
MJ'S DOC ARNOLD KLEIN I'm Prince Jackson's Dad ... Maybe

Started by finfin, January 17, 2013, 04:42:14 PM

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I'm Prince Jackson's Dad
... Maybe

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2013/01/17/arnold-klein-prince-jackson/#ixzz2IH7O7wjP

Dr. Arnie Klein -- Michael Jackson's famed dermatologist -- has just taken credit for fathering MJ's son Prince Jackson ... sort of.

Klein posted the cryptic picture on his Facebook profile yesterday, showing Prince side-by-side with an old photo of Klein when he was younger -- presumably to show the resemblance.

Under the photo, Klein wrote the caption, "hmmmmm" -- a wink at people who've been saying for years that Klein provided the sperm that fathered Prince and Paris.

You'll recall, Michael Jackson's ex-wife Debbie Rowe gave birth to Prince in 1997, and daughter Paris the year after. MJ's third child Blanket was born to an anonymous surrogate in 2002.

Debbie was Arnie's medical assistant back when Michael was a patient -- but she's never spoken publicly about the identity of the father.

Arnie's the dad
Total Votes: 1,847
*Poll Results
Arnie has previously denied being the dad, telling Diane Sawyer, "To the best of my knowledge, I am not the father of these children."

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2013/01/17/arnold-klein-prince-jackson/#ixzz2IH7O7wjP

"Consciousness expresses itself through creation. This world we live in is the dance of the creator." Michael Jackson


Not to knock on anyone but YUUUUUUUUCKKKKY!  I think Debbie taste is a little better than that.


Oh here we go...I wondered how far into the New Year we'd get before THIS mess cropped up again!   :-X


Quote from: Sandal8259 on January 17, 2013, 05:29:40 PM

Not to knock on anyone but YUUUUUUUUCKKKKY!  I think Debbie taste is a little better than that.

:icon_lol: no kidding

And daddy Arnie has vitiligo as well ... Riiiiiiiggghhht.  :icon_rolleyes:  Boring news.

'Money...Lie for it Spy for it Kill for it Die for it They'd kill for the money Do or dare'


Well, Arnie is certainly doing what he can to keep his place in MJ fans' bad books!


I always did criticism of persons that in this forum trying to find out who are the parents of the children,without comments ...


Are you entertained?


I'm wondering when Arnie is releasing that book he's supposedly already written on MJ? Stirring up controversy to ignite interest Dr Kein? By the way, I'm sure the kids know all they need to know about their genetic origins and they are the only ones whose business this is. 


I wonder why this comes up again? Maybe Michael just wants to see if people, three years later, now believe differently than they did right after June 25, 2009? I've always thought that a lot of these past stories kept cropping up to 1) keep MJ's name in the news and 2) in order to set the record straight after years of exaggerated journalism.

Also, I don't recall people saying that Dr Klein was the father until he dropped the hint that he "could be"after Michael's "departure".

For the record - I still believe they are Michael's. And I still believe it's none of our business.


I'm proud to be a child of God and a member of MJ's Army of L.O.V.E.
"Press coverage of my life is like [watching] a fictitious movie...like watching science fiction. It's not true." ~Michael Jackson (2005)

"You should not believe everything you read. You are missing the most important revelations". Craig Harvey 3-15-2012


Whatever it was it is now gone from his "facebook" (which I doubt it was on to begin with after studying the picture)

The more I look at it, it looks like a pasted together smear campaign  :icon_neutral:
Someone clearly has it in for Klein....although I have little sympathy for him, it calls into question how seedy TMZ is willing to be for a story. :suspect:
....really TMZ? Shame on you!


Matt Feddes, Mark Lester, and Arnold Klein are the main possibilities for father we've heard about. Any more, just step right up?
"MJ lives for controversy."
Yes, there's some similarities with many people close to MJ, but there's also MANY similarities to many in the Jackson family including Michael.  There's also many dis-similarities with Klein and others, so what does this story really prove?



I'm sure the kids know all they need to know about their genetic origins and they are the only ones whose business this is.


For the record - I still believe they are Michael's. And I still believe it's none of our business.

Totally agree!  Couldn't resist one comparison pic:

I have one nephew who everyone agrees is the absolute spitting image of my mother's dad, while none of my other nephews, cousins, no one else looks that close to him.


Quote from: Snoopy71 on January 17, 2013, 10:45:18 PM

Whatever it was it is now gone from his "facebook" (which I doubt it was on to begin with after studying the picture)

The more I look at it, it looks like a pasted together smear campaign  :icon_neutral:
Someone clearly has it in for Klein....although I have little sympathy for him, it calls into question how seedy TMZ is willing to be for a story. :suspect:
....really TMZ? Shame on you!

Oh yes it was on his FB. I saw him post it three times.

One of the pics had the caption "Maybe one day my prince will come".

After the TMZ article he deleted the pics.

You and I were never separate

It's just an illusion

Wrought by the magical lens of Perception


Quote from: MaryK on January 18, 2013, 01:34:02 AM

Oh yes it was on his FB. I saw him post it three times.

One of the pics had the caption "Maybe one day my prince will come".

After the TMZ article he deleted the pics.

Sometimes I feel bad for the guy for all the mess he's going through....and then he's does something to muck it up! (Good Lord this man is a mess!) :Pulling_hair:

He shoots himself in the foot! :icon_rolleyes:

He wants people to take him seriously and then he pulls stunts like this (assuming it's legit).  :icon_e_confused:

....who knows, maybe he needed the ca$h.  :over-react-smiley:

You win Arnie.....you are certifiable and TMZ is an enabler. I hope you are very happy together :Crash:

.....either way, they should leave the kids alone!

Australian MJ BeLIEver

January 18, 2013, 02:16:40 AM #13 Last Edit: January 18, 2013, 02:19:36 AM by Australian MJ BeLIEver

We can't prevent what is said in media re MJs kids and if they are biologically his or not. However lets stand together and make sure we are not like them and just leave it alone. It's none of our business. Lets show we are different from media scum. regardless if you even think they are MJs, it still shouldn't be discussed. Jmo


People laugh when I explain. And though they may laugh, that doesn't change the fact that it's still the truth.

Michael is Alive
The end of evil is nigh
Trust in God
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