
Picture Paris posted a few hours ago on her Verified Instagram account.

Started by SgtPepper, July 29, 2012, 04:27:09 AM

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SgtPepperTopic starter

Has anyone else seen this picture on her Instagram?

I saw this just now and I took a screen shot of it with my cell phone since you can not access instagram from a computer. This photo looks pretty recent to me as Paris has just begun to wear a lot of bracelets and a punky look. Also if you look closely it looks like she may have bangs and we all know those a very recent as well. You can not see the top of her head well as it was cut off in the picture she posted in Instagram. So thoughts guys? Could this be a recent pic of MJ and his daughter?  :woohoo2:

I put this post here because this is a verified account that belongs to Paris. If it has already been posted I apologize.

Australian MJ BeLIEver

Sgt pep, If you go to Paris' twitter thread you can view the whole picture.

People laugh when I explain. And though they may laugh, that doesn't change the fact that it's still the truth.

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SgtPepperTopic starter

@AustralianMJBeliever thanks! I just went and took a look at it.


Quote from: SgtPepper on July 29, 2012, 04:46:37 AM

@AustralianMJBeliever thanks! I just went and took a look at it.

So I'll just put a lock on this then.

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