
Michael jackson' Last Wish Theory......

Started by YoungMack, December 27, 2012, 10:04:42 AM

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YoungMackTopic starter

Ok..... Well let me start by saying im starting to have different views on the hoax
due to some weird things I have been seeing on this site so.....
That being said has anyone ever thought about this theory?????

I was thinking maybe MJ was sick due to some sort of illness or he knew
for WHATEVER REASON that he may be dying soon and as a last wish
he setup tii and the hoax to wrong rights, get justification and clear his name
as well as to help fans get over his death by getting his family to do certain
things that needed to be executed in order for it to work properly.
Obviously this is just a theory but no one has ever brought up ACTUAL DEATH
theories just in case MJ really did die. Obviously this is just a theory but i thought
maybe a different view would be good. I hope like crazy that this is not true as all
I would want for MJ is happiness in every way. What do you all think?
Maybe we should throw out a few more theories on how and why he actually
may have died. Not trying to upset anyone but its also a theory.

YoungMackTopic starter

If you think about it it would be very easy for a couple family members to
Execute the hoax if he really did die because we could eliminate everything
Leading up to the first whisper/clue from the family. Including dave dave, the ambulance,
fire truck screen, the pics, everything about CM as he would really be in jail and soooooo
much more. All they would need to do is mainly from the internet from posting on twitter,
Making videos for youtube, run this site etc etc etc............ You all see where im going with this??


This is a hoax forum, not a death forum. If you wanna discuss MJ being dead then you're not obn the right platform.

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