
"Always nice to sing with my brother"

Started by ~Souza~, August 28, 2016, 05:51:24 AM

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~Souza~Topic starter

This thread was posted after March, 2015 so it got lost. I know many don't believe in the 2 MJ's theory but I think some things are so obvious that it's actually hilarious and a miracle no one noticed it before. Anyway, 2 demo's, let me know what you hear!




Interesting that these  tracks  have so many vocals.   I was of the understanding that demos were usually raw tracks...not mixed and no overdubbing.
When I listened with headphones it was clearer, and I think this is not layered, but one straight take.
I just love that demo of Love Never Felt So Good. Their harmonies are delish....got me gushing like a fan-girl.
When the brothers sing it is 'always nice' .


Im advocate of the 2 michaels theory and theres no doubt in my mind there are two people singing at the same time in those tracks,especially the piano demo.The human brain loves to try and make 'sense' of what i can clearly hear.Thats always bothered me,'always great to sing with my brother'.I mean,why was it on there,for what purpose?For me its there for a reason.

~Souza~Topic starter

August 28, 2016, 06:10:56 PM #3 Last Edit: October 23, 2018, 12:48:17 PM by ~Souza~

Another good example:

~Souza~Topic starter

August 28, 2016, 06:19:55 PM #4 Last Edit: August 29, 2016, 05:18:31 AM by ~Souza~
Quote from: goat on August 28, 2016, 03:41:35 PM

Im advocate of the 2 michaels theory and theres no doubt in my mind there are two people singing at the same time in those tracks,especially the piano demo.The human brain loves to try and make 'sense' of what i can clearly hear.Thats always bothered me,'always great to sing with my brother'.I mean,why was it on there,for what purpose?For me its there for a reason.

In the piano version at about 2:21 you can clearly hear one laughing at the other. Besides that, at the end you hear MJ#1 say "alright, that's fine", while MJ#2 responds with "that's it?". This is the best one so far. I hear them on tons of tracks together but with too many instruments it's harder to tell and easier for those who don't want to hear it to say it's just layered. This is clearly just one take, 2 Michaels.

~Souza~Topic starter

Quote from: RK on August 28, 2016, 11:32:16 AM

Interesting that these  tracks  have so many vocals.   I was of the understanding that demos were usually raw tracks...not mixed and no overdubbing.

"Demos are typically recorded on relatively crude equipment such as "boom box" cassette recorders, small four-track or eight-track machines, or on personal computers with audio recording software.

Songwriters' and publishers' demos are recorded with minimal instrumentation - usually just an acoustic guitar or piano, and the vocalist."


It seems very far fetched that there are two Michaels. That would mean that his parents hid one of the twins (or other kids) because they knew MJ was going to do great things for the world and he would need a second Michael in the future. Or they would have to find someone with the same voice and pitch.

A lot of his songs use double tracking and these days a lot of things are possible with computers. You can make one person sound like a complete chorus.

But it seems odd though why he would ask himself if the song was finished. I mean if they want to make it sound like one person is singing the song why have a conversation in the end? It seems like they wanted people to know there were two people singing. Like the Janet song, the great forever. That sneeze and bless you wasn't necessary either.

~Souza~Topic starter

Quote from: micasjas on September 02, 2016, 06:01:46 AM

It seems very far fetched that there are two Michaels. That would mean that his parents hid one of the twins (or other kids) because they knew MJ was going to do great things for the world and he would need a second Michael in the future. Or they would have to find someone with the same voice and pitch.

Joe and Katherine were poor, they couldnt afford another mouth to feed according to The American Dream. Katherine became pregnant in 1959 and they couldn't afford the kid. It's nothing strange during that time and I never said they hid a kid, I think he grew up with family, like Joe's brother Luther. Only later was the resemblance that big and they might have used both at first just because they were so young, like they still do in TV programs these days where they use more than 1 baby or kid for the same role. Who knows what the reason was. Plus I think their voices are very similar (like many of the Jacksons have the same high pitch) but not the same. Skinny has a more raw and low rock voice where Shorty is more R&B with a higher voice.
Quote from: micasjas on September 02, 2016, 06:01:46 AM

A lot of his songs use double tracking and these days a lot of things are possible with computers. You can make one person sound like a complete chorus.

These are not double tracked. Plus there is no reason for that since it's just a demo.


^ I agree, I think it's a little crazy that there's 2 Michaels. I doubt the family would have always hidden another Michael and so on, did they know from birth that Michael was going to become famous? Idk sorry. I've looked through the threads about it. Sometimes people do look different in one photo compared to others, actually a lot, camera angles, flash, lose weight in face/gain, water weight, makeup, aging etc. Personally, I don't believe at all. But you never know and I respect your opinion!:) You guys have done a lot of research on it! :D :michael-jackson: :moonwalk_:

Everything is not what it seems. L.O.V.E always


I know they use doubles now. My son is a preformer and they always work with more than 1 cast due to child labor laws but back in those days I think that wasn't around. I think that is why MJ had insomnia because he would always sleep late and wake up early to go to school from a young age. I can understand that kids would be raised by family though.

Him still being alive, using twins... Why not?! When it comes to MJ nothing surprises me anymore. He was one big mystery.

I wish someone who knows the truth would just stand up and explain everything. That would make all of out lifes a lot easier : )

~Souza~Topic starter

Not twins, brothers. One is about 16 months younger.

As for the insomnia, I think that has other reasons, most likely has something to do with whatever did to him when he was young. Poison, abuse etc.