This is not a new article nor subject for majority. If there is a topic, I could not find searching Derek Clontz. I receive email every time there is a new reply. I thought this would be refreshing hope. Breaking news: Michael Jackson sends message to fans – I am alive!Michael Jackson is alive and has sent a stunning message to his fans, "I will see you all next June on my world tour – I love you all!"
Michael Jackson is alive and well, says close friend.
That's the word from longtime friend and confidante Cassandra Gretchen-Sims, a writer and producer who as late as last April was known by Hollywood and recording-industry insiders to be working hand-in-glove with the pop star on a secret movie script that, she says, "Michael envisioned as part fact, part fantasy – the story of the person he is and the person he wants to be, and it included the death hoax that is playing out in reality today."
Gretchen-Sims, 52, also reports that contrary to the belief of many, Jackson "is all man with completely normal and wholesome sexual desires and appetites." This is a bombshell revelation that, she contends, "should dispel rumors about his psychological and emotional makeup.
"Michael Jackson is not now nor has he ever been a pedophile or abuser of children. He is a wonderful and entirely masculine ... a terrific father and a good human being.
"I talk with him almost daily," Gretchen-Sims, speaking from an apartment in Paris, France, continued, adding: "He has been silent about his comeback until now.
"He is recuperating and healing from the damage to his health caused by his stardom.
"He told me to 'tell everyone, tell all my fans' that the stories of his drug abuse and addiction 'sadly, are true. But I'm not dead. I'm getting stronger and drugs are behind me. I'll never take another drug, not even an aspirin. Tell my fans I'm sorry for putting them through so much sadness and turmoil.
"'Tell them I had to do it. I had no choice. If I had tried to do the London shows we had scheduled, I would have died for real. I thank God for helping me see the light. I will see you all next June on my world tour – the greatest tour the world has ever seen, bigger than Thriller, bigger than the Beatles and the Rolling Stones combined.'"
Gretchen-Sims declined to say where Michael is located, but in a verbal slip noted that "Eastern Europe is the safest place ..." suggesting that he is – as earlier reports suggested – hiding out in Romania, Hungary or possibly even Russia, where reporters and his enemies would be hard pressed to find him.
"I want everyone to know that I am the messenger for Michael, but I have nothing to gain financially from this because he paid me in advance for my work with him several years ago – that is behind us," she told Your World Report exclusively.
"Michael and I, also, are deeply involved as friends. I would never do anything to take advantage of what is a sacred trust between us.
"He told me to make a statement, and he specifically told me to make the statement to Your World Report because 'they are the only ones who have gotten the story right from the beginning. They care about me and they care about the truth.'
"He is monitoring the Internet and he really enjoys all the messages from his fans. He said they 'give me strength and fill me with love. Tell them that all the love they send to me I send right back. I love my fans!'"
Gretchen-Sims says that even though she and Michael are talking "a lot and regularly," she will not betray his confidence and discuss the subject of conversations or plans that he might have "unless and until he tells me to."
"That might be later today, that might be tomorrow, that might be a month from now. I'll say more when Michael gives me the word. For now, just know that he is well and happy and getting stronger by the day.
"And he will be back. That's a guarantee."