Is this Front's (Michael's) Twitter?????? also video too

Started by anglreed, March 23, 2013, 12:18:54 PM

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anglreedTopic starter

Hi! I registered before this site changed over. Now I can't access my account, so I made this one. I usually don't post, just read. But I found this and was wondering if you guys think this could really be our dear Front (Michael?) or just another fake? I couldn't access the Front category to post this, sorry if it's in the wrong place. Maybe someone could move this to the right section?

I also found this video talking about Front and clues. Curious to read your thoughts!


Welcome anglreed.  I think that twitter account is just another fake.

The reason you can't access the Front category is because it's closed.  Front is still a member on this forum and can post whenever/wherever he wants, just like anyone else. Front/back discussions are now on HoaxBook - there is a group specifically for that.

You need to register for an account on HoaxBook as well, if you haven't already.  The account activations there are sometimes delayed, just a head's up.

If you want to change this thread to your introduction one, you can modify the title.

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