Karen Faye Disturbing Pic and New Website! Sellouts!!!

Started by MJROCKSMYSOCKSOFF, December 29, 2009, 03:16:57 AM

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You may now purchase a copy of the bracelet MJ "approved" of the design of for his TII crew for $40 at http://www.mjbracelet.com that was also attached to his ankle before burial and she posted a pic,which is attached,of his supposed "wrist!" showing his bracelet that can now be purchased.All info provided is in the one page website,except the photo and link came from KF's FB with the headline "Karen Faye Kissinger the one that Michael chose, and is wearing around his right ankle right now,is found on mjbracelet.com "
Posted 8 hours ago

Officially disgusted and feeling ill.

What is next....?   :o  :evil:

You Keep changin\' the rules
While I keep playin\' the game
I can\'t take it much longer
I think I might go insane

Dot 246637


:o  :o  :o  :o  :o  :o  :o
WOW dont know what to say about this!!!!!!

Everyday creates your HIStory.........
Everypath you take your leaving your legacy.......


Sorry but this picture is the bracelet of Karen Faye, not Michael. She says clearly at her comment.

Eva R

So she means this is a photo of Michael's 'dead' arm?? Since when is a body really high above the ground, like he is standing? :lol:

Love is animals
Love is the answer
Love is respect
Love is Michael
Love is my message!!


Please read this: Karen Faye says it very clearly at her comment at facebook, the picture is not from Michael, it is her wrist !!!!!!!!!

Eva R

ooh OK understood! :)

Love is animals
Love is the answer
Love is respect
Love is Michael
Love is my message!!


Quote from: "llebreknit"

Please read this: Karen Faye says it very clearly at her comment at facebook, the picture is not from Michael, it is her wrist !!!!!!!!!

So it really is not disturbing at all then just what she says about MJ having one on his ankle in the coffin... But KF has always claimed he is dead   :(  :(
Everyday creates your HIStory.........
Everypath you take your leaving your legacy.......


Business is business...
I wrote this woman and she replied:


promise you that I will get started on the answers at the beginning of next week, right after the New Year.
I will keep all your emails, and get back to each of you. You will hear again from me by the end of next week. (approx. Jan 9th)
I will look into shipping costs. I will try my best to keep those costs to a minimum.
It will probably take me 2-4 weeks(from Jan 1st) to get the pieces ready to ship.
I will most likely open a Paypal account to make it easy for everyone.

Price: $40
BTW, I've checked this Randi Ravestrand: She worked with (or better said: near) Michael:
* Michael Jackson and Friends - Benefit Concerts (Dancers, Back-Up Singers and Band)
* Michael Jackson HIStory World Tour (Dancers,Back-Up Singers and Band)
Those shows were directed by.... Kenny Ortega


:shock: what is karen up to they are selling mj off piece by piece what next :(

Lady J

You know what is so strange about this???? Michael requested this in Mid June. We know that he loved this bracelets and he always wore them. BUT THIS SPECIAL ONE HE WANTED IN MID JUNE and he SENT KAREN TO RANDI TO CREATE ONE FOR MJ. This is so fishy, guyz.


I'm not getting what are you guys talking about...  :| what's so fishy? And hey, can someone give out the link to her profile?



I have to say that wrist and arm has a pretty healthy flesh color for someone who is supposably dead... don't you think? And we all know he's alive so.


Quote from: "Eva R"

So she means this is a photo of Michael's 'dead' arm?? Since when is a body really high above the ground, like he is standing? :lol:

:lol:  :lol:


Don't beLIEve

First why put a bracelet on his enkle
Second...his bracelet was not big enough to ty around his enkle

Eva R

40$!!! JEEZ!! who is going to buy it?? :)

Love is animals
Love is the answer
Love is respect
Love is Michael
Love is my message!!

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