Celine Dion / Hoax Reference / Jimmy Fallon

Started by Australian MJ BeLIEver, November 06, 2013, 07:20:28 PM

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Australian MJ BeLIEverTopic starter

November 06, 2013, 07:20:28 PM Last Edit: November 06, 2013, 07:21:29 PM by Australian MJ BeLIEver

Mods - Probably nothing, but thought I'd post as I found it interesting. Please remove if it doesnt belong on forum. No offense will be taken.


(click to see video)

While appearing on "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon," Hugh Laurie and Celine Dion participated in an extended segment that saw them play "Singing Password." Based on the classic television game show "Password," this iteration saw the participants trying to guess one-word song titles based on a one-word clue that's sung to them. Dion was partnered with Jimmy Fallon, while Laurie got to pair up with Roots guitarist "Captain" Kirk Douglas.

Dion was probably the most alive up there -- disproving a strange Facebook hoax that she had died -- breaking into an impromptu twist on Michael Jackson's "Smooth Criminal" for no reason at all. "Jimmy are you okay?" she started singing, having nothing to do with the clue or the game.

The highlight, though, came when Laurie needed to get Douglas to guess Patsy Cline's "Crazy." He wasn't familiar with the song, so he simply said, "Ma-a-a-a-a-a-ad!" in the most high-pitched and obnoxious way imaginable. Luckily for them, Dion wasn't able to identify Fallon's much better clue, and so Douglas was able to correctly guess it on his second try.

People laugh when I explain. And though they may laugh, that doesn't change the fact that it's still the truth.

Michael is Alive
The end of evil is nigh
Trust in God
The righteous will prevail


Thanks Australian, very funny, we know that CD, love MJ, I ​​do not know if she is a believer, but her song "Call the man", I can bet that relates to MJ. thanks for sharing, gets a hug!



November 07, 2013, 06:18:50 AM #2 Last Edit: November 07, 2013, 06:38:37 AM by starchild
Quote from: Australian MJ BeLIEver on November 06, 2013, 07:20:28 PM

Mods - Probably nothing, but thought I'd post as I found it interesting. Please remove if it doesnt belong on forum. No offense will be taken.


(click to see video)

While appearing on "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon," Hugh Laurie and Celine Dion participated in an extended segment that saw them play "Singing Password." Based on the classic television game show "Password," this iteration saw the participants trying to guess one-word song titles based on a one-word clue that's sung to them. Dion was partnered with Jimmy Fallon, while Laurie got to pair up with Roots guitarist "Captain" Kirk Douglas.

Dion was probably the most alive up there -- disproving a strange Facebook hoax that she had died -- breaking into an impromptu twist on Michael Jackson's "Smooth Criminal" for no reason at all. "Jimmy are you okay?" she started singing, having nothing to do with the clue or the game.

The highlight, though, came when Laurie needed to get Douglas to guess Patsy Cline's "Crazy." He wasn't familiar with the song, so he simply said, "Ma-a-a-a-a-a-ad!" in the most high-pitched and obnoxious way imaginable. Luckily for them, Dion wasn't able to identify Fallon's much better clue, and so Douglas was able to correctly guess it on his second try.

Wow! The words in red are a good tip-off about the possibility of an MJ hoax on the part of Celine and the article writer. :icon_e_wink: Wonder how many viewers and readers picked up on it though. Thanks, Australian MJ Believer.

(Edit: Just watched the video attached to the article, and it's the article writer who gave those awesome, totally non-related hoax clues! And did it just because Celine happened to sing a portion of the song "Smooth Criminal."  :animal0017: )

It's all for L.O.V.E.


Quote from: marumjj on November 06, 2013, 07:57:35 PM

Thanks Australian, very funny, we know that CD, love MJ, I ​​do not know if she is a believer, but her song "Call the man", I can bet that relates to MJ. thanks for sharing, gets a hug!


Agree   :th_bravo:



Celine Dion's new album is called "LOVED me back to Life"... :moonwalk_:

The "Entertainment" Industry is screaming Michael Jackson. Shows like Dancing with the stars, The Voice, X-Factor etc riddled with "Michaelisms" and the constant Red & Black Black & white theme, is everywhere in Entertainment.

Michael is certainly showing us "Talent like we've never seen before"...He is EVERYWHERE!

God Bless our Brother, Michael Jackson!
Sending so much LOVE to each & every one of you, my Beautiful Family.....I hope you are all well and Living Life to the fullest! Embrace the gift of LOVE we have all been given, because in the end...LOVE is all that truly matters...LOVE Lives Forever!
Blessings Beautiful Souls!! xo

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