I have read the trials transcripts, it gave me a good and very clear vision of how they tryed to frame MJ. And how the acussers have lied. it was always about the money in everything. I have read in transcripts and other sources. and yeah i know MJ did pay out , there was in the clausule, that MJ never admitted he had abused or touched that Kid. Both parties had signed that, ask yourself would you do the same if it was son? , i know i would not, if someone would touch or abuse my son, he would be dragged to court, there would be no money in the world that could pay of someone touching my son.
Remember MJ had his trial, and there was a jury, MJ was acquitted of all charges.
Everyone knows the minorty of people all over the world were feeding by press/media, we know the media has made him look guilty before the trial had even started. So i bet even jury members were some sort of indoctrinated by the media, i have read or saw an interview with one of the jury members, who said they would have found him guilty if he was, but there were no grounds to find him guilty, to me it felt like they were even eager to say he was guilty, but there was nothing to condemn MJ.. Nothing!