
We are sending out a Major Love blog

Started by ShyBleuEyes, February 28, 2013, 05:09:23 PM

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ShyBleuEyesTopic starter

i came across this Blog , its an interview from 2009 with Jeffrey Phillips, hes a business partner of Latoya.
Latoya wasent allowed to speak about this, at the time , my feeling is that she let him speak on behalf of her at that time.
It's info we already knew but its more detailed, like the post-it notes Michael had at his mirror.
I have talked to my friend Maryk before i made a new topic about this , because i wasent sure we already had seen this, Maryk told me she hadent seen it before, i am curious what you all think of this.

Thank you MaryK for your time :bearhug:


"In a world filled with hate, we must still dare to hope. In a world filled with anger, we must still dare to comfort. In a world filled with despair, we must still dare to dream. And in a world filled with distrust, we must still dare to believe."
― Michael Jackson


Hey Shy.....I just have time to read over quickly, but it seems like a really good/interesting site....lots of detail, like you say.
Thank you for pointing it out......I will spend some more time on it over the next couple of days for sure : )
I like the name of it : )

Have a beautiful evening my friend!


Is this blog associated to the worldwide Major Love Prayer blog who on every 25th day of every month conduct a worldwide prayer vigil in Michael's name?  They always send reminders that begin with "we're sending out a major love prayer..."

"Don't stop this child, He's the father of man
Don't cross his way, He's part of the plan
I am that child, but so are you
You've just forgotten, Just lost the clue."

MJ "Magical Child"
Still Rocking my World...
   and leaving me Speechless!

"True goodbyes are the ones never said


Thank you ShyBleuEyes for posting this.  I hadn't seen this before either.  Some of the info. I had heard before, but not all.  I understand and believe that "they" DID want to kill him from a very long time ago.  It is extremely hard for me to believe that Michael was powerless and not able to make any of the important decisions himself, for example how many shows he wanted to do as opposed to how many they were forcing him to do, that he didn't want Dr. Murray to take care of him but "they" forced Dr. Murray upon him.......Also if Michael was having phone conversations with Latoya and Jeffrey Phillips, as the interview states, and they more or less knew what was going on, seems Michael was asking for help, then why didn't any of the Jacksons (Michael's brothers, father) or Jeffrey Phillips himself do anything about all of it???

Michael is very resourceful, very powerful and very intelligent.  I believe that the names that were mentioned in this interview as the people who Michael disliked and didn't want anything to do with anymore, ARE very untrustworthy, and are a part of the group of people who are in it only for money.

I think these are just some of the reasons why I believe in this hoax.


Very interesting site, indeed. But just like you, Faithad, I can't belive that Mike was powerless in front of all those bad, nasty people around him. The kind of artist and human being that he IS, it's so unlikely for him to have no word to say.
I love what you said: Michael is very resourceful, very powerful and very intelligent.
He is.

Also, I have tried to post something in the Messages to Michael, but somehow it won't let me do it.
So, I'll post it here, with hopes of not getting banned or something :p

Dear Mike,
My country Romania celebrates today the First Day of Spring. Since thousands of years ago, people here have a symbol of this rejuvenation of nature, love and peace - and this symbol is represented by something which we call a Martzishor - from the word March, which looks like in the photo i've posted here. We clench/hang it to the left side of the chest, and wear it throughout the whole month of March :)

If I were in your presence right now, I would offer you this March symbol. But since I'm not, I can only offer you this symbol in my imagination. I do hope you have a wonderful spring though :) And I do hope wherever you are, you're happy, strong, fulfilled. And of course, I do hope you'll come back. Soon.
Much love, GITM :bearhug: :-*

"As the planet faces danger and bad days,
We look up to you and we bring our praise
So, know that moonwalkers will always stand by
The man with the heart as big as the sky!" (GITM -  February 2013)


Sorry, I can`t believe this story.First, LaToya talk in TV about the death of Michael, than she was not allowed to talk publicity about it. LaToya was the first from the
family who spoke about it. And Michael had a minor problem with his liver.....there was nothing about that in the AR. And....he left notes in his room with names on it
who intendet to murder him.....oooops...the notes vanished shortly afterwards. I`m sorry, but Michael was/is not a stupid person, he know what he wants and none
can tell me that Michael was be suppressed by anyone. Never ever.

ShyBleuEyesTopic starter

Wishy, Thank you sweet friend  :bearhug:

Hes, i don't know i just came a cross this blog while searching, for Jeffre Phillips.

Faithad777, i agree with you.

Girl_in_the_mirror, lovely!

Shorty, maybe it's just to let us Know that Michael had to get out, because the pressure went to uge..

Love to you all, and thank you for your reply's... :)

"In a world filled with hate, we must still dare to hope. In a world filled with anger, we must still dare to comfort. In a world filled with despair, we must still dare to dream. And in a world filled with distrust, we must still dare to believe."
― Michael Jackson

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