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Kennedy, Lincoln Conspiracy...coincidence?
February 07, 2012, 11:00:08 PM
Kennedy, Lincoln Conspiracy...coincidence?


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- Lincoln's name has 7 letters
- Kennedy's name has 7 letters

- In Lincoln's & Kennedy's names the vowels & consonants fall in exactly the same place;***
  in the order c, v, c, c, v, c, c

- Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846
- Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946

- Lincoln was elected president in 1860
- Kennedy was elected president in 1960

- Kennedy had a secretary named Lincoln

- War was thrust upon Lincoln almost immediately after inauguration
- War was thrust upon Kennedy almost immediately after inauguration

- Lincoln ordered the Treasury to print its own money
- Kennedy ordered the Treasury to print its own money

- International bankers may have arranged the assassinations of Lincoln and Kennedy

- Lincoln gave negroes freedom and legalized equality
- Kennedy enforced equality for negroes

- Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address on November 19, 1863
- Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963

- Lincoln was loved by the common people and hated by the establishment
- Kennedy was loved by the common people and hated by the establishment

- Lincoln was succeeded, after assassination, by vice-president Johnson
- Kennedy was succeeded, after assassination, by vice-president Johnson

- Andrew Johnson was born in 1808
- Lyndon Johnson was born in 1908

- Andrew Johnson's name has 13 letters
- Lyndon Johnson's name has 13 letters

- Andrew Johnson had a pug nose and slicked-back hair
- Lyndon Johnson had a pug nose and slicked-back hair

- Lincoln was sitting beside his wife when he was shot
- Kennedy was sitting beside his wife when he was shot

- Rathbone, who was with Lincoln when he was shot, was injured (by being stabbed)
- Connally, who was with Kennedy when he was shot, was injured (by being shot)
- Rathbone's name has 8 letters
- Connally's name has 8 letters

- Lincoln's wife held his head in her lap after he was shot
- Kennedy's wife held his head in her lap after he was shot

- Lincoln was shot on a Friday
- Kennedy was shot on a Friday

- Lincoln was shot in a theatre named  Ford
- Kennedy was shot in a car made by  Ford

- Kennedy was shot in a car named Lincoln

- Lincoln's bodyguard was away from his post at the door of the President's box at the theatre
- Kennedy's bodyguards were away from their posts on the running-boards of the President's car

- Lincoln was shot in a theatre and his assassin ran to a warehouse
- JFK was shot from a warehouse and his alleged assassin ran to a theatre

- Lincoln's assassin had a three-worded name, John Wilkes Booth
- Kennedy's alleged assassin had a three-worded name, Lee Harvey Oswald

- John Wilkes Booth has 15 letters
- Lee Harvey Oswald has 15 letters

- John Wilkes Boothe was born in 1839 (s/b 1838)
- Lee Harvey Oswald was born in 1939

- Lincoln didn't die immediately after being shot
- Kennedy didn't die immediately after being shot

- Lincoln and Kennedy died in places beginning with the initials P and H
- Lincoln died in Petersen's house
- Kennedy died in Parkland Hospital

- Booth was shot and killed* in police custody before going to trial
- Oswald was shot and killed in police custody before going to trial

- Kennedy's funeral was modelled on Lincoln's funeral

- Andrew Johnson was a heavy drinker with crude behaviour
- Lyndon Johnson was a heavy drinker with crude behaviour

- There were conspiracy theories that Johnson was knowledgeable about Lincoln's assassination
- There were conspiracy theories that Johnson was knowledgeable about Kennedy's assassination**

- Days before it happened Lincoln told his wife and friends about a dream he'd had of being shot by an assassin
- Hours before it happened Kennedy told his wife and friends it would be easy for an assassin to shoot him from a crowd

- Shortly after Lincoln was shot the telegraph system went down
- Shortly after Kennedy was shot the telephone system went down

- Kennedy's father had been the Ambassador to England at the Court of St James
- Lincoln's son became the Ambassador to England at the Court of St James

- Lincoln and Kennedy were 2 of the greatest presidents of the nation

- Lincoln's wife tastefully and expensively re-decorated the White House
- Kennedy's wife tastefully and expensively re-decorated the White House

- Lincoln loved great literature and could recite poetry by heart
- Kennedy loved great literature and could recite poetry by heart

- Lincoln had young children while living at the White House
- Kennedy had young children while living at the White House

- Lincoln's sons had ponies they rode on the White House grounds
- Kennedy's daughter had a pony she rode on the White House grounds

- Lincoln lost a child (12 year old son) to death while President
- Kennedy lost a child (newly born son) to death while President

- Lincoln had 2 sons named Robert and Edward. Edward died young and Robert lived on.
- Kennedy had 2 brothers named Robert and Edward. Robert died young and Edward lived on

- Lincoln let his children run and play in his office
- Kennedy let his children run and play in his office

- After Lincoln's assassination the nation experienced an emotional convulsion
- After Kennedy's assassination the nation experienced an emotional convulsion

- the whole world cried when Lincoln died
- the whole world cried when Kennedy died

- Lincoln's funeral train travelled from Washington-DC to New York
- Kennedy's brother's funeral train travelled from New York to Washington-DC

- Lincoln Assassination conspiracy theories are believed these 140 141 years later
- Kennedy Assassination conspiracy theories are believed these 42 43 years later

- Abraham was the first name of the man who filmed Kennedy's murder in the Lincoln

- The man running alongside Kennedy's car snapping pictures with his 35mm camera was a salesman of Lincoln cars

- Kennedy bought a Virginia home that was the 1861 Civil War headquarters of Lincoln's first general-in-chief, McClellan

- Jefferson Davis was the name of the president of the Confederate states while Lincoln was president of the Union states
- Jefferson Davis Tippit was the name of the police officer killed allegedly by Kennedy's alleged assassin

- Lincoln was famous for his wit and for telling hilarious stories and anecdotes
- Kennedy was famous for his wit and for telling hilarious stories and anecdotes

- Lincoln was sitting in a rocking chair at Ford's Theater when he was shot
- Kennedy had a special rocking chair he sat in at the White House
- Henry Ford bought the rocking chair Lincoln died in and put it in his museum in Dearborn

- Kennedy's seat in the Lincoln he was sitting in when he was shot is in Ford's museum
- Lincoln's seat in the Ford he was sitting in when he was shot is in Ford's museum

- John Kennedy is the name of a character in a 1951 movie about a detective travelling by train
  to thwart the assassination of President Lincoln
- John Kennedy is the name of the real-life detective who travelled in the train with President Lincoln in 1860
  to thwart his assassination

- In 1863, the Tsar sent the war fleet of the Russian empire to assist President Lincoln during the American civil war
- In 1962, during the Kennedy presidency, a fleet of Russian ships transporting instruments of war

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Re: Kennedy, Lincoln Conspiracy...coincidence?
February 08, 2012, 01:55:04 AM
WOW..  OMG! OMG! OMG!  afraid/ afraid/ afraid/

This just can't be a coincidence....the illuminati kill in a number theme...thanks for sharing this...God bless xx
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Re: Kennedy, Lincoln Conspiracy...coincidence?
February 08, 2012, 03:02:41 AM
@2good, I know what you mean...in relation to numerology, regarding the Kennedy and Lincoln similarities they have produced, which to me is proof who was/is behind it, it seems that they just don't like to do the work of evil but they like it to be 'romantic' (for a lack of a better word I can't find) or complimentary/artistic, almost......POETIC.
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Re: Kennedy, Lincoln Conspiracy...coincidence?
February 08, 2012, 03:47:52 AM
Things happened - already happened, with Kennedy. He got to work, signed many things when he got into office.

You know what I find fascinating? He was married, and cheated on his wife, many many times! Yet, he gets a dance card stamped, clear to go.

NOT with me. He had some sort of character flaw!

YET - this flaw endeared him, instead of pushing him away from the American public, much to his enemies shock! We glommed onto the first Lady Jackie, and their children, rallied around the First family. All was unspoken about, but Kennedy got sharp looks, and people told him to treat his life better.

Yes - he loved Jackie very, very much, as he loved his kids. Today: he'd be known as a sex addict, and be treated by psychiatrists as one.

If Clinton hadn't lied, I'm sure he lost an opportunity for people rallying around him. I did soooo enjoy Hillary scowling at him, and he walking like a whipped pup - and a subdued shiner around an eye, if anyone recalled! He deserved more, but I must congrat a couple who take an oath, "Until death do us part," Literally and figuratively. That takes love and guts, and understanding that it's an illness for him to have done what he did.

GOP - no better. Except that they messed with interns, and divorce wives for younger models. They who stay together, work hard to be together, grow to understand that Marriage is for life! It's two friends taking it to the ultimate level; two people guarding each other's back...no reason to divorce.

Marriage MUST be worked upon, just like any other relationship! That's most likely what people forget: You must work at being together!

Kennedy worked at it with Jackie; Lincoln, his wife was truly his soulmate and best friend!

This is something that today, people seem to forget...I myself, would love to have such a relationship myself. But when you have a strong woman, men tend to think you're out to compete with them - which isn't true. I just have my own dreams and desires, and have met many of them. Having a man to share it all with, like Lincoln and his wife, that would be great. Jackie was tough as nails - had to be, to fight, for her marriage with her kids.

For every strong man, there's a stronger woman, standing right beside them!
Yes - I changed it, to fit with the times.

And that's what I think, enabled Lincoln and Kennedy to reach for the stars!!  bearhug
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Re: Kennedy, Lincoln Conspiracy...coincidence?
February 08, 2012, 08:06:55 AM
An eerie example of history repeating itself.
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Re: Kennedy, Lincoln Conspiracy...coincidence?
February 08, 2012, 12:51:06 PM
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Kennedy, Lincoln Conspiracy...coincidence?

- Kennedy's funeral was modelled on Lincoln's funeral

I thought this was a CLUE about something from the get-go! I read somewhere that it was Jackie Kennedy's IDEA !! . She of all people KNEW what had gone down, but because TPTB were watching her and directing her actions very, very tightly, she COULDN'T say ANY afraid/ THING. Not to anybody. LOOK at her face while they are passing the torch to Johnson! She is under their THUMBs for her children's sake! She's not just grieving over her husband, a guy rumored to have been untrue to her (which I doubt); she KNOWS what happened and is totally beaten down, knowing it will ALL be covered up!!

The funeral was her last defiant act from a position of power. She was trying to tell anyone who would SEE, that it was a conspiracy just like President Lincoln's death, AND for the very same reasons, and the very same people. Both presidents were their own men, refusing to be manipulated by ANYone. Follow the money.

These are not coincidences, either; they are SIGNs. There are TWO  :shock: threads of Design running through History, good and evil. God started it, because he promised us that evidence of Him would be all over the Earth. It was dark, out here, where he sent Adam and Eve, from the Garden. With forethought, lest future generations forget or deny His Presence OR Authority here, He placed  signs in everything.  8-) 8-) But, that fallen enemy of God, who tries to copy everything God does, cannot resist putting his dirty mitts on his (dirty, :evil: filthy) work around as well, AS IF HE is the Superpower, here.  geek/ :roll:

Don't be impressed. He is just showing off---romanticly, poeticly as you said---trying to appear cool or Fiercely POWERFUL, like God. crash/ It is an illusion, for he is nothing but a deceiver.  We know his end.  michael-jackson/ michael-jackson/ michael-jackson/
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Re: Kennedy, Lincoln Conspiracy...coincidence?
February 08, 2012, 03:54:47 PM
Good Lord!!  :shock: :shock: :shock:

The end is coming!!!

@use_your_illusion: thanks a lot for posting this!!
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Re: Kennedy, Lincoln Conspiracy...coincidence?
February 08, 2012, 04:34:22 PM
Now if we could have MJ’s hoax all neat and tidy like that, to present to the world, it would be easier to swallow.
If this is all true, then this is no Illuminati, but God alone could arrange this, period. Don’t give all the credit to the devil. This is way beyond genius. You'd have to be the choreographer of all history to pull this off.
And who put all this together, digging up the facts.  It must have taken a life-long study.

This one doesn’t make sense.
- Lincoln's seat in the Ford he was sitting in when he was shot is in Ford's museum

Tink, King David also was a sex addict, but God said he was a man after his own heart.

Awh, It’s Her, I’m always happy when you make your rare appearances!
These are not coincidences, either; they are SIGNs. There are TWO threads of Design running through History, good and evil. God started it, because he promised us that evidence of Him would be all over the Earth.
I agree, but I say it’s ALL God’s story-line of HIStory!
Last Edit: February 08, 2012, 04:36:00 PM by MJonmind
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Re: Kennedy, Lincoln Conspiracy...coincidence?
February 09, 2012, 05:18:25 PM
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Kennedy, Lincoln Conspiracy...coincidence?


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- Lincoln's name has 7 letters
- Kennedy's name has 7 letters

- In Lincoln's & Kennedy's names the vowels & consonants fall in exactly the same place;***
  in the order c, v, c, c, v, c, c

- Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846
- Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946

- Lincoln was elected president in 1860
- Kennedy was elected president in 1960

- Kennedy had a secretary named Lincoln

- War was thrust upon Lincoln almost immediately after inauguration
- War was thrust upon Kennedy almost immediately after inauguration

- Lincoln ordered the Treasury to print its own money
- Kennedy ordered the Treasury to print its own money

- International bankers may have arranged the assassinations of Lincoln and Kennedy

- Lincoln gave negroes freedom and legalized equality
- Kennedy enforced equality for negroes

- Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address on November 19, 1863
- Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963

- Lincoln was loved by the common people and hated by the establishment
- Kennedy was loved by the common people and hated by the establishment

- Lincoln was succeeded, after assassination, by vice-president Johnson
- Kennedy was succeeded, after assassination, by vice-president Johnson

- Andrew Johnson was born in 1808
- Lyndon Johnson was born in 1908

- Andrew Johnson's name has 13 letters
- Lyndon Johnson's name has 13 letters

- Andrew Johnson had a pug nose and slicked-back hair
- Lyndon Johnson had a pug nose and slicked-back hair

- Lincoln was sitting beside his wife when he was shot
- Kennedy was sitting beside his wife when he was shot

- Rathbone, who was with Lincoln when he was shot, was injured (by being stabbed)
- Connally, who was with Kennedy when he was shot, was injured (by being shot)
- Rathbone's name has 8 letters
- Connally's name has 8 letters

- Lincoln's wife held his head in her lap after he was shot
- Kennedy's wife held his head in her lap after he was shot

- Lincoln was shot on a Friday
- Kennedy was shot on a Friday

- Lincoln was shot in a theatre named  Ford
- Kennedy was shot in a car made by  Ford

- Kennedy was shot in a car named Lincoln

- Lincoln's bodyguard was away from his post at the door of the President's box at the theatre
- Kennedy's bodyguards were away from their posts on the running-boards of the President's car

- Lincoln was shot in a theatre and his assassin ran to a warehouse
- JFK was shot from a warehouse and his alleged assassin ran to a theatre

- Lincoln's assassin had a three-worded name, John Wilkes Booth
- Kennedy's alleged assassin had a three-worded name, Lee Harvey Oswald

- John Wilkes Booth has 15 letters
- Lee Harvey Oswald has 15 letters

- John Wilkes Boothe was born in 1839 (s/b 1838)
- Lee Harvey Oswald was born in 1939

- Lincoln didn't die immediately after being shot
- Kennedy didn't die immediately after being shot

- Lincoln and Kennedy died in places beginning with the initials P and H
- Lincoln died in Petersen's house
- Kennedy died in Parkland Hospital

- Booth was shot and killed* in police custody before going to trial
- Oswald was shot and killed in police custody before going to trial

- Kennedy's funeral was modelled on Lincoln's funeral

- Andrew Johnson was a heavy drinker with crude behaviour
- Lyndon Johnson was a heavy drinker with crude behaviour

- There were conspiracy theories that Johnson was knowledgeable about Lincoln's assassination
- There were conspiracy theories that Johnson was knowledgeable about Kennedy's assassination**

- Days before it happened Lincoln told his wife and friends about a dream he'd had of being shot by an assassin
- Hours before it happened Kennedy told his wife and friends it would be easy for an assassin to shoot him from a crowd

- Shortly after Lincoln was shot the telegraph system went down
- Shortly after Kennedy was shot the telephone system went down

- Kennedy's father had been the Ambassador to England at the Court of St James
- Lincoln's son became the Ambassador to England at the Court of St James

- Lincoln and Kennedy were 2 of the greatest presidents of the nation

- Lincoln's wife tastefully and expensively re-decorated the White House
- Kennedy's wife tastefully and expensively re-decorated the White House

- Lincoln loved great literature and could recite poetry by heart
- Kennedy loved great literature and could recite poetry by heart

- Lincoln had young children while living at the White House
- Kennedy had young children while living at the White House

- Lincoln's sons had ponies they rode on the White House grounds
- Kennedy's daughter had a pony she rode on the White House grounds

- Lincoln lost a child (12 year old son) to death while President
- Kennedy lost a child (newly born son) to death while President

- Lincoln had 2 sons named Robert and Edward. Edward died young and Robert lived on.
- Kennedy had 2 brothers named Robert and Edward. Robert died young and Edward lived on

- Lincoln let his children run and play in his office
- Kennedy let his children run and play in his office

- After Lincoln's assassination the nation experienced an emotional convulsion
- After Kennedy's assassination the nation experienced an emotional convulsion

- the whole world cried when Lincoln died
- the whole world cried when Kennedy died

- Lincoln's funeral train travelled from Washington-DC to New York
- Kennedy's brother's funeral train travelled from New York to Washington-DC

- Lincoln Assassination conspiracy theories are believed these 140 141 years later
- Kennedy Assassination conspiracy theories are believed these 42 43 years later

- Abraham was the first name of the man who filmed Kennedy's murder in the Lincoln

- The man running alongside Kennedy's car snapping pictures with his 35mm camera was a salesman of Lincoln cars

- Kennedy bought a Virginia home that was the 1861 Civil War headquarters of Lincoln's first general-in-chief, McClellan

- Jefferson Davis was the name of the president of the Confederate states while Lincoln was president of the Union states
- Jefferson Davis Tippit was the name of the police officer killed allegedly by Kennedy's alleged assassin

- Lincoln was famous for his wit and for telling hilarious stories and anecdotes
- Kennedy was famous for his wit and for telling hilarious stories and anecdotes

- Lincoln was sitting in a rocking chair at Ford's Theater when he was shot
- Kennedy had a special rocking chair he sat in at the White House
- Henry Ford bought the rocking chair Lincoln died in and put it in his museum in Dearborn

- Kennedy's seat in the Lincoln he was sitting in when he was shot is in Ford's museum
- Lincoln's seat in the Ford he was sitting in when he was shot is in Ford's museum

- John Kennedy is the name of a character in a 1951 movie about a detective travelling by train
  to thwart the assassination of President Lincoln
- John Kennedy is the name of the real-life detective who travelled in the train with President Lincoln in 1860
  to thwart his assassination

- In 1863, the Tsar sent the war fleet of the Russian empire to assist President Lincoln during the American civil war
- In 1962, during the Kennedy presidency, a fleet of Russian ships transporting instruments of war

Very intresting WOW  :shock: ,thank you Use_your_illusion  bearhug !!!! I remember someone on this forum had show me all this things,but I don't remember who ,sorry  bangbang .Anyway creepy coincidences ,but who knows maybe it's a part of a bigger plan.Donte Jackson posted this on his blog some time ago  8-) :

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Re: Kennedy, Lincoln Conspiracy...coincidence?
February 16, 2012, 12:59:10 PM
super pic @Applehead ;)
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