
Conrad Murray sends Paris Jackson an audio message from jail

Started by RK, June 06, 2013, 10:07:56 AM

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Dr. Conrad Murray has outdone himself ... this time sending an audio message to Paris Jackson, telling her he'd like to help her figure out what's eating her.

Murray used a pay phone to send what he calls a "letter" to Paris, telling her "I don't know if there's anything to do to solve your pain," adding, "I'm here for you."

The message is bizarre ... Murray also uses the title of a Jackson song, "You Are Not Alone."  He also uses verses from "Ain't No Mountain High Enough" and "You've Got a Friend."

And there's this ... Murray mentions that Paris consoled him "in [her] deepest moments of grief." 


Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2013/06/06/dr-conrad-murray-paris-jackson-audio-message-jail-attempted-suicide/#ixzz2VRtLIMXY

Sorry I can't post the audio guys...you can listen by clicking the link


Australian MJ BeLIEver

June 06, 2013, 09:39:02 PM #15 Last Edit: June 06, 2013, 10:22:17 PM by Australian MJ BeLIEver

For the record Leilani, most of my professional career has been spent in the underpaid social services sector, getting paid 'peanuts' as a social worker assisting people with socially difficult issues, managing caseload after caseload of individuals from mental illness clients, drug addiction rehab, troubled or homeless youths, the intellectually disabled, ex offender rehab, etc, most of whom have needed assistance at one time or another with dealing with suicidal tendencies, so DON'T even try to start questioning 'what colour my soul is'

People laugh when I explain. And though they may laugh, that doesn't change the fact that it's still the truth.

Michael is Alive
The end of evil is nigh
Trust in God
The righteous will prevail

suspicious mind

Quote from: RK on June 06, 2013, 09:18:36 PM

Transcript..."Paris, this is a letter to you. I don't know what you're going through, but I'm sure whatever it is, it must be difficult. I can tell you are not doing well and I don't know if there is anything I can do to solve your pain or help you with your problem but I wanted you to know that I am here for you. I have never been gone. I will always be available to listen to you, answer your questions or to share with you the plethora of beautiful and savored untold stories of your father, as well as his venerable source of you that he shared with me.

I once remembered having your dad write you the only letter I am aware of and I always hoped that you were able to save it. Let me remind you of something you should know. Paris, when you feel all alone or when your heart feels heavy and when everything around you seems to cause dismay (clears throat) just know that you are not alone and your daddy loved you beyond any explanation.

Paris, I too love you as a precious father loves his own child and I always will. I remember of the time when you were in you your deepest grief, it was a time you came to console me, I am sure you remember. I was so amazed at your strength and your courage. I was touched by your compassion and your grace. I've always remember that moments, and especially the message your recorded to me, it was such a serendipitous pause in time and yet mysterious too.

For me, it gave me the appearance as if you were been used by the medium for another spirit to convey it's condolences to me. I wanted to let you know that I care for you Paris and am here for you to and I will always be there, even when we are apart. Paris, if ever you need to talk with me, if you like that person to be me, should you think about it all you have to do is say so and I will make it happen. If it's your desire, just know that you have my pre-approval.

I love you Paris. You are my dear daughter in Christ. I want you to be encouraged and know that God loves you and regardless of how gloomy today may appear, know that tomorrow will be brighter. I'll be praying for you and hope that you will get well soon and don't forget you're loved.

I now leave you with tears in my eyes and in the loving arms of God, your Father in Christ,

Conrad Murray. I love you"

trying to decide if this is bizarre or clever :penguin:

"I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be shrewd as serpents and as innocent as doves."  

Why not just tell people I'm an alien from Mars? Tell them I eat live chickens and do a voodoo dance at midnight. They'll believe anything you say, because you're a reporter. But if I, Michael Jackson, were to say, "I'm an alien from Mars and I eat live chickens and do a voodoo dance at midnight," people would say, "Oh, man, that Michael Jackson is nuts. He's cracked up. You can't believe a single word that comes out of his mouth."

Australian MJ BeLIEver

Thanks for posting RK.

Moving on from the :icon_twisted: EVIL :icon_twisted: drama, here are some things I found interesting in the transcript?

Quote from: RK on June 06, 2013, 09:18:36 PM

I wanted you to know that I am here for you. I have never been gone. I will always be available to listen to you, answer your questions

This to me reminds me of a father talking to their child... It starts making me the same way I felt when watching Murray Videos that reminded me of Michael. Remember the "Please do not judge me" video, reminiscent of 05 MJ speech... Just sayin' this line in the transcript reminds me of many MJ quotes and songs too. 'You are not alone' anyone?

It also starts making me think about the past MJ is Murray conversations. Not saying he is. But the reassurance definitely sounds like words of MJ.


I once remembered having your dad write you the only letter I am aware of and I always hoped that you were able to save it.

Wow CM knows so much about MJ and such intimate things too. Stories, letters. He really was privy to a lot considering he was only his Doc for several weeks and for most of the time MJ was supposedly rehearsing for TII. Yet still CM got to see and hear so much!  :icon_lol:

Let me remind you of something you should know. Paris, when you feel all alone or when your heart feels heavy and when everything around you seems to cause dismay (clears throat) just know that you are not alone and your daddy loved you beyond any explanation.

Again, you are not alone...


Paris, I too love you as a precious father loves his own child and I always will.

Really Conny? You only knew them a few weeks? You didn't get paid? Your your interaction with the Jackson family has you in "Jail" for the death of the Worlds Greatest entertainer and yet you are so humble to love her like a 'daughter' - Again, sounds like MJ to me.


I remember of the time when you were in you your deepest grief, it was a time you came to console me, I am sure you remember. I was so amazed at your strength and your courage. I was touched by your compassion and your grace. I've always remember that moments, and especially the message your recorded to me, it was such a serendipitous pause in time and yet mysterious too.

Not the way I remember reading how CM / Jacksons relayed the events when she was in her deepest grief? Again, is this MJ speaking?


For me, it gave me the appearance as if you were been used by the medium for another spirit to convey it's condolences to me.

References of one person representing another....


I wanted to let you know that I care for you Paris and am here for you to and I will always be there, even when we are apart.

Sniff, for you're always, sniff, in my heart.... (WYBT anyone?)

People laugh when I explain. And though they may laugh, that doesn't change the fact that it's still the truth.

Michael is Alive
The end of evil is nigh
Trust in God
The righteous will prevail


Thanks RK for doing the transcript (was thinking of doing it).
I loved this message so much because I could so clearly hear MJ voice in my mind, every word. Period.



I seriously question the mental stability here. Absolutely appalling how the people of this forum is acting.

I'm sad you've switched sides, but since you have I don't know why you're bothering to get people here to join you. People think the way they do by reading/listening/observing all they can, and then making up their minds. Respectful debate is always welcome on this forum, but not...


Makes sense, Aussie. The pseudoicide attempt was set up so Murray could make this tape. Murray is speaking for MJ, he represents MJ in character, and has throughout the hoax. Every time he comes out with another statement like this it is more affirmation to the theory that's been around since early 2010.

Are you entertained?


Lol when I read the word "pseudocide" I think of Pearl Jr.'s ebook, and I guess this is what Paris' is doing--like father like daughter!


Are you entertained?


Post my thought later....Hmmmmmm  very interesting.  Has Harvey on the edge of his seat.... :judge-smiley:


Quote from: MJonmind on June 07, 2013, 01:08:00 AM

Lol when I read the word "pseudocide" I think of Pearl Jr.'s ebook, and I guess this is what Paris' is doing--like father like daughter!

:beerchug:   :icon_lol:


Quote from: Australian MJ BeLIEver on June 06, 2013, 10:39:44 PM

Thanks for posting RK.

Moving on from the :icon_twisted: EVIL :icon_twisted: drama, here are some things I found interesting in the transcript?

Quote from: RK on June 06, 2013, 09:18:36 PM

I wanted you to know that I am here for you. I have never been gone. I will always be available to listen to you, answer your questions

This to me reminds me of a father talking to their child... It starts making me the same way I felt when watching Murray Videos that reminded me of Michael. Remember the "Please do not judge me" video, reminiscent of 05 MJ speech... Just sayin' this line in the transcript reminds me of many MJ quotes and songs too. 'You are not alone' anyone?

It also starts making me think about the past MJ is Murray conversations. Not saying he is. But the reassurance definitely sounds like words of MJ.


I once remembered having your dad write you the only letter I am aware of and I always hoped that you were able to save it.

Wow CM knows so much about MJ and such intimate things too. Stories, letters. He really was privy to a lot considering he was only his Doc for several weeks and for most of the time MJ was supposedly rehearsing for TII. Yet still CM got to see and hear so much!  :icon_lol:

Let me remind you of something you should know. Paris, when you feel all alone or when your heart feels heavy and when everything around you seems to cause dismay (clears throat) just know that you are not alone and your daddy loved you beyond any explanation.

Again, you are not alone...


Paris, I too love you as a precious father loves his own child and I always will.

Really Conny? You only knew them a few weeks? You didn't get paid? Your your interaction with the Jackson family has you in "Jail" for the death of the Worlds Greatest entertainer and yet you are so humble to love her like a 'daughter' - Again, sounds like MJ to me.


I remember of the time when you were in you your deepest grief, it was a time you came to console me, I am sure you remember. I was so amazed at your strength and your courage. I was touched by your compassion and your grace. I've always remember that moments, and especially the message your recorded to me, it was such a serendipitous pause in time and yet mysterious too.

Not the way I remember reading how CM / Jacksons relayed the events when she was in her deepest grief? Again, is this MJ speaking?


For me, it gave me the appearance as if you were been used by the medium for another spirit to convey it's condolences to me.

References of one person representing another....


I wanted to let you know that I care for you Paris and am here for you to and I will always be there, even when we are apart.

Sniff, for you're always, sniff, in my heart.... (WYBT anyone?)

"just know that you are not alone and your daddy loved you beyond any explanation."

might add also, speaking in the present tense..


OK..wow....just listened to this.....sounds like a message directly from Michael....it was beautiful.

If Paris really did attempt suicide & MJ really were dead then this would be really f*cked up........her father's killer sending her a message would be totally sick in my opinion.

However, we know MJ isn't dead...so now I am also questioning whether it is really true about Paris......especially after seeing that UCLA footage...hmmm...something is fishy for sure.


Quote from: Adi on June 10, 2013, 07:55:36 PM

If Paris really did attempt suicide & MJ really were dead then this would be really f*cked up........her father's killer sending her a message would be totally sick in my opinion.
Just what I thought!

Although I can see many undertones of what Michael would say, that is only a small proportion of the transcript and knowing how Murray has acted before, we know his ego is as big as his vocabulary for prattling on. I often think about the alternative speech of his innocence that came out after he was convicted, showing his alternative side, which was totally self absorbing, couple that with moments of the documentary he did, the trance moment with god was so embarrassing, it showed that he really thinks he's something special.

As the author of the article states he makes quotes to at least 3 different artists, my guess is that he is trying to be clever and quoting from Michael he feels puts a more personal tone to the letter.  It comes across as shallow and after the singing and everything else he has been up to lately I wonder if he's going for the' insanity' opt out clause! (I've always believed he took the fall for Michael to disappear).

As for Paris comforting him, didn't she scream at him "why didn't you save my daddy" and didn't he then disappear for days after that, I'm sure if she did have contact with him it would have been through the family, as she was only 11 at the time and shielded from contact with the outside world... Yeah Murray, can really see that happening after you were listed as the prime suspect.

If Michael was still alive there would be no comforting from Paris to Murray post 25 June and that troubles me.

If he did take the fall and cover for Michael or really murdered him, he's totally lost the plot to my thinking!


Quote from: MJLoyalFan on June 11, 2013, 05:22:30 AM

If Michael was still alive there would be no comforting from Paris to Murray post 25 June and that troubles me.

If he did take the fall and cover for Michael or really murdered him, he's totally lost the plot to my thinking!

I don't get what you mean  :icon_e_confused:

Australian MJ BeLIEver

June 12, 2013, 01:41:49 AM #28 Last Edit: June 12, 2013, 01:52:34 AM by Australian MJ BeLIEver
Quote from: MJLoyalFan on June 11, 2013, 05:22:30 AM

Quote from: Adi on June 10, 2013, 07:55:36 PM

If Paris really did attempt suicide & MJ really were dead then this would be really f*cked up........her father's killer sending her a message would be totally sick in my opinion.
Just what I thought!

Although I can see many undertones of what Michael would say, that is only a small proportion of the transcript and knowing how Murray has acted before, we know his ego is as big as his vocabulary for prattling on. I often think about the alternative speech of his innocence that came out after he was convicted, showing his alternative side, which was totally self absorbing, couple that with moments of the documentary he did, the trance moment with god was so embarrassing, it showed that he really thinks he's something special.

You do realise this is scripted and intentional. CM is a character playing a role. What you are saying about CM is equivalent to someone saying, you know 'Ridge' from 'Bold and the a beautiful, he is so arrogant and up himself'
People laugh when I explain. And though they may laugh, that doesn't change the fact that it's still the truth.

Michael is Alive
The end of evil is nigh
Trust in God
The righteous will prevail

Australian MJ BeLIEver

June 12, 2013, 01:46:25 AM #29 Last Edit: June 12, 2013, 07:25:33 AM by Australian MJ BeLIEver

Every single word that CM utters and every notion that is insinuated, is intended and has MJs stamp on it. He is director. MJ is not dead and is playing the role of the deceased and CM is playing the role of incompetent Dr. There is nothing shady abt CM. He is on team MJ and doing his bit in his assigned role to perpetuate the hoax. Which includes such things as sending video message, crying in court, looking worried or arrogant and even yes, the "god moment" or "mirror moment"

It's intentional

People laugh when I explain. And though they may laugh, that doesn't change the fact that it's still the truth.

Michael is Alive
The end of evil is nigh
Trust in God
The righteous will prevail

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