Very interesting site, indeed. But just like you, Faithad, I can't belive that Mike was powerless in front of all those bad, nasty people around him. The kind of artist and human being that he IS, it's so unlikely for him to have no word to say.
I love what you said: Michael is very resourceful, very powerful and very intelligent.
He is.
Also, I have tried to post something in the Messages to Michael, but somehow it won't let me do it.
So, I'll post it here, with hopes of not getting banned or something :p
Dear Mike,
My country Romania celebrates today the First Day of Spring. Since thousands of years ago, people here have a symbol of this rejuvenation of nature, love and peace - and this symbol is represented by something which we call a Martzishor - from the word March, which looks like in the photo i've posted here. We clench/hang it to the left side of the chest, and wear it throughout the whole month of March :)
If I were in your presence right now, I would offer you this March symbol. But since I'm not, I can only offer you this symbol in my imagination. I do hope you have a wonderful spring though :) And I do hope wherever you are, you're happy, strong, fulfilled. And of course, I do hope you'll come back. Soon.
Much love, GITM :bearhug: :-*