
Will we hear from Michael?

Started by Loves2Fish, July 21, 2013, 05:19:45 AM

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Loves2FishTopic starter

July 21, 2013, 05:19:45 AM Last Edit: July 21, 2013, 05:23:35 AM by Loves2Fish

Please read about the capabilities out there and just how deep the rabbit hole can go.  And don't think that everything you hear and see is driven by Michael.  Maybe used against him, yes but to get messages to his fans???  No!!  How will you know the difference and what will you really be following. Who's Hoax will it be?


This woman had a real life experience many years ago and it gets worse.



wow! This software really leaves me thinking, not only for many videos of MJ's voice, but also in daily life, for example mobile phone companies, they tell you if you leave a message, they converted to text, for the person you called.
But as I read in one of the comments of the video it can be used for criminal purposes.
There are many videos where we can listen to MJ, talking to a friend (can not remember who) where He said many things about his father, and begged him money all the time, and stuff.
There is another that MJ supposedly speaking with a lawyer or friend and asks him to furnish money desperately to escape (beep) and flee with his family because that was threatening mob.
How true is all that we see or hear? as far as the manipulation?
Thanks Loves2Fish, you are welcome and nice to meet you.  :bearhug:


Thanks for sharing this, Loves2Fish.

It's all for L.O.V.E.


July 21, 2013, 10:19:51 AM #3 Last Edit: July 21, 2013, 10:20:40 AM by sweetsunsetwithMJ

Loves2Fish....this is old stuff.....I have a simple question for you.....do you believe Michael is alive?



July 21, 2013, 02:54:32 PM #4 Last Edit: July 21, 2013, 05:38:45 PM by melody

The same way the woman in the video noticed it wasn't her mother: we would have to know Michael very well, things he would or wouldn't say, things he would or wouldn't support; that's the only way to know for sure. I never met him first hand, so all I have to go by are his poems, speeches, interviews and song lyrics.  If it doesn't sound like something that adheres to his principles, it probably isn't him. His principles and outlook on life seem pretty consistent. Of course, the people closest to him that actually lived with him would know. They don't seem to be cooperating though, lol. It seems like for "sting operation"-purposes Paris and La Toya keep insinuating he's dead, on an explicit level. I don't think we're imagining the clues and the coincidences though.

suspicious mind

i don't want this to get off of the intended warning side because these kinds of things are needed to be kept in the back of our minds , for safety's sake inside and outside of the the hoax. that said just as michael has most likely had access to prosthetic s and other things we can only imagine for a while, i am reminded of ko saying that michael would send them out to see what was available. ( it was assumed i suppose he was talking lighting and costume and so on but......) also what he said to geraldo when talking about film that he had been having fun.

just sayin

"I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be shrewd as serpents and as innocent as doves."  

Why not just tell people I'm an alien from Mars? Tell them I eat live chickens and do a voodoo dance at midnight. They'll believe anything you say, because you're a reporter. But if I, Michael Jackson, were to say, "I'm an alien from Mars and I eat live chickens and do a voodoo dance at midnight," people would say, "Oh, man, that Michael Jackson is nuts. He's cracked up. You can't believe a single word that comes out of his mouth."

Loves2FishTopic starter

Quote from: sweetsunsetwithMJ on July 21, 2013, 10:19:51 AM

Loves2Fish....this is old stuff.....I have a simple question for you.....do you believe Michael is alive?

What I believe about Michael is not what is important here, but the fact that this is old stuff IS very important, because that technology has been in the perfection phase for 12 years.  So please don't think it is impossible for Michael's fans to be targeted for things of  very wrongful and hurtful propaganda. The very fact that people are looking for clues under every rock and seeing things that are not in anyway related to clues about Michael, make them easy prey. When looking for clues, clues to what?  Clues he's alive, clues he's coming back, clues that he talks to people?  What is it specifically that people are looking for.  Evidence that he was alive was given 4 years ago.

Are people looking for clues that Michael is communicating with people? Can you imagine people on social networks such as FB,Twitter, YT and such, being drawn in by a very crafty impostor that would go to the extent of getting phone numbers and addresses, and calling unsuspecting individuals and telling them how special they are and they appreciate the support for Michael and SOUNDING exactly like him and wreaking havoc on a person emotionally, and God forbid doing bodily harm to people.

The bottom line is that there are people out there that will do very ugly things to people that are gullible, and people that feel Michael is behind all the scenes doing all kind of who knows what, they will be easy targets and these individuals  will go after any and everyone for purposes that are unimaginable. If you think it's not possible and that it has and does not happen, then you really need to take a long hard look beyond the scope of Michael as just a singer and dancer.  And if his purpose for being in hiding is not taken serious, then anyone can fall prey to such activity.  If people think Michael needs to be vindicated, then ask yourself why?  What is it about Michael that he became such a huge target himself.  It wasn't because he was such a great entertainer.  There have been many astounding entertainers throughout history.  What was it about Michael that he on every turn had to fight against people that wanted to take him down.  Why was he continually undermined and sabotaged.  Why was he put in a situation that he wanted to make his residence in another country. His mind wasn't always on music, he said so himself.

There are women on the social networks that give their names out, they send pictures of themselves and their children, and God only knows what other information they give to these people that sit behind a computer pretending to be people they are not.  You can believe and do as you wish, I'm just putting the information out there as caution to how anyone can be made to believe they have personal contact with Michael, and that many people could be manipulated by videos and recordings that could sound identical to Michael.  And they can make him say anything and people unsuspectingly would believe the false information.

I do have a question for you as well.  I imagine you know how much Michael loved everyone, not just fans.  And I'm sure he knew about things of this nature and even things that are much more beguiling and diabolical.  Do you really believe he would get out there and hide among evil impostors, full well knowing that people would have no way to know the difference between him and someone that is posing as him with evil intensions?  Would he want to set people up that he loved like that so as to endanger them?  Not being certain who would fall for the wrong message. That is not the nature of someone that stands for truth and love.  But unfortunately there will be those that will continue to go after the false images and the propaganda. I just pray their lives are not turned upside down as I have seen with some already. I lost a dear friend to a huge Michael Jackson impostor, so I know what I'm talking about.

Australian MJ BeLIEver

July 21, 2013, 06:22:52 PM #7 Last Edit: July 21, 2013, 06:37:35 PM by Australian MJ BeLIEver

Each person is responsible for their own actions. Even individuals sucked in or even targeted by 'Imposters' are responsible for their own outcomes / consequences.

People laugh when I explain. And though they may laugh, that doesn't change the fact that it's still the truth.

Michael is Alive
The end of evil is nigh
Trust in God
The righteous will prevail

Loves2FishTopic starter

July 21, 2013, 06:30:22 PM #8 Last Edit: July 21, 2013, 06:32:50 PM by Loves2Fish
Quote from: Australian MJ BeLIEver on July 21, 2013, 06:22:52 PM

Each person is responsible for their own actions. Even individuals sucked in or even target ex by 'Imposters' are responsible for their own outcomes / consequences.

Yes I made that similar statement about another poser, that they were not to be blamed but the people that were trying to make things fit that didn't fit with anything. Anyway, I have said all I can say.  The article and real life experiences speak for themselves.  Be safe and guard your heart.


Your full post sounds like valuable information for us to be mindful of, as well as a friendly warning to simply be careful as we continue to examine things through hoax eyes. You asked a question in the following portion of your post:

Quote from: Loves2Fish on July 21, 2013, 06:09:44 PM

I do have a question for you as well.  I imagine you know how much Michael loved everyone, not just fans.  And I'm sure he knew about things of this nature and even things that are much more beguiling and diabolical.  Do you really believe he would get out there and hide among evil impostors, full well knowing that people would have no way to know the difference between him and someone that is posing as him with evil intensions?  Would he want to set people up that he loved like that so as to endanger them?  Not being certain who would fall for the wrong message. That is not the nature of someone that stands for truth and love.  But unfortunately there will be those that will continue to go after the false images and the propaganda. I just pray their lives are not turned upside down as I have seen with some already. I lost a dear friend to a huge Michael Jackson impostor, so I know what I'm talking about.

It does indeed depend on the motivation behind the action. Some, as you point out, hide behind their online personas with evil intentions. However, if MJ is online and participating on social media sites (and he is a human being in need of social interaction like the rest of us), the only way that he could ever do so without causing mass chaos, before or after 6/25/09, is incognito. Based on what most of us presume to know and love about MJ, he undoubtedly has upstanding intentions, of "truth and love," towards his fans.  Nevertheless, as you've highlighted, practice of personal care and safety is key. JMO. Perhaps others have thoughts to share.

Thanks again for the info and your perspective, Loves2Fish.

It's all for L.O.V.E.

Loves2FishTopic starter

Quote from: starchild on July 21, 2013, 07:44:03 PM

Your full post sounds like valuable information for us to be mindful of, as well as a friendly warning to simply be careful as we continue to examine things through hoax eyes. You asked a question in the following portion of your post:

Quote from: Loves2Fish on July 21, 2013, 06:09:44 PM

I do have a question for you as well.  I imagine you know how much Michael loved everyone, not just fans.  And I'm sure he knew about things of this nature and even things that are much more beguiling and diabolical.  Do you really believe he would get out there and hide among evil impostors, full well knowing that people would have no way to know the difference between him and someone that is posing as him with evil intensions?  Would he want to set people up that he loved like that so as to endanger them?  Not being certain who would fall for the wrong message. That is not the nature of someone that stands for truth and love.  But unfortunately there will be those that will continue to go after the false images and the propaganda. I just pray their lives are not turned upside down as I have seen with some already. I lost a dear friend to a huge Michael Jackson impostor, so I know what I'm talking about.

It does indeed depend on the motivation behind the action. Some, as you point out, hide behind their online personas with evil intentions. However, if MJ is online and participating on social media sites (and he is a human being in need of social interaction like the rest of us), the only way that he could ever do so without causing mass chaos, before or after 6/25/09, is incognito. Based on what most of us presume to know and love about MJ, he undoubtedly has upstanding intentions, of "truth and love," towards his fans.  Nevertheless, as you've highlighted, practice of personal care and safety is key. JMO. Perhaps others have thoughts to share.

Thanks again for the info and your perspective, Loves2Fish.

Thank You Starchild for your thoughts and for being so gracious.  Yes the goal is to make people think from a reality stand point and to consider all the pitfalls.  None of us knew Michael personally but we know he is a father and he would not want Paris to fall victim to some prankster on line.  So I think he would be very wise in his choices when considering everything including his own safety.  After all we just learned a few months ago Big Brother KNOWS ever word we write and every sentence we speak and they watch every move we make, and can be in our front door before we can bat an eyelash. No one even Michael Jackson is immune from them.


And what if the real person MJ wanted to reach out n communicate with a few fans? How's he supposed to do that without being accused of being emotionally cruel? No wonder MJ complains about being so isolated. He can't even communicate with fans without meeting fierce criticism and accusations, or being smothered and bombarded.

Think about it from the flip side for a minute. It's interesting. There's really no options in this department for a man who can do whatever he wants.

But the bottom line is, no one is more responsible for your behavior then yourself.

Are you entertained?


July 22, 2013, 10:22:07 AM #12 Last Edit: July 22, 2013, 10:36:30 AM by sweetsunsetwithMJ

Loves2Fish...your nickname says it all you are trying to fish us and you won't get it, you are coming here with a very arrogant attitude pretending you know MJ much better than we do after being full 4 years studying about him, reading about him and even some of us being his fans since many years ago,  this is a investigation hoax forum and we are here to look for clues and trying to figure out and connect dots, we are  quite confident that we are waking the right path and we'll get to know the truth very soon, are you looking for clues, connecting dots or just assessing our behaviour or thoughts about it all?. We already talked about this software capable of copying any human voice when we talked about "The Main Attraction" who could be an impostor or MJ himself, the fact that this software exists doesn't make MJ to be dead, so please think about it.



Quote from: sweetsunsetwithMJ on July 22, 2013, 10:22:07 AM

Loves2Fish...your nickname says it all you are trying to fish us and you won't get it, you are coming here with a very arrogant attitude pretending you know MJ much better than we do after being full 4 years studying about him, reading about him and even some of us being his fans since many years ago,  this is a investigation hoax forum and we are here to look for clues and trying to figure out and connect dots, we are  quite confident that we are waking the right path and we'll get to know the truth very soon, are you looking for clues, connecting dots or just assessing our behaviour or thoughts about it all?. We already talked about this software capable of copying any human voice when we talked about "The Main Attraction" who could be an impostor or MJ himself, the fact that this software exists doesn't make MJ to be dead, so please think about it.

I don't understand the defensiveness.  I completely understand what Loves2Fish is saying with regards to internet impostors. It is something for people to watch out for. My concerns would be with those who ask for money or compromising photos. Frankly, I find it disgusting and juvenile for grown women to beg someone on Twitter or FB or any social media site to say hello to them. If they are being deceived (not harmed, mind you) then they deserve what they get. The old saying anyone can be anyone on the internet is truer today than it was before what with all the information you can gather and the technology available.

Also, I don't think this is a pissing match over who "knows" Michael better.

Being a fan of the entertainer, or looking for evidence he hoaxed his death leaves a lot of room for knowing the man. Unless you're personally acquainted with him, the only thing you know about him is what he's allowed you to see of himself, and even that presents a two edged sword he seemed to constantly evolve as he progressed through the years.


Quote from: charissa on July 22, 2013, 02:50:49 PM

Quote from: sweetsunsetwithMJ on July 22, 2013, 10:22:07 AM

Loves2Fish...your nickname says it all you are trying to fish us and you won't get it, you are coming here with a very arrogant attitude pretending you know MJ much better than we do after being full 4 years studying about him, reading about him and even some of us being his fans since many years ago,  this is a investigation hoax forum and we are here to look for clues and trying to figure out and connect dots, we are  quite confident that we are waking the right path and we'll get to know the truth very soon, are you looking for clues, connecting dots or just assessing our behaviour or thoughts about it all?. We already talked about this software capable of copying any human voice when we talked about "The Main Attraction" who could be an impostor or MJ himself, the fact that this software exists doesn't make MJ to be dead, so please think about it.

I don't understand the defensiveness.  I completely understand what Loves2Fish is saying with regards to internet impostors. It is something for people to watch out for. My concerns would be with those who ask for money or compromising photos. Frankly, I find it disgusting and juvenile for grown women to beg someone on Twitter or FB or any social media site to say hello to them. If they are being deceived (not harmed, mind you) then they deserve what they get. The old saying anyone can be anyone on the internet is truer today than it was before what with all the information you can gather and the technology available.

Also, I don't think this is a pissing match over who "knows" Michael better.

Being a fan of the entertainer, or looking for evidence he hoaxed his death leaves a lot of room for knowing the man. Unless you're personally acquainted with him, the only thing you know about him is what he's allowed you to see of himself, and even that presents a two edged sword he seemed to constantly evolve as he progressed through the years.

Charissa do you think we are not aware that the internet is full of impostors and trolls at this point? we have been very well advised from the beginning on this forum, my defensiveness is because I don't know what is Loves2Fish doing here if she is not a beLiever furthermore she is trying to convince us of what? I can clearly see her intentions I haven't read any positive post of hers about the hoax I don't know if you unserstand what I mean but I'll leave it here because I am not the kind of person that likes to fight but I repeat it: I am seeing lately very weird people visiting and posting on this site, that's all I have to say.

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