Keep in mind, this probably isn't "news" to the majority of you, but I couldn't find any recent threads about this, so I figured that I'd make a friendly reminder with a decent amount of information. Like a "thinking zone" or whatever.
Alright, so, Dark Shadows. It was a decent movie, but not exactly of my taste-- but that's not the point. The movie had a lot of interesting clues that hint to Michael Jackson's "later life". I'll recap some of them. First of all, the story of the movie revolves around a character named Barnabas, who so happens to be a vampire (of course not by birth-- he was cursed by a witch). And even though the movie and the character were both originally based on a gothic soap opera of the same name that was produced for television between 1966 and 1971, we can still make certain assumptions and relate them to Michael. I, for one, haven't even seen the original run so I can't speak of any similarities between the two, so I'll just go with the movie, Dark Shadows (2012).
Right. First of all, the character is portrayed by Johnny Depp. And what do Michael Jackson and Johnny Depp have in common? Well, to start things off, Michael was discussed to play the role of Edward Scissorhands for the movie of the same name, and also to play Willy Wonka in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Instead, Johnny Depp took the role for both and nailed them quite well. Johnny was even rumored to play the role of Michael Jackson himself, for a biopic. They don't look exactly alike, but with a bit of rendering and make-up, I'm sure they could make it happen. But that's not the point.
Jumping back to the discussion of the movie itself; Barnabas appeared a couple times dressed almost exactly like Michael Jackson. Here are a few reference pictures; image 1, image 2 and image 3. He doesn't appear in this particular set of clothing too many times, but enough times to remind you "that looks like Michael Jackson". My mother isn't a believer and doesn't know anything of the hoax, but those were her words when we were watching the movie and he appeared for the first time in those clothes (image 1). You could also watch the movie to get a better reference.
Now, what else do we know? A couple times in the movie, a ghost appeared (before Barnabas had returned) and said "he's coming". I think it's pretty obvious what the ghost meant. Another set of something memorable from the movie, was these quotes; -- Barnabas (A) spoke; "Tell me, what do you know of Barnabas Collins?", and the woman (B) responded; "Just legends, really. Two centuries ago, a witch turned him into a vampire and locked him away.".
A: "What is known of his death?"
B: "Nothing."
A: "That, madam, is because he never died. I am Barnabas Collins." (at the end of his sentence, he reveals a secret passage, if that's of any interest to you.)
Exactly. We don't really know the details of Michael's death. Why? Because he never died. If you want to look into any other quotes for clues and references, IMDb provides quite a good list of them.
Should I add, that the whole movie had this certain Thriller-ish feeling to it. Near the end of the movie, the castle from the inside looked oddly similar to the one that was in Michael Jackson's "Ghost" music video. The movie really sparked of the subliminal message that he is alive. The whole time I was waiting for a Michael song to start playing, but it never did. I guess that would've been too obvious. Besides, they were in the year 1972 and Michael wasn't really of that time, eh. If you haven't seen it , watch it.
There was a pretty interesting quote in a news article about this movie. It read; "Barnabas is back from the undead". So, not back from the dead. That would be kind of the case for Michael, right? It's not really relevant, I just thought that it was an interesting phrase. Oh and I forgot to mention Alice in Wonderland, which was also played by Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter. Are we forgetting just how many references to Michael that movie had? And by the way, all of these movies are directed by the same guy-- Tim Burton. Yep, Edward Scissorhands, Dark Shadows, Alice in Wonderland and even Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Odd. Or is it? I guess Johnny Depp is just popular and Tim wants him for all of his work.
But that's all I know for now. If you found something interesting on any of these subjects, feel free to express them. Just how deep can the rabbit hole go?