Could a woman be involved in Michael's disappearance?

Started by iamhere4mj, December 20, 2014, 03:48:29 PM

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I'm not sure if this has been discussed here or not, but I have always thought that there was a woman involved in Michael's disappearance.

This all started with a pic that Michael showed us, then TII and then Murray's trial.

Michael was shown coming out of Arnie's office with some girls pic in his hand (if anyone knows who this is, please tell us). I know she was a follower but I don't know her name.

In TII there is the following:

1. Black Widow spider is shown during Thriller (hour glass shape on body - the shape of a woman is an hour glass) but the mark on the mechanical spider looks like a dress form.

2. During Human Nature (at the beginning when he and Travis are goofing around) Michael says 'keeping her around, her around, keeping her around, her around' and then at the end of the song Michael says Why does SHE do me this way (this was repeated during the closing credits). She is not part of Human Nature, it is HE.

3. During Billie Jean he makes moves to indicate that he is in full makeup from the top of his head to the tip of his toes.

Mechanical spider from TII:

Dress form:

During Murray's trial we were shown a dress form:

Grace has been and I guess still is # 1 on my list, mainly because she was always around Michael but yet she was never called to testify.

Love you Michael!




100% certainty?? only Michael would know that? are you MJ? 

:)  :icon_lol: :icon_mrgreen::penguin::suspect:


Quote from: sweetsunsetwithMJ on January 06, 2015, 09:52:00 AM

100% certainty?? only Michael would know that? are you MJ? :icon_lol:

I remember very well that you are a 1000000000 % certain of something as well!!

"Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind."
Bertrand Russel



" Boy is that girl with you, yes we're one and the same"   ;D

I have pondered what this lyric from Black or White meant for so many years.....

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