
Facebook Declares War on Anonybook

Started by reveron1958, July 20, 2012, 05:17:50 PM

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Facebook offers 'settlement' with Anonybook, maneuvers for more delay time, then initiates lawsuit with formal opposition proceeding. Anonybook claims, publicly announces and defends its sovereignty and lack of infringement in Facebook's affairs, asks Facebook to reciprocate.

In a world of rampant fascism, state-sponsored terrorism and draconian, corporate conglomeration, a sovereign network is a revolutionary act. Anonybook holds as a votive one's fundamental right to remain Anonymous in today's world of predaceous, dictatorial and fascist interference in the daily lives of We the People, the 99%. Further, Anonybook recognizes one's inalienable right to retain absolute control of one's Privacy settings, whatever one's personal, financial, social, political, religious, spiritual or otherwise non-disclosed but legal and ethically-correct motivation for remaining private. Accordingly, we shun the shady stuff that other social networks conspire to pull -- like mining your data and selling it, laying claim to your property, spying on you and secretly manipulating your Privacy settings.

Join us at www.anonybook.com!



Quote from: reveron1958 on July 20, 2012, 05:17:50 PM


Facebook offers 'settlement' with Anonybook, maneuvers for more delay time, then initiates lawsuit with formal opposition proceeding. Anonybook claims, publicly announces and defends its sovereignty and lack of infringement in Facebook's affairs, asks Facebook to reciprocate.

In a world of rampant fascism, state-sponsored terrorism and draconian, corporate conglomeration, a sovereign network is a revolutionary act. Anonybook holds as a votive one's fundamental right to remain Anonymous in today's world of predaceous, dictatorial and fascist interference in the daily lives of We the People, the 99%. Further, Anonybook recognizes one's inalienable right to retain absolute control of one's Privacy settings, whatever one's personal, financial, social, political, religious, spiritual or otherwise non-disclosed but legal and ethically-correct motivation for remaining private. Accordingly, we shun the shady stuff that other social networks conspire to pull -- like mining your data and selling it, laying claim to your property, spying on you and secretly manipulating your Privacy settings.

Join us at http://www.anonybook.com!


At 7:47, he talks about Michael...




Thanks for sharing this with us. I watched the video earlier and as always I was fascinated at the seemingly well thought out plan. I think they have their hands full but they seem to be legally savvy.

It's also interesting that they seem to mention Michael in almost every video. In fact, he makes a point to draw attention that there is a conspiracy theory. So, is that because so many MJ fans follow him and he is just aware of that or does Michael really have something to do with this group?

For me, I really don't know but I'm not ruling anything out. I hear that truth is stranger than fiction.


I'm proud to be a child of God and a member of MJ's Army of L.O.V.E.
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