Infiltrated, perhaps. But not at the head. I have to disagree here. But JMO. And I respect other opinions on the subject and get that I may be viewed as gullible.
Control of the masses leading to one world religion? Well that remains to be seen, doesn't it.
If (BIG IF, because I cant I see how the human race will agree on this. All well and good for the 'leaders to be shaking hands" but the power is with the people!) If the TPTB were heading down path of one religion, I know for a fact JW's will *never* merge or agree to come under the umbrella with another religion. I know this with every once of my soul and will BET MY LIFE on it. JW's in the past have chosen to die by physical torture, gas chambers, firing squad, beheading, beatings, starvation, etc instead of renouncing or negotiating their faith. I am sure too that there are others who would act out similarly if they were forced into such a situation.
I cant not see it ever eventuating. But I CAN imagine and am open minded enough to consider that this MAY be a current GOAL. I just don't think it will be fulfilled. Perhaps they will try and combine religions, and when it doesn't work or people rebel against the idea, this is when Politics / World Leaders will step in. Perhaps this will be the start of the fulfillment of Revelation, Beast with 7 heads, 10 horns (ten nations) turning on the harlot (religion)
Scary to think about. But the good thing, is that God if far more powerful, so we need to trust in him.