

Started by MaryK, October 11, 2012, 03:26:51 PM

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MaryKTopic starter

The L.A. Sheriff's Dept. is pooh-poohing a letter it received from Dr. Conrad Murray's lawyer, saying claims that Murray is being treated inhumanely are just plain false.

Murray's lawyers, J. Michael Flanagan and Valerie Wass, fired off the letter, obtained by TMZ, in which he claims the 5' by 7' cell in which Murray has been confined is so small -- given his 6'5" height -- that he may have developed permanent and uncorrectable blood circulation issues that could lead to a fatal embolism.

Flanagan and Wass go even further, saying, "Dr. Murray's cell is proportional to that of a travel cage used for short term transportation of an animal.  If one were to keep a dog in a space just a few inches larger than the dog's length, for any extended period of time, contentions of animal cruelty possibly leading to prosecution would likely result."

But the Sheriff's Dept. tells TMZ, "Mr. Murray is receiving the appropriate level of care and we are taking into consideration his medical concerns and working with him."

And there's this ... Murray's lawyers note their client may not need to be in isolation any longer, because he looks shockingly different from his famous booking photo.



You and I were never separate

It's just an illusion

Wrought by the magical lens of Perception


It's the return of the thumb!! So Murray looks 'shockingly different' now?  ??? Looking exactly like Michael would be 'shockingly different' for sure! Either that or Murray is going to 'die' in prison. Get your straight jackets ready for the Conrad Murray death hoax!!


Again there is much words about  Murray.....I'm sure Michael will do the Christmas gift....free at home   :icon_mrgreen:




And there's this ... Murray's lawyers note their client may not need to be in isolation any longer, because he looks shockingly different from his famous booking photo.

..because MJ looks shockingly different from his famous (booking) photos and he'd probably be hardly recognizable :icon_e_wink:
It's all for L.O.V.E.


Quote from: everlastinglove_MJ on October 11, 2012, 05:24:31 PM


And there's this ... Murray's lawyers note their client may not need to be in isolation any longer, because he looks shockingly different from his famous booking photo.

..because MJ looks shockingly different from his famous (booking) photos and he'd probably be hardly recognizable :icon_e_wink:
That's definitely the most intriguing part of the article, I like how TMZ just casually threw it in at the end.

Love how you made the font gradually bigger, creates the right dramatic effect.  :icon_lol:


Just have to post it...the gematria match for "relax"

60 = relax, believe

I also can't help but see LAX in this headline....
we had lot of talk about LAX in the beginning.....
feels like the good 'ol days, lol........ :icon_lol:


suspicious mind

so if michael showed back up looking shockingly different what do you guys think would happen? just curious

"I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be shrewd as serpents and as innocent as doves."  

Why not just tell people I'm an alien from Mars? Tell them I eat live chickens and do a voodoo dance at midnight. They'll believe anything you say, because you're a reporter. But if I, Michael Jackson, were to say, "I'm an alien from Mars and I eat live chickens and do a voodoo dance at midnight," people would say, "Oh, man, that Michael Jackson is nuts. He's cracked up. You can't believe a single word that comes out of his mouth."


Quote from: StrangerInCalifornia on October 11, 2012, 04:02:48 PM

It's the return of the thumb!! So Murray looks 'shockingly different' now?  ??? Looking exactly like Michael would be 'shockingly different' for sure! Either that or Murray is going to 'die' in prison. Get your straight jackets ready for the Conrad Murray death hoax!!

Conrad Murray Death Hoax :errrr:


Bout time we got some cool stuff from the media. That would be a shocking twist in this movie/game/hoax if CM
"died" in "jail".


Quote from: suspicious mind on October 11, 2012, 07:58:45 PM

so if michael showed back up looking shockingly different what do you guys think would happen? just curious

I think it depends on what "shockingly different" you are talking about. I personally believe him when he said he only had two nose surgeries. I don't believe he had as much done as it appeared - a lot can be done to fool the eyes, as we know. So, I do think that Michael will look different - but different as in no caved in face, no nose falling off, no fake hair, no tattooed eyebrows, etc. and whatever else has been said about him.

I keep thinking back to the video of Michael getting the elephant from Liz - how natural he looked because it was a private video. I saw a picture online yesterday of MJ and Prince when he was about 2 and MJ looked amazing. I picture him looking more natural like that.  Maybe I'll be surprised but it makes sense in my mind.

These articles are getting crazy but is there more to them then what we are seeing/recognizing?


I'm proud to be a child of God and a member of MJ's Army of L.O.V.E.
"Press coverage of my life is like [watching] a fictitious movie...like watching science fiction. It's not true." ~Michael Jackson (2005)

"You should not believe everything you read. You are missing the most important revelations". Craig Harvey 3-15-2012


These TMZ guys are funny and relaxed ...like Mike is not dead.
But sometimes I doubt them.



Murray's lawyers note their client may not need to be in isolation any longer, because he looks shockingly different from his famous booking photo.

What the heck does that mean?
Are you entertained?


Quote from: bec on October 12, 2012, 02:10:43 AM


Murray's lawyers note their client may not need to be in isolation any longer, because he looks shockingly different from his famous booking photo.

What the heck does that mean?
Maybe he looks so different now that no-one would recognise him so he wouldn't be in any danger from other inmates??  Or ..... we can go on to say he's out of isolation, and the reason the other inmates won't see him/recognise him is because he doesn't look anything like his mug shot any more!!  What utter baloney! He's not there at all!  And with changing the names around a bit, we have a very interesting concept!

MaryKTopic starter

Quote from: bec on October 12, 2012, 02:10:43 AM


Murray's lawyers note their client may not need to be in isolation any longer, because he looks shockingly different from his famous booking photo.

What the heck does that mean?
That means that they can officially grant him to come out of solitary confinement/isolation and if any fellow inmate ever comes up with "but wait, I never saw him there" they have an excuse...which they need because...he´s not there at all.
You and I were never separate

It's just an illusion

Wrought by the magical lens of Perception


Quote from: MaryK on October 12, 2012, 04:36:37 AM

Quote from: bec on October 12, 2012, 02:10:43 AM


Murray's lawyers note their client may not need to be in isolation any longer, because he looks shockingly different from his famous booking photo.

What the heck does that mean?
That means that they can officially grant him to come out of solitary confinement/isolation and if any fellow inmate ever comes up with "but wait, I never saw him there" they have an excuse...which they need because...he´s not there at all.
Yes! You hit the nail, Maryk. is one way to ensure that was never there, because this "so different".
It's like opening the umbrella before it rains.  :LolLolLolLol:

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