Mods - Probably nothing, but thought I'd post as I found it interesting. Please remove if it doesnt belong on forum. No offense will be taken.
(click to see video)
While appearing on "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon," Hugh Laurie and Celine Dion participated in an extended segment that saw them play "Singing Password." Based on the classic television game show "Password," this iteration saw the participants trying to guess one-word song titles based on a one-word clue that's sung to them. Dion was partnered with Jimmy Fallon, while Laurie got to pair up with Roots guitarist "Captain" Kirk Douglas.
Dion was probably the most alive up there -- disproving a strange Facebook hoax that she had died -- breaking into an impromptu twist on Michael Jackson's "Smooth Criminal" for no reason at all. "Jimmy are you okay?" she started singing, having nothing to do with the clue or the game.
The highlight, though, came when Laurie needed to get Douglas to guess Patsy Cline's "Crazy." He wasn't familiar with the song, so he simply said, "Ma-a-a-a-a-a-ad!" in the most high-pitched and obnoxious way imaginable. Luckily for them, Dion wasn't able to identify Fallon's much better clue, and so Douglas was able to correctly guess it on his second try.