to other locations not owned by MJ. So, either there are or are not these things still on the property, but in any case it can't be both.

The August 2014 article is passing off old pictures as items currently for sale on the property. This is dishonest, or just lazy journalism. Anyone who looks at the place in person will realize they've been illegally had. Anyway, no one would leave all kinds of rides outside to degrade for ten years, and what's to restore? MJ didn't ruin the place on his way out, as so many tenants do to properties they didn't own. And as far as I can tell (only seeing what the Puppet Master wants us to see), it appears to me that while MJ SAID he lived there, he neglected to make ANY personal decor changes, as ALL people do once they've signed the papers on a home. It seemed like he moved a bunch of toys, paintings and books in, but expects us to believe HE (Mr. "I'm A Perfectionist" :icon_geek:) swapped out NONE of the curtains or fabrics or the furniture there, as soon as he could? He didn't even change one paint color on the walls in the pictures. It could be just a guy thing or that he was too busy, but the MJ home in the Architectural Digest spread pictured in these Hoax archives some where, looks the same as the home in the real estate brochure supposedly shown to some friends as he was considering buying it, a few years earlier... Besides, we SAW the empty house and vacated grounds on the Larry King show the Friday after MJ "died". Or DID we? Jermaine and his flies were so distracting, Idk anything anymore!  :screaming-7365: What we saw on the Oprah and the Bashir specials probably  :icon_e_surprised: wasn't even at the same property!  :icon_albino: :icon_razz: But even so, it was only a memory by 2009. He made all of it disappear. I think it was just another stage for Michael to work his magic (and make a couple of hoax movies about his life) :icon_eek:. And it could be that they are just trying to plump up the price by the connection to Michael Jackson, eh? It wouldn't be the first time.

ONLY Believe...


Quote from: Its her on August 08, 2014, 04:26:32 PM

This news is a classic example of "looks like" don't mean, "IS". Years ago when MJ supposedly swore off ever going back there because it was contaminated by cops & Sneddon doing a photographed strip search there, it was reported that all of Playland and the zoo and the animals were removed to other locations not owned by MJ. So, either there are or are not these things still on the property, but in any case it can't be both.

The August 2014 article is passing off old pictures as items currently for sale on the property. This is dishonest, or just lazy journalism. Anyone who looks at the place in person will realize they've been illegally had. Anyway, no one would leave all kinds of rides outside to degrade for ten years, and what's to restore? MJ didn't ruin the place on his way out, as so many tenants do to properties they didn't own. And as far as I can tell (only seeing what the Puppet Master wants us to see), it appears to me that while MJ SAID he lived there, he neglected to make ANY personal decor changes, as ALL people do once they've signed the papers on a home. It seemed like he moved a bunch of toys, paintings and books in, but expects us to believe HE (Mr. "I'm A Perfectionist" :icon_geek:) swapped out NONE of the curtains or fabrics or the furniture there, as soon as he could? He didn't even change one paint color on the walls in the pictures. It could be just a guy thing or that he was too busy, but the MJ home in the Architectural Digest spread pictured in these Hoax archives some where, looks the same as the home in the real estate brochure supposedly shown to some friends as he was considering buying it, a few years earlier... Besides, we SAW the empty house and vacated grounds on the Larry King show the Friday after MJ "died". Or DID we? Jermaine and his flies were so distracting, Idk anything anymore!  :screaming-7365: What we saw on the Oprah and the Bashir specials probably  :icon_e_surprised: wasn't even at the same property!  :icon_albino: :icon_razz: But even so, it was only a memory by 2009. He made all of it disappear. I think it was just another stage for Michael to work his magic (and make a couple of hoax movies about his life) :icon_eek:. And it could be that they are just trying to plump up the price by the connection to Michael Jackson, eh? It wouldn't be the first time.

Talking about "Ferris wheel had been right here".......I wonder where Tom "Ferris" Sneddon is lol  :icon_lol:?? Or who is he really? And that William WAGENER also  :icon_e_confused: ......
Now here is one guy who apparently visited Neverland in june 2011  :icon_geek: :

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