Hello everyone !
I came across Souza and Mo's blog some time ago and they totally convinced me..or rather they confirmed right my suspicions.
Let's begin with a little introduction.
I'm from France,PACA.
Michael is one of the fews americans artist that I admire(no offense intented but I'm a Japanese fanatic usually)
In June when I saw the report of his death at first I just stayed shocked and I felt empty and something didn't ring right...I saw the photo "in the ambulance"
and I said to myself "wow he look so young and fine,he just look like he is sleeping,that's strange, later he didn't look like that !"
I just tought it was my imagination and that I just couldn't accept it but
Seeing the memorial(7/7)I felt bizarre.Because I didn't cry,it just didn't convinced me.
At that point I believed I was going crazy and that no one could believe me anyway.
Your website/blog/forum just gave me hope !
I think that your work is convincing because I told about several things you mentionned to my 2 best friend(wich by the way aren't particulary interested in Michael,they just like his music)and are sceptical people.And they changed their usual " no way , impossible ! he is dead you just don't want to believe it" to --->
"that's weird,maybe you're right."
I showed to one of them Dave Dave's video and he said that he tought it could be Michael's voice but that he heard weird mechanical sounds to it
Sorry for the long Post ! Anyway I hope I'm welcome and I can be any help
Thank you for your hard work so far ! It really gave me hope