
Sony is Behind the Hoax and MJ is Dead

Started by bec, September 07, 2013, 11:40:55 PM

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Consider: this is Sony's hoax, MJ is dead, and the family & friends are playing along out of obligation.

Starting at the beginning, the whole story is true regarding the death; Propofol and all that, Murray is a sleazy, incompetent doctor, and really is serving time. Aeg really did push MJ to the brink and instructed Murray to do whatever it took to keep MJ alive and performing. Once the events of 6/25/09 occurred, Aeg was in a panic. Facing the prospect of losing all that money in ticket sales they went into damage control. The first attempt at recuperation was hasty and only mildly effective; refunds OR commemorative tickets collector's pieces. Also selling tickets to the memorial (lottery system). But it wasn't enough, so the idea for TII was born. They pieced together a movie of sorts with Kenny Ortega's help, and set out to sell it. Once Sony got wind of what they had, and negotiations began, an idea began to take shape there at Sony headquarters, a diabolical, shady idea, one they borrowed from a previous dead King, and the death hoax was born.

So, in a top secret project, cinematographers and editors at Sony pieced together any clips they had of the TII rehearsals that looked "hoaxy" and strung them together in a "hoaxy" order and TII the rough cut was born. But this wasn't enough. Data miners at Sony discovered the hoax site mjhd.com and planted moles. The moles observed the community and quickly infiltrated it. Sony approached Amy and purchased the site and 40 days and 40 nights later, Amy became "AMY" and the [Sony] Death Hoax was launched.

Sony also planted other hoax personalities in various media sprinkled through the web. Twitter, Facebook, forums, blogs, they infiltrated everything and began to "suggest" certain likly outcomes to the "hoax". For example, remember the alleged 33 clues in TII? Widely circulated speculation swirled prior to TII's release of such to the point that some hoaxers attended opening night with pencil and paper in hand to record all 33. Another example, TS/_comments and the FBI theory, also the notion of "bamsday", the idea that MJ will return, perpetually.

Meanwhile, all members of MJ's immediate and close extended family/friends are approached with a proposal. Participate and be handsomely rewarded in the form of a multi-year contract and salary, possibly even commission. Decline and miss out. Speak out and be ridiculed mercilessly in the media and your "career" is over. Most, realizing the stakes were incredibly high, and knowing MJ is resting peacefully anyway, agreed. Some declined (Randy? Rebbie? Jackie?). Others were given auditions, and effectively "tried out" for different roles, after which being assigned to their respective character for the duration of the hoax (5 year plan?). They periodically receive instructions akin to a job order on what move to make next.

The purpose of this is to keep alive continued interest in MJ and the MJ brand, to make the brand more relevant today, and to launch his iconic status (Elvis) going forward. Sony knew the drugs and old chi-mo allegations buzz would take center stage and sought to counter attack by launching the hoax. We always speculated MJ had little to lose reputation-wise going into this, thus why not do something this massively risky and edgy? Exactly the same reason Sony settled on the idea of a hoaxed death hoax. They own the MJ brand, which at TOD was distressed. They threw a hail mary and low n behold it was completed.

The fact that the death hoax theory is so underground adds to the sense of mystery and perceived legitimacy. It doesn't feel like marketing. It feels real, as if the user truly stumbled upon something big just below the consciousness of society. Whoever put this together at Sony was indeed a genius, but it wasn't MJ. There's a reason Sony is a multi billion dollar conglomerate mega-brand in entertainment, they employ the best of the best. As any good marketer knows the in's n out's of human nature, this Sony hoax master mind, using what pop culture learned from Elvis and what we knew of MJ, and created the perfect urban legend death hoax for today's generation and effectively elevated their private MJ brand to immortality status.

Now, prove me wrong.


becTopic starter

Then the info must not be that important because in matters of survival, timing is of the essence.

And again if he's sitting idle and biding his time then by appearances he is no threat to TPTB's power structure so why would they bother with some elaborate scheme that takes years and vast resources to get rid of him.

Are you entertained?


Quote from: bec on September 18, 2013, 10:27:25 AM

Then the info must not be that important because in matters of survival, timing is of the essence.

And again if he's sitting idle and biding his time then by appearances he is no threat to TPTB's power structure so why would they bother with some elaborate scheme that takes years and vast resources to get rid of him.

MJ is just badass and not easy to get rid off.

becTopic starter

Ok but again, what makes him such a threat to TPTB that they would go through such a long and expensive (and unsuccessful to date) campaign to remove him?

Besides that, he's still branded a child molester who got away by the vast majority of people so what threat is he really?

Are you entertained?


Quote from: bec on September 18, 2013, 11:04:47 AM

Ok but again, what makes him such a threat to TPTB that they would go through such a long and expensive (and unsuccessful to date) campaign to remove him?

Besides that, he's still branded a child molester who got away by the vast majority of people so what threat is he really?

You just answered your own question.

becTopic starter

No, I don't think I did. He's very little threat since he's still branded a kid toucher so TPTB would waste an extraordinary amount of time n resources towards eliminating him? That makes no sense. This whole plot line never made any sense to me in 4 years and it still doesn't. I gave TS heaps of trouble needling at him on this topic and he never was able to provide any satisfactory answers. That usually means something is BS.

Are you entertained?


Quote from: sweetsunsetwithMJ on September 18, 2013, 09:42:33 AM

Quote from: ~Souza~ on September 18, 2013, 08:51:04 AM

Quote from: bec on September 17, 2013, 10:38:51 PM

Then why not get a whole army of kids accusing MJ of chi-mo. And why not child rape. Why stop with a fairly benign single accusation of simple molestation?

Because rape leaves actual visible damage, child molestation is a 'who do you believe?' game adn they thought they could win this with some fucked up, money greedy idiots' testimonies.

TPTB have everything to fear of MJ in my opinion. I believe he played dumb for a long time but gathered more info all of us combined can take in. I bet he has lots of evidence of this shit going on. It is highly doubtful this is really Robert Conners, but what he is saying is true (although I don't believe 2Pac is actually dead and might bam before MJ if MJ doesn't hurry the fuck up). It is unimportant whether or not the video is staged, it is about the publicity it gets and the information it contains. We'll see what will be 'leaked' Monday, gonna be interesting.

I do agree with you that TPTB are afraid about MJ's info gathered through years of investigation that's why I think TPTB wanted to remove MJ from the face of the earth, MJ was annoying to them the same way Diana was annoying to British Monarchy specially Queen Elizabeth (because she was the humanitarian, the beautiful, the good person and started a romance with a muslim)  doesn't it sound familiar?? but Diana was not that clever and witty as MJ is---> lucky him.

Btw the rest of info will be leaked next Monday Sep 23rd, isn't it when AEG trial will finish and we will learn the final verdict??

Ps: isn't it suspicious that Diana's case has been reopened after 16 years?? 1+6=7

lol im sorry that made me laugh - you made it sound like The Queen is one of those old fashioned Monarchs who cries "off with her head!!"  :LolLolLolLol:

I can honestly tell you as a British citizen, our monarchy is very unlikely to be sneakily ordering the assassination of one of their own lol...


Quote from: RK on September 17, 2013, 11:17:25 AM

Bec said....


Ok, why would TPTB want MJ dead?

Many reasons.
He refused to be a puppet.
His message in lifestyle and lyrically was not condusive to TPTB agenda.
Then there was the blatant in their face routine at the end of Black or White and it seemed the gloves were off from that point.
MJ called them out publicly with TDRCAU. They weren't happy.
Also all the time Michael spent on the phone with Diana. Their phones would have been tapped. What exactly did she tell him that made him such a threat that they had to try and destroy any credibility  through the media lynching and public brain washing that ensued . The false allegations were set up to discredit him and divert all his attention to fighting for his life and drain his financial resources  while the world were force fed every humiliating morsel via the media, one of the tentacles  of TPTB .

Interesting that you talk about child molestation allegations and the fact that she talked to him on the phone about who knows what  :suspect: .Maybe, Diana told Mike,that she and Dodi were ready to expose a large pedophilia ring in England with ties to the royal family  :icon_eek: . And that's why they were killed not because Dodi was a muslim.


Quote from: bec on September 18, 2013, 10:18:32 AM

It doesn't make sense that TPTB consider him such a threat that he requires so many resources over decades devoted to eliminating him. What has he done that is threatening to their power structure? Spread a message of love? Plenty of artists do that. JB, Kaity Perry, Bruno Mars, Paul McCartney for decades, now Mackilmore, countless others. MJ is not unique in his message to love each other and respect the planet. So what is so threatening about MJ that requires such a long and elaborate campaign to so s l o w l y rub him out?

WHO could be a such a threat for the power structure of EVIL, that this evil corrupted him for years?  Is it possible that Michael ('I'm not saying I'm Jesus, I'm not saying that') really was a gift from God (like LaToya said) or 'Michael knows who he is' (like Janet said).

"Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind."
Bertrand Russel


twitter: @ComfortablyGeek


Quote from: Thriller4ever on September 20, 2013, 10:55:07 AM


Can this be one of the proofs that MJ staged the death hoax?

Thanks for posting the video. I'm sorry but this dude was rambling and incoherent throughout to the point of distraction. My advice to those who have yet to watch it: fast forward through the first two-thirds. His first couple of points are shoddy, you could explain them away with camera angles and topography, but DAT BUILDING. In his own words, That's some scary shit.

But if we assume that MJ is dead, does a staged funeral matter? If MJ were really dead, maybe enough money could have bought one afternoon's privacy, and they shot this video in addition to the actual funeral as a diversion.

But I know that's a weak theory... just thinking of some possibilities.

Le roi est mort, VIVE LE ROI !


Quote from: RememberHisTime on September 20, 2013, 11:31:14 AM

But if we assume that MJ is dead, does a staged funeral matter? If MJ were really dead, maybe enough money could have bought one afternoon's privacy, and they shot this video in addition to the actual funeral as a diversion.

But I know that's a weak theory... just thinking of some possibilities.

Yup - a weak theory indeed LOL!!  If MJ had died, I have no doubt the Jackson's could've had a private funeral if that's what they'd wanted (and it would've been a darn sight sooner than 2 months + IMO)- no need for the drama of a 'diversion' video - all that was needed was a post event announcement that he'd been buried in a private funeral.

becTopic starter

Yup or maybe had a funeral inside.

I never really believed the green screen theory. Considering camera angles n perspective, nothing is really very damning "evidence" of a stage set funeral, in my opinion. I could be wrong but I've watched it a thousand times and it still doesn't get me excited. Van video gets my heart rate up a lot more and I know logically that's no proof of anything.

But just the fact that the funeral was outside... (and after 77 days, with Liberian Girl pics everywhere, and dancers flashing hang 10 and etc etc weirdness) I mean, that's just asking for attention. Not to mention having TMZ there with a live feed. Green screen or no green screen, that burial was the reason the hoax lived on past September 2009. If it had been normal I think most of us would have moved on and our lives might be very different these 4 years later.

But anyway. I think these 8 pages later we have established that MJ=Sony=MJ so the only part of the original topic theory that is inaccurate is the MJ being dead part. Anyone disagree?

Are you entertained?


I agree bec, the more we look into this Sony thing, the more I realize MJ got to be working in Collab with them.

twitter: @ComfortablyGeek


Quote from: RememberHisTime on September 20, 2013, 11:31:14 AM

Quote from: Thriller4ever on September 20, 2013, 10:55:07 AM


Can this be one of the proofs that MJ staged the death hoax?

Thanks for posting the video. I'm sorry but this dude was rambling and incoherent throughout to the point of distraction. My advice to those who have yet to watch it: fast forward through the first two-thirds. His first couple of points are shoddy, you could explain them away with camera angles and topography, but DAT BUILDING. In his own words, That's some scary shit.

But if we assume that MJ is dead, does a staged funeral matter? If MJ were really dead, maybe enough money could have bought one afternoon's privacy, and they shot this video in addition to the actual funeral as a diversion.

But I know that's a weak theory... just thinking of some possibilities.

i have pictures that i posted at some time on here that prove this is correct.  i think i still have them on my hard drive some place. he is right about the placement of the fork in the road its way down past where they were at.

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