Hey! I'm back after years!

Started by PriyaMJ, August 05, 2013, 11:56:02 AM

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PriyaMJTopic starter

Hey guys! :beerchug:

I am Priya from India. I was active on the old forum of us and the chat rooms. I was previously called "Hugs2MJ", So many people should know me here :) I wasn't active on our forum for about 2+ years. I lost my dad & granny and wasn't in a mood of participating in many things. but now, as a beLIEver, I felt like coming back to this forum and start talking to you people again!!
:michael-jackson: :michael-jackson: :michael-jackson: :michael-jackson: :michael-jackson: :michael-jackson: :michael-jackson: :michael-jackson: :michael-jackson: :michael-jackson: :michael-jackson: :michael-jackson:

Love you always MJ.. Hugs to all of you  :bearhug:


hello fellow Indian...i'm sorry to hear about your dad and granny.

Love! <3

twitter: @ComfortablyGeek


welcome back! sorry 4 ur losses,hope that u can take ur mind off of them,while "hoaxing". kisses!



PriyaMJTopic starter


Hello! Good to have you back. Sorry for your tragedy... :-(
As you can see, we're all still here waiting...  :over-react-smiley:

Have a great day!

Please, click "I Like It" on my Facebook page if you like my drawings :) http://www.facebook.com/artbozenawojtas


Quote from: PriyaMJ on August 05, 2013, 11:56:02 AM

Hey guys! :beerchug:

I am Priya from India. I was active on the old forum of us and the chat rooms. I was previously called "Hugs2MJ", So many people should know me here :) I wasn't active on our forum for about 2+ years. I lost my dad & granny and wasn't in a mood of participating in many things. but now, as a beLIEver, I felt like coming back to this forum and start talking to you people again!!
:michael-jackson: :michael-jackson: :michael-jackson: :michael-jackson: :michael-jackson: :michael-jackson: :michael-jackson: :michael-jackson: :michael-jackson: :michael-jackson: :michael-jackson: :michael-jackson:

Love you always MJ.. Hugs to all of you  :bearhug:

I'm happy that you are so strong,even if you lost the loved ones :bearhug: .Stay strong and cerish your family,because it's the most important thing in the world  :-*.
WELCOME BACK  :beerchug:!!!!!!


Welcome back, I am sorry you lost your daddy and granny but you can always lean on the love that Michael gives you to feel better if you are able to, I hope you enjoy the forum again although is not that active anymore due to the hoax is, I think, nearing the end.




Welcome back Priya, happy to have you here again! I'm sorry for your losses.


Welcome back to forum Priya.....sending you love and hugs!  I have lost loved ones, and know that certain pain all too well........much love to you.
I hope you enjoy re-entering adventureland : )

Blessings to you always


Priya welcome back among us !!!   :icon_razz:



hello and welcome back Priya. I'm sorry to hear about your loss, <3

PriyaMJTopic starter


Welcome Back my friend , Sorry about your dad and granny Like Sunset said lean on The love that Michael is giving to us , Rejoin us in this Epic
Journey While it's in the "Final Curtain Call" Cause i feel it's Coming to an end ! ♥ Sending L.O.V.E. To You

Rouxie ♥

If you could only erase the past ..


Welcome back Priya!  :penguin:
Sorry to hear about your losses. Sending you love and hugs.  :bearhug:

An amazing person comes in many packages. If you only see with your eyes and not with your heart you will miss a lot of amazing people-do you agree?-Tito Jackson


Sorry to hear about your loss of your dad and granny, Priya.
I'm glad that you rejoined the family here.
Love and hugs to you!  :)

It's all for L.O.V.E.

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