
Why are you still watching?

Started by bec, January 09, 2014, 09:14:20 AM

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What keeps you here? Aka, what makes you keep watching?

Approaching 5 years, arguably the hoax has hit an impasse, the radio silence is deafening, and it's tempting to give up and throw in the towel and yet... there are many still here, lurking, waiting, watching. Why? What are you waiting for?

I don't know what happened, I don't know if we made it all up, but the amount of time that has passed combined with this complete and utter silence from hoax HQ, makes me seriously doubt that this project has an ending even remotely like what we used to speculate and even expect to come to fruition.

I do now wonder if this is how MJ chose to exit his public life, and this is the legacy he chose for his persona; the perpetual hoax, to lay the foundation for permanent expectations to top Elvis, to keep an underground facet of faithful, ever waiting for his hoax to be revealed--and leave it that way forever. The ultimate man of mystery, left a mystery for the ages. Our generation's Elvis, and maybe that was good enough for him.

So tell me what you think. Why are you still here? What keeps you hanging on?



Quote from: Carrie on January 10, 2014, 02:48:00 PM

Things don't always go as planned. Like Curls wrote, maybe there has been change of plans?!
I think faith and inner knowing is what keeps people here; People are not ready to give up yet.  "..It's difficult to wait, but it's more difficult to regret."

I'm sure of that!!


January 10, 2014, 04:52:27 PM #16 Last Edit: January 10, 2014, 05:06:36 PM by Do
Quote from: bonnie2013 on January 09, 2014, 09:59:52 PM

I'm waiting for the truth.

There are too many bizarre circumstances surrounding Michael's death. If it's not a hoax... I believe his death was deliberate, a set up. Michael was a very intelligent, self-educated, and self-aware man. There is no doubt in my mind... Michael would NOT use propofol as a sleeping medication. Michael cared about his health, but mostly, Michael cared beyond measure for his children. I do not for one second believe that Michael would ask for propofol without knowing what it was supposed to be used for or the risks. For that reason, there is no way Michael would use propofol knowing that he may not wake up and leave his three children as orphans.

I do agree with a lot of the comments here, but just like Bonnie, I just want to know the truth, whether it's good or bad. And as you know, I started to doubt (quite some time ago) if this is really Michael's hoax. Just today, I watched some disturbing vids, which contents I don't entirely agree with (because of real harsh comments on Michael), however it COULD be true. And I don't mean he has chosen this pact with evil himself, but that he was forced at a very young age or did it under influence (mindcontrol). And when Michael decided he wanted to break free, they made his life a living hell. Maybe he is murdered because he 'broke the oath' or they made a deal with him to disappear and he would be left alone by them, in order for them to make more money on him, thus 'the hoax'.  I read so many horrible things about the entertainment industry that nothing surprises me anymore. And just like Bonnie said, the way he 'died' isn't Michael, nor all the garbage that followed last year. This is simply not in his hands anymore. This is not simply a change of plans, I just don't believe that for a second.

There are four vids, please watch them all (they're not that long) I would like to know what you think. And please realise that this is hard for me, because I don't WANT this to be true. And you also have to realise that Jermaine has suggested that their father may have arranged for Michael to be used by older men. He tells how his father had Michael join late-night hotel room meetings with "important business people."
Jermaine wondered whether "something happened" to Michael at those sessions. He said he sensed something was wrong because Michael would be sick for days after. "What was Joseph doing?" Jermaine said. I think this could be an indication that Michael was 'sold' (too young to realise what really was happening). And I know Jermaine denies he was co writing a book about it, bit I read that was true after all. But he regretted it I guess.

Edit: please understand that in no way I believe Michael was a satanist, on the contrary, maybe this was his way to try to reveal 'them' but it could also be that he really was under their control. Maybe that's why he had multiple 'personas'. I just want to know the truth, that's why I'm looking at all the options, also the terrible ones.





"Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind."
Bertrand Russel


January 10, 2014, 11:37:26 PM #17 Last Edit: January 10, 2014, 11:38:01 PM by Thriller4ever

I agree with your post Do. In fact, I've been thinking lately that mind control is what may have happened to MJ. There are, again, many contradictions/inconsistencies to/in that theory. So we really don't know what may have happened to him.

I don't know why I'm still here. Maybe I got used to waiting and not visiting this forum gives some discomfort and anxiety like I might be missing out on some imp news.
it's like a point of no return. :icon_e_geek:

twitter: @ComfortablyGeek


So come on bec, why are you still here?


I'm still watching because I know Michael is alive.  And as long as he is alive, there is always the chance (and IMO, a very good chance) that he will return.  Not only for us to see, but the world - no uncertainty. I believe the hoax is the culmination of his life's work and he will have much more to say when he comes back.  The signs of the hoax point to a comeback... I realize that plans can change but I don't think this is over or will remain unresolved. Honestly, I couldn't stop watching even if I tried. MJ is still communicating with us.


Quote from: Andrea on January 11, 2014, 08:23:26 AM

I'm still watching because I know Michael is alive.  And as long as he is alive, there is always the chance (and IMO, a very good chance) that he will return.  Not only for us to see, but the world - no uncertainty. I believe the hoax is the culmination of his life's work and he will have much more to say when he comes back.  The signs of the hoax point to a comeback... I realize that plans can change but I don't think this is over or will remain unresolved. Honestly, I couldn't stop watching even if I tried. MJ is still communicating with us.

Absolutely my dear Andrea!!  :icon_e_wink:

becTopic starter

Quote from: curls on January 11, 2014, 03:07:52 AM

So come on bec, why are you still here?

I have no idea, although I do value the opinion of my fellow hoaxers, I'm pretty sure at this point that I was wrong, there is no ARG, and there will be no fantastic bamsday in our future.

Which is a huge shame and if I think about it for too long it will break my heart, because it just kills me to think there will be no justice for MJ, that he will forever go down in history as a weirdo, suspected child-molesting, drug addict who once was a really great singer and dancer but who's life spiraled quickly out of control and culminated in a very shameful and public demise.

And that disgusts me so much I just want to wash my hands of it and bury everything MJ. And unfortunately, I have been here before, in the past, after that Bashir interview, I felt similarly.

I used to say this hoax changed my life, but in reality, since it appears more n more that there is no hoax, I changed my life--which is, I suppose, the silver lining here, but man, what a huge disappointment to think what could have been. I would trade that self-empowerment for MJ getting the last laugh in a hot second.

To some extent I'm still watching out of force of habit, hope against hope, and just not being quite ready to accept that it was all just a fantastic dream. The human brain is an amazing thing, and the longer I think about the events surrounding 6/25/09, the more I get sucked back in to it.

Are you entertained?


Which is a huge shame and if I think about it for too long it will break my heart, because it just kills me to think there will be no justice for MJ, that he will forever go down in history as a weirdo, suspected child-molesting, drug addict who once was a really great singer and dancer but who's life spiraled quickly out of control and culminated in a very shameful and public demise.

And that disgusts me so much I just want to wash my hands of it and bury everything MJ. quote from Bec

This is exactly how i feel.
And if this is the case what about everything happend, like the family making money of it and feed us with ,,Clues,,to keep us going??
It maybe a dream..but we did not make it up entirely by our self..we did not dream al the things that did not fit. :icon_e_confused:
(hope you understand what i mean,and my writing?)
My toughts about the Family wil be verry different if there was no hoax,if there was no fighting for justice and Michael behind it :icon_neutral:
I also dont understand why Souza does not respond by now? she was so certain in her believe last time..she must be disappointed to?
Everyting i said was not to hurt anyone. i have a lot of respect for al here!
Mattie  :smiley-vault-misc-150:


Quote from: Andrea on January 11, 2014, 08:23:26 AM

I'm still watching because I know Michael is alive.  And as long as he is alive, there is always the chance (and IMO, a very good chance) that he will return.  Not only for us to see, but the world - no uncertainty. I believe the hoax is the culmination of his life's work and he will have much more to say when he comes back.  The signs of the hoax point to a comeback... I realize that plans can change but I don't think this is over or will remain unresolved. Honestly, I couldn't stop watching even if I tried. MJ is still communicating with us.

Totally, TOTALLY  :icon_razz: agree Andrea !!!!  :bearhug: :th_bravo:


Quote from: bonnie2013 on January 09, 2014, 09:59:52 PM

I'm waiting for the truth.

There are too many bizarre circumstances surrounding Michael's death. If it's not a hoax... I believe his death was deliberate, a set up. Michael was a very intelligent, self-educated, and self-aware man. There is no doubt in my mind... Michael would NOT use propofol as a sleeping medication. Michael cared about his health, but mostly, Michael cared beyond measure for his children. I do not for one second believe that Michael would ask for propofol without knowing what it was supposed to be used for or the risks. For that reason, there is no way Michael would use propofol knowing that he may not wake up and leave his three children as orphans.

this is the exact thing I said when the news came out that he died of the propofol overdose, I said michael was afraid of a coca cola for the sake of his health, it was that very moment I knew it was a lie he wouldn't do that to himself and just like others said they are here because we know he is alive, g this to end or atleast for michael to give us another new clue like he did with Dave Dave perhaps he could become al perhaps new celebrity until people know it is him then finally come back. We have to get the medias attention so that we can get Michael to see we are here supporting him and also someone should do a voice analysis to prove he was Dave Dave then put that proof on the news and then bam he will surface, but I don't want to sound disrespectful I do understand that if michael wants to be left alone we should respect that but if he wants to be left alone then why make so many ways to show us he is alive? Reasons like fake death photos,being Dave Dave,video survalnce was down,jermain saying the airport,the casket being closed and tons more others that I could go on for ever with this just says michael is definitely alive :Pullingair: well I guess soethings we will never kniw I also find it strange how much president Obama became president right before MJS  death. Well keep believing and let's work together to make this hit the media and ill admit michael is my life's inspiration and his music is beautiful as are his videos and himself I really hope he comes out soon, love this site and hope someday we can akk come here and talk about how right we were lol  the site remain open when Michael Jackson returns? I hope so because you all inspre me as well with all your honest kindness and love for Michel and one another. Take care everyone


January 12, 2014, 04:22:34 AM #25 Last Edit: January 12, 2014, 05:04:45 AM by LunaCielo

What keeps you here? Aka, what makes you keep watching?

I :moonwalk_:...

The situation is much more complex than it seems ... Let's not forget that Michael Jackson has struggled against the so-called powers  and he had challenged them to a duel dangerous, extremely dangerous.
King of mystery but also the wise direction of its existence, to organize a plan like this intelligent and meticulous , Michael has come up with step by step the most amazing coincidences. Unexplained at the moment.
Our perseverance and patience needed to join together the steps , dots , coincidences , and all that will be ... should not decrease the apparent absence of " evidence" or " BUM " .
Do not forget that the end of the hoax is not only the "return" of Michael , but achieving success against the powers that be .
Let's look at the reality , the fierce resistance of many politicians in collusion or complicity with criminal activity and offenders against the innocence of children .
How many pedophiles sitting on armchairs of international tribunals that protect  their accomplices ?
Michael fought against pedophilia ,that  is  minefield !
For the law of retaliation ,Michael was  accused   !
Michael was  defamed , insulted , mocked !
Do you think it is easy to fight against these criminals ?
Michael fought against drugs and chemicals , against the trade of child prostitution .
Do you know how many famous people belong to seven who buy children for human sacrifice or sex ? !
To knock over the table of the merchants is not easy and quick !
I was and am on the side of Michael and his passionate love  with his interior purity for the world  .
We must , each of us in his little life, do not stop fighting against immorality and degradation of the core values ​​of existence.This is the strong message of Michael!
This is why I'm still here , I will stay here until the bubble burst of lies and deceit against Michael  will lead the criminals (with full name) in front any Court. :judge-smiley:


I'm Alive, I'm Live, I'm A Lie...


Hello family, we are here because this is our home. MJ joined us, and will do nothing to change that. We know that MJ is alive, and that's what matters, and we passed many "silences".
In TII, MJ said many things, "We have four years to get it right", "It's an adventure, a great adventure" but also said "do not be nervous" and that's what I do. Wait, despair. MJ has revealed "piece by piece" for all these years, and I do not know if there will be a complete revelation (Bam), but whatever happens, we'll be here.
I know so, nobody wants to give up a dream. We are here and we ask ourselves, why? Until when? do not know, maybe if Souza, decided to turn off the light.         :bearhug:


Quote from: TypeONegative on January 11, 2014, 10:38:25 PM

Quote from: bonnie2013 on January 09, 2014, 09:59:52 PM

I'm waiting for the truth.

There are too many bizarre circumstances surrounding Michael's death. If it's not a hoax... I believe his death was deliberate, a set up. Michael was a very intelligent, self-educated, and self-aware man. There is no doubt in my mind... Michael would NOT use propofol as a sleeping medication. Michael cared about his health, but mostly, Michael cared beyond measure for his children. I do not for one second believe that Michael would ask for propofol without knowing what it was supposed to be used for or the risks. For that reason, there is no way Michael would use propofol knowing that he may not wake up and leave his three children as orphans.

this is the exact thing I said when the news came out that he died of the propofol overdose, I said michael was afraid of a coca cola for the sake of his health, it was that very moment I knew it was a lie he wouldn't do that to himself and just like others said they are here because we know he is alive, g this to end or atleast for michael to give us another new clue like he did with Dave Dave perhaps he could become al perhaps new celebrity until people know it is him then finally come back. We have to get the medias attention so that we can get Michael to see we are here supporting him and also someone should do a voice analysis to prove he was Dave Dave then put that proof on the news and then bam he will surface, but I don't want to sound disrespectful I do understand that if michael wants to be left alone we should respect that but if he wants to be left alone then why make so many ways to show us he is alive? Reasons like fake death photos,being Dave Dave,video survalnce was down,jermain saying the airport,the casket being closed and tons more others that I could go on for ever with this just says michael is definitely alive :Pullingair: well I guess soethings we will never kniw I also find it strange how much president Obama became president right before MJS  death. Well keep believing and let's work together to make this hit the media and ill admit michael is my life's inspiration and his music is beautiful as are his videos and himself I really hope he comes out soon, love this site and hope someday we can akk come here and talk about how right we were lol  the site remain open when Michael Jackson returns? I hope so because you all inspre me as well with all your honest kindness and love for Michel and one another. Take care everyone

As I said in another time around, it doesn't depend on if Media knows or not if Michael is alive for MJ to pull his BAM off due to I think that at this point Media already knows he's alive but they don't want to admit it until MJ's comeback.
You said that we need another big clue from Michael, ok don't you think that the biggest clue ever is that Katherine jackson lost the AEG trial and then Michael's "I'm a loser" song was released? That for me is the irrefutable clue he is alive.


I just feel like this ...whatever is going on... is not over yet.

"I'm invincible, I've been through it all. You can't hurt me. Knock me down, I get back up." –Michael Jackson


We are here from four years, because is the only way to make clear to Michael that he has our faith ,our love and our support.Forever. We're here because we understand many things and his message.
And this expectation ,although may seem , is not static,but it's just to let him know that we continue with him in the great adventure, waiting for his time as he had said. ,
And in any case anything he will or will do, we are here. For Mike ., I think, this is really important.
Love you all.


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