the 777 theory

Started by AdelaideMoonwalker, September 13, 2013, 03:08:56 AM

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AdelaideMoonwalkerTopic starter

hey #beLIEvers we thougt of something very intersting lastnight about the hoax well u all know about the number 777 well 3x7=21 right well 2+1=3 right well this it's the clue that we've all been waiting for n the number 3=3keys right now ur probly thinkng y r we talking about 3 keys well Paris's move Lundon Bridge n the 3 keys well the 1st key is that it started in London for the This Is It press conferance n that was the 1st key we needed 2 start unlocking this hoax the 2nd key was Bad25 n well they could have used any Bad Tour correct but gess what they decided to use the one in London so that's the 2nd key we needed 2 unlock this hoax because he sed see u in July n these will b my final shows in London n well gess what we saw him in July but not like that the concert was fillmed on 16th July in London n gess what 1+6=7 so there's the number 7 agian n now we come to the 3rd n final key witch is Paris's movie now who will b playing her dad in the film we all wonder well we think that's how Michael Jackson will b baming by staring in the movie because if u all rememeber the MJ want's to do film and he will probly b at the press conferance what do u all think also remember Dr Conrade Murry comes out of "jail" on 28th October n that's when This Is It was relased n that's the end of the 4yrs so who knows but that's what we thought what do yall think HUGS N MASSAVE LUV 2 U ALL keep the faith dont stop beLIEveing bam will come we will see Michael agian xxx  :omg:


Now that you talk about Lundon's Bridge and the Three Keys it was supposed to be released this year 2013 and now if you check it out it has been changed to 2014, I don't know who but there is somebody  cheating us  :icon_e_confused:



Quote from: AdelaideMoonwalker on September 13, 2013, 03:08:56 AM

hey #beLIEvers we thougt of something very intersting lastnight about the hoax well u all know about the number 777 well 3x7=21 right well 2+1=3 right well this it's the clue that we've all been waiting for n the number 3=3keys right now ur probly thinkng y r we talking about 3 keys well Paris's move Lundon Bridge n the 3 keys well the 1st key is that it started in London for the This Is It press conferance n that was the 1st key we needed 2 start unlocking this hoax the 2nd key was Bad25 n well they could have used any Bad Tour correct but gess what they decided to use the one in London so that's the 2nd key we needed 2 unlock this hoax because he sed see u in July n these will b my final shows in London n well gess what we saw him in July but not like that the concert was fillmed on 16th July in London n gess what 1+6=7 so there's the number 7 agian n now we come to the 3rd n final key witch is Paris's movie now who will b playing her dad in the film we all wonder well we think that's how Michael Jackson will b baming by staring in the movie because if u all rememeber the MJ want's to do film and he will probly b at the press conferance what do u all think also remember Dr Conrade Murry comes out of "jail" on 28th October n that's when This Is It was relased n that's the end of the 4yrs so who knows but that's what we thought what do yall think HUGS N MASSAVE LUV 2 U ALL keep the faith dont stop beLIEveing bam will come we will see Michael agian xxx  :omg:

Very good post,thank you very much   :) !!!
I don't know why,but your post reminded me about something lol  ;)  :LolLolLolLol: .I have a weird felling that our teacher Mike,is trying to teach us math, in his own style lol  :thjajaja121: :thjajaja121: !!
I tell you,I hate math  :screaming-7365:,but with this man for a teacher I'd be an A+ student  :icon_mrgreen:.


Quote from: sweetsunsetwithMJ on September 13, 2013, 12:28:52 PM

Now that you talk about Lundon's Bridge and the Three Keys it was supposed to be released this year 2013 and now if you check it out it has been changed to 2014, I don't know who but there is somebody  cheating us  :icon_e_confused:

.......................and it just keeps getting wierder and wierder.....  :animal0017:  :icon_e_confused: :icon_e_confused:
Lundon's Bridge

August 23

The "Thank You" statement went out simply just to thank each and everyone of you for your wonderful support for not only Paris during this tough time, but for our project too. We love you all for standing by us. know that we are moving each and everyday towards a wonderful film. We WILL get through this and will continue on with getting this completed. We are almost finished with the overseas interviews. We have about 15 more. Then we will begin with US and Canada interviews. Those will not take as long because they will mostly be conducted in English. Again, a big THANK YOU!

:suspect: :suspect: :suspect:


I kind of waited something hoax related to happen yesterday 7.7 2014 but nothing special happened. I wish something happens soon to way or another  :icon_bounce:


(IMDB is now showing Lundon's Bridge release date as December 2015!)


Quote from: curls on July 08, 2014, 02:16:27 PM

(IMDB is now showing Lundon's Bridge release date as December 2015!)

and Bart Johnson might be playing the role of Kevin O'Malley, that's Lundon's dad.
twitter: @ComfortablyGeek


this child, Paris, will be an adult by the time this movie comes out. I honestly don't think this movie is even in the works. where is Paris anyway? All of her tweets have been deleted and nobody has saw her since the supposed suicide attempt a year ago.


I agree. She already looked quite mature for her age and that was nearly a couple of years ago. Isn't the story about a child? I can't see it working, maybe Blanket should take over.


Quote from: michaelslady on July 09, 2014, 02:56:48 AM

where is Paris anyway? All of her tweets have been deleted and nobody has saw her since the supposed suicide attempt a year ago.

She's been in the news multiple times including photographs and a video clip.


Speaking of Bamsday, I kind of realized that the 25th of June, 2016 will be MJ's 7th Death Anniversary, and if he 'would' come back, it would make sense for the 777 theory.

7/7/16 = 6+1= 7 = 7/7/7 = 777 + 7th anniversary

I just thought about this now even though my beliefs for a comeback (leaving aside my personal hope and selfish dreams for him to come back and shake the world) are kinda low.

"In a world filled with hate, we must still dare to hope. In a world filled with anger, we must still dare to comfort. In a world filled with despair, we must still dare to dream. And in a world filled with distrust, we must still dare to believe.."
― Michael Jackson



"In a world filled with hate, we must still dare to hope. In a world filled with anger, we must still dare to comfort. In a world filled with despair, we must still dare to dream. And in a world filled with distrust, we must still dare to believe.."
― Michael Jackson


No, I'm just joking around!  We had plenty of guessing based on numbers, such as this, in the past and I swore I'd never do it again! :icon_lol:


January 08, 2015, 12:53:13 AM #14 Last Edit: January 08, 2015, 12:54:58 AM by MJonmind

And Back's 7DayTheory (if that is still considered valuable).

June 25, 2009 to December 6, 2012 = 1260 days or 3 1/2 years (significant Biblical prophetic number)
December 6, 2012 + 1260 days = May 19, 2016
7 years is 2520 days, and 2520 is an interesting (I guess perfect) number. All digits from 1-9 can be divided into it evenly.
This is far from over, but slowly following the clock of MJ's, IMO.

Reading back through these posts around this time you'll find it is literally full of all kinds of fascinating details everyone was digging up, way to many to mention here.,23454.msg427611.html#msg427611,23454.msg427563.html#msg427563